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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Brooklyn’s Glossary

Teaser chapter

Praise for Kate Carlisle’s Bibliophile Mysteries

If Books Could Kill

“Carlisle’s story is captivating, and she peoples it with a cast of eccentrics. Books seldom kill, of course, but this one could murder an early bedtime.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch

“The mystery plot is lighthearted and cozy but with depth enough to keep me guessing. . . . The eclectic cast of characters kept a smile on my face throughout the book.”


“Excitement bounds off of each page! This twisty tale will keep you guessing until the very end. I feel like Brooklyn is an old friend and hope to meet her again in another mystery.”

—The Romance Readers Connection

“Brooklyn’s uncommon occupation drives the well-constructed and smoothly executed mystery. Offbeat secondary characters contrast nicely with the more levelheaded Brooklyn.”

Romantic Times

Homicide in Hardcover

“A fun, fast-paced mystery that is laugh-out-loud funny. Even better, it keeps you guessing to the very end. Sure to be one of the very best books of the year!”

New YorkTimes bestselling author Susan Mallery

“Who’d have thought book restoration could be so exciting? When Brooklyn Wainwright inherits the job restoring the priceless copy of Goethe’s Faust from her murdered mentor, her studio is ransacked, she’s stalked, and the bodies pile up around her. Is it the famous Faust curse? I’m not tellin’. But, trust me, you’ll have fun finding out.”

—Parnell Hall, author of the Puzzle Lady Mysteries

“Beautiful and brilliant Brooklyn Wainwright thought bookbinding was a low-risk occupation, but she soon discovers her mistake in Kate Carlisle’s smart and sophisticated page-turner.”

—Leslie Meier, author of Valentine Murder

“Brooklyn is my kind of detective! She loves books, wine, chocolate—and solving mysteries! Kate Carlisle has crafted a fabulous new series with great food, great books, and lots of fun.”

—Maureen Child, author of A Fiend in Need

“Welcome to the fresh and funny world of bookbinder Brooklyn Wainwright. A delicious mix of San Francisco, book restoration, and a lingering counterculture beset by murder. Who knew leather and vellum could be so captivating!”

—Jo Dereske, author of the Miss Zukas Mysteries

“A cursed book, a dead mentor, and a snarky rival send book restorer Brooklyn Wainwright on a chase for clues—and fine food and wine—in Kate Carlisle’s fun and funny delightful debut.”

—Lorna Barrett, author of the Booktown Mysteries

“Saucy, sassy, and smart—a fun read with a great sense of humor and a soupçon of suspense. Enjoy!”

—Nancy Atherton, author of the Aunt Dimity Mysteries


Homicide in Hardcover

If Books Could Kill


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Copyright © Kathleen Beaver, 2010

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eISBN : 978-1-101-44518-1


This book is dedicated with love, affection, and gratitude to my brother, James Carlisle Beaver. Jimmy, my favorite memories of San Francisco are the times I’ve spent there with you.


My thanks and acknowledgment go to book conservator Jeff Peachey for generously granting permission to use his name and his bookbinding tools in my books.

Many thanks, as well, to the wonderful San Francisco Center for the Book, where book geeks like me are welcomed and encouraged by the generous staff and talented teachers. Any resemblance between SFCB and my own fictional BABA is entirely coincidental. I’m also indebted once again to book artist Wendy Poma for her help and inspiration.