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But it was already three o’clock and I knew if I lay down now, I’d sleep right through my class. So I made a small pot of Peet’s coffee, hoping it would get me revved up enough to go teach my class. I felt marginally better after two cups. As I washed my cup in the sink, the phone rang. I ran across the room to grab it.

“It’s not true,” Derek said flatly.

My heart stuttered at the sound of his voice and I had to clutch the edge of the bar stool to keep myself steady. My hands were shaking. When had I turned into such a weenie?

“Why should I believe you?” I said, hating the vulnerable tone of my voice. Even though I believed him, I still wanted to hear him deny it twenty different ways.

“It’s not true,” he said again, enunciating every word. “I don’t know why Naomi lied to the police, but I’m going to find out.”

“How did you know it was Naomi?”

He paused. “You know it, too.”


“What else do you know?”

“I think she did it to get back at me.”

“Why would she use me to get back at you?”

I gritted my teeth and said, “I might’ve threatened her a little.”

I heard him sigh; then he said, “What time is your class?”

“It starts at six.”

“I’ll be by in ten minutes.”

“Okay. You can—” But there was only a dial tone in my ear. I was going to let him park in the building but I guessed he could manage on his own.

Glancing around, I saw more dishes in the sink and the couch pillows thrown about. I bustled about the loft, straightening and cleaning, polishing the coffee table and mentally preparing myself to see Derek again. Cleaning always helped distract me from my problems. It was a wonder my place wasn’t sparkling from floor to ceiling.

And yet, despite the fun diversion of scrubbing the sink, little thoughts began to sneak in. Had Derek spent the night in a jail cell? Or had the police let him go and he’d come back to BABA, looking for me? Probably not, and it was just as well. I’d spent the entire evening gibbering like a nincompoop. Poor Robin! She’d listened to me blather on and on, babbling about Derek, wondering what he’d been doing and when he’d been doing it. And why did it matter?

I’d managed to let my fears get the best of me, even though I’d seen right through Naomi’s lies. I’d been enveloped in a nasty, miserable red haze of jealousy. Or is jealousy a green haze? Either way, it wasn’t pretty.

I guess one could conclude that my feelings for Derek were even stronger than I’d realized. And that was so freaking scary, I wanted more than anything to grab the mop and clean my kitchen floor. But I couldn’t. I had five minutes to pull myself together, so I rushed to my room and gave it my best shot.

The doorbell rang. I ran down the hall, then skidded to a stop. It wouldn’t do for him to hear me racing to the door. And since when had I ever played games like this?

I blew my bangs off my forehead and walked the rest of way.

“Oh, hi.” There, that didn’t sound awkward. Not at all. Much.

“About time,” he murmured and took one step into the house, but it was more like he stepped into me, fitted his mouth to mine and took.

And nothing else mattered.

Out on the sidewalk an hour later, after we’d had a nice conversation and some tea . . . no, really. After that long, lovely kiss at the door, Derek had pulled me into the living room, where he insisted we sit down and talk. He proceeded to assuage any fears I might’ve had about him and Layla. Of course, I assured him that I hadn’t given it a second thought, but he persisted in telling me the whole story.

He’d never met Layla before, but a mutual friend had told him to look her up when he got to the city. This was weeks ago, and they’d planned to meet over cocktails the night of the Covington Library event, when Abraham died. Derek found me with blood on my hands, and the rest was history. He never contacted Layla again. So I had spoiled their big date. I did not regret it.

Then, when Derek showed up at BABA with Gunther, Layla thought they ought to pick up where they’d left off and go for cocktails after the party. Derek quickly disabused her of that possibility.

He wasn’t as sure of Naomi’s motives as I was. He suspected Layla had lied to her niece about him to save face. He had a point, I thought. After all, how would it look to her underlings if the great and powerful Layla couldn’t lure a man into her bed?

I stood on the sidewalk as Derek opened the passenger door of his Bentley.

“I can drive my own car,” I said in protest.

“Why bother?” he asked. “I’ll drive you to your class, and afterward we’ll go out to dinner. Do you like Italian?”

I gazed at him across my shoulder. “Is the pope Catholic?”

“Italian it is,” he said, patting my butt. “Now get in the car.”

I laughed lightly and climbed into the butter-soft leather seat of the Bentley and buckled my seat belt. The car smelled new. And sexy. Or maybe that was just the mood I was in.

Derek hopped in and started the engine. “I need to make one stop. Do you mind?”

“No, we have time.”

“Good.” Within minutes, he’d driven over the bumpy streetcar tracks running down Market Street and continued up Kearny to Pine. We talked of normal things, the weather, my family, Gunther’s brilliant lithographs. He drove two more narrow blocks to Stockton, then pulled into the elegant porte cochere of the Ritz-Carlton.

“We’re stopping at your hotel?” I said, a tad incredulous, though I shouldn’t have been. He was, after all, just a man. “We don’t really have time for this.”

Although, if pressed, I would be more than willing to comply. I was learning quickly that I was that kind of girl.

He checked his watch, then pierced me with a look. “You’re right. You have to be at work in one hour, and I intend to take a lot more time than that.”

I broke out in a sweat and started to whistle.

He laughed. “I simply forgot my wallet, darling. We’ll only be a moment.”

“Okay.” Because really, how often did I get a chance to go to the Ritz?

“It’s not like you to forget your wallet,” I said as we entered the hushed lobby.

“I was in a rush to see you.”

I smiled at him. As excuses went, that was a good one.

We rode the elevator up to the penthouse. I thought about it. The penthouse suite at the Ritz-Carlton went for what, ten thousand a night? The guy had an expense account that didn’t quit.

Derek stopped at room 919, slipped his key card into the slot, and opened the door. “You can look at the view while I find my—”

He halted abruptly and I almost slammed into him. “Find your what?”


Derek rarely swore.

“What’s wrong?”

“Stay here,” he said, reaching behind his back to grip my arm.

“What is it, Derek?”

He turned and put a finger to his lips “Shh. Somebody’s been in here.”

I whispered, “Maybe just the maid?”


“How do you know?”

He looked at me over his shoulder. “A man knows when his fortress has been breached.”

My heart stammered. Now, why did I find his words so sexy when they should’ve been just plain ridiculous? Maybe it was something in the British accent that gave them gravitas.

It was my turn to grab his arm as I glanced around anxiously. “They might still be here.”

“You’re to stay right here,” he said with an urgency that I’d rarely heard from him.

I nodded briskly. “All right.”

He didn’t have to tell me again. I’d been accosted in a hotel room recently and didn’t relish a repeat experience. I watched from the safety of the elegant foyer as he conducted a swift but professional sweep of the room.

After shifting all the pillows and checking under the couch, he moved to the dining table and chairs and on to the coffee table. Finally, he approached the small Regency-style desk next to the wall of windows. He checked the drawers, pulling each one out completely and turning it over to see if anything was attached underneath. He ran his hands smoothly over the top surface, then squatted down and felt under the desk.