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It was held in a second-floor classroom and about a dozen teachers were already seated at the small wooden desks when Hawthorne and Skander entered. Hilda was at a table in front with the files of the twenty or so students to be discussed. She wheezed quietly. Hawthorne nodded to Kate and a few others. Bobby Newland and Ruth Standish, as mental health counselors, also had files. They sat together by the window but they didn’t appear to have been talking. Hawthorne didn’t know if they were friendly and he wondered if that was the sort of thing he should pay attention to. Betty Sherman, the art teacher, was filing her nails. Tom Hastings, Herb Frankfurter, and Ted Wrigley sat in back—there was a gravity to their appearance, even a disapproval, that Hawthorne couldn’t help noticing. The afternoon was dark and the fluorescent lights gave everyone an unhealthy pallor.

Hawthorne sat down on the edge of the teacher’s desk at the front of the room. Looking at the faculty, he couldn’t help but compare them to the students in his history class, except this bunch was more recalcitrant. Skander joined his wife, making a groaning noise as he lowered himself into his chair. Hawthorne tried to count the friendly faces. Kate, certainly, and perhaps Bill Dolittle. Then there was indifference, distrust, and dislike. Roger Bennett had his hand raised.

“I know this isn’t what we’re here to discuss,” said Bennett, pushing back his hair, “but I’d like to know how I’m supposed to teach algebra when all the class wants to talk about is whether the headmaster is having sex with one of the students?”

The silence that followed had a palpability that seemed to give it physical shape.

“That’s rather out of line, Roger,” said Dolittle, somewhat apprehensively.

Kate begin to speak, then stopped herself. After all, she too was the subject of gossip. Usually when the faculty meetings strayed from their purpose Skander was the one who spoke up. Now he sat quietly and watched Hawthorne.

“Is this what you want to talk about?” asked Hawthorne. “Gossip and slander?”

“I just want to know what to tell my students,” said Bennett.

“You can tell them that it’s not true,” said Hawthorne.

There was a silence of several seconds. Bennett glanced around at his colleagues.

Ted Wrigley raised his hand. “Perhaps it’d be best to know what the official line on this is supposed to be.”

“You can tell them the truth,” said Hawthorne. “A girl was drunk, she came to my rooms and I called the nurse and Kate Sandler.”

Bennett spoke up again. “My wife said she saw the girl going to your quarters an hour before you called the nurse.”

“Perhaps she was mistaken,” said Dolittle.

“My wife is never mistaken, Mr. Do . . . little. Are you accusing her of falsehood?” Bennett’s expression was almost joyful. “In any case, the night watchman saw the same.”

Kate got to her feet, facing Roger Bennett. “That’s not true. I talked to Jessica. She had just gotten there.”

“Did you see her enter?” Bennett surveyed his colleagues again, this time with a smile.

“No, but it was clear that she had just arrived.” Kate sat back down.

“From what I’ve heard,” said Herb Frankfurter, “there are quite a few rumors about Miss Sandler as well. She can say what she wants but many people will argue that she’s just looking out for her job.”

Frankfurter stroked his beard and leaned back in his chair. Hawthorne wondered if Frankfurter would have attacked Kate if he hadn’t been forced to return the car he had taken—seemingly on permanent loan—from the school. Hastings, Wrigley, Bennett—they had all had their perks that Hawthorne had removed. Larry Gaudette had told Hawthorne that Roger Bennett had taken a pie from the kitchen every week. Looking at these men’s faces, Hawthorne saw that what had happened with Jessica on Thursday night was less important than the offense of making them stop seeing the school as a natural resource available for them to plunder. Surely everyone felt this to different degrees, but Herb Frankfurter was practically bursting with indignation—not that Hawthorne might have misbehaved, but that he himself had had to return the car. And so if he could blame Hawthorne now, then he was only getting even.

Betty Sherman raised a hand. “Shouldn’t we be getting on about the students?”

There was another pause as several of the faculty glanced at one another.

“Who’s first?” asked Hawthorne.

Hilda Skander opened the top file on her stack. “Julie Petrowski. She’s fourteen and in eighth grade.”

“I’ve been working with her,” said Ruth Standish, getting to her feet. “Julie’s not been handing in her homework in any of her classes and recently, in the past month, she’s been trying to subsist only on cantaloupe and cottage cheese . . .”

Sluggishly, like an old car grinding its way out of a ditch, the meeting got back on track. Herb Frankfurter was looking out the window. Roger Bennett drew circles on a pad of paper. Fritz Skander sat next to his wife and stared down at his hands. Hawthorne could feel his disapproval. It surprised him that Skander hadn’t spoken up to get the meeting started. He tried to catch Kate’s eye, but she was looking down at the top of her school desk.

By five o’clock the meeting was over. Eight students had been discussed but few teachers had participated and the ones who remained silent made it clear they were there under protest. Naturally, Hawthorne also spoke about Clifford Evings and the shock of his death. He said that a memorial service would be held for Evings during first period on Thursday morning. Bennett said he had scheduled a test for that time and Hawthorne suggested he reschedule it. Several people expressed their remorse about Evings, but Hawthorne could tell they had already talked about it and his death had immediately become old news. Others didn’t seemed to care. Herb Frankfurter, oddly, confessed that he hadn’t spoken to Evings in the past five years. After the meeting Hawthorne wanted a chance to talk to Kate, but she left while he was talking to Bennett about rescheduling the algebra exam. Then Bill Dolittle again inquired about his anticipated move to the apartment in Stark Hall.

“Do you think someone on the board dislikes me?” asked Dolittle nervously. He wore a white sweater that was too small for him. In fact, for some weeks Hawthorne had been thinking that all of Dolittle’s clothes seemed too small for him, as if he had experienced a sudden growth spurt during the summer, even though he was over forty.

“I’m sure it’s not that,” said Hawthorne almost impatiently. “As I think I said before, the board would have to hire a new faculty or staff member before you could make the move. And there’s no point in hiring new faculty until it’s certain that the school will remain open.” He wondered if Dolittle had any sense of the school’s problems.

“I looked in there the other day. The night watchman let me in. It was quite dusty.”

“I expect it is. No one’s lived there for several years.”

“Do you think it would be all right if I did a little light housekeeping? You know, just touched up a few places with a wet sponge?”

Hawthorne had to remind himself that Dolittle was one of his allies among the faculty. “If it would give you pleasure, then do it by all means.”

When Hawthorne at last shut off the light, he found Bobby Newland waiting in the hall.

“I’m sorry I lost my temper this morning.” Bobby leaned back against a locker and folded his arms. He wore jeans and a black turtleneck. Despite his apology, he seemed full of skepticism and dislike. Hawthorne thought of Kevin Krueger’s remark that Bobby looked like a younger version of Evings himself.

“That’s all right,” said Hawthorne. “You had reason to be upset.”

“I keep thinking how Clifford said everything was over and I misunderstood.”