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“Very good, then.…”

“Whitehall is alerted?”

“Yes of course.”

The PM went to the hot line telephone. “Mr. President?”

“Right here.” The twanging Oregon drawl.

“We shall pipe this straight through to you.”

“Let’s hear what it has to say then.”

8:50 A.M. EST The National Security Agency had monster banks of computers designed to analyze ciphers and codes and electronic transmissions. The Fairlie tape had been punched into the IBM consoles and then had been put in again, this time as sound recordings on ultra-high-speed half-inch tapes designed to disclose every nuance of volume and frequency. NSA’s electronic detection devices were the ultimate in Sherlockian analysis: an inaudible sound, an imperceptible fraction of time sufficed for clues.

Ames was the NSA official assigned to the Fairlie tapes and Lime had worked with him many times before. He had been Lime’s supervisor during the years of foreign fieldwork.

“Voiceprints are all positive,” Ames said. “We’ve matched it against his recorded speeches. It’s not a phony—it’s Fairlie’s voice.”

Satterthwaite was scowling through thick lenses at the turning tape reels. “Edited.”

“Edited like mad,” Lime muttered.

The place always put Lime in mind of space-flight mission control: the electronic consoles ran on relentlessly along great curved walls.

Lime held a computer print-out. It diagrammed the splices, showing where Fairlie’s words had been cut and pasted together:

This is Clifford Fairlie speaking.

I’ve been kidnapped.

I’m being held for ransom

in a place I can’t identify by a group of people who have not shown their faces to me or otherwise identified themselves.

They have not harmed me physically.


ransom demands

seem reasonable. I

think Washington will agree to these demands.

I understand how




I’ve been



I’m reasonably tough


I rarely send my brain out to be laundered.

They have not harmed me.

I speak my own words, free of restraint.

I cannot be bought.

A man in my position hasn’t the luxury of being able to afford being bought.



only on my own terms.

The point is I have a position in the worldalive or dead I still represent that position. The man in that position can’t put his voice to



aren’t true.



have a cause that makes good sense




agree to turn me loose

in exchange for the seven bombers we’ve got on trial.

My freedom in exchange for the


They are to be released and given safe asylum.

Instructions will follow.

This is Clifford Fairlie.

Satterthwaite said, “Is this a professional editing job?”

Lime shook his head and Ames said, “A talented amateur, but not a pro. It sounds almost natural but I’d say they probably made their tapes by switching back and forth from one small portable stereo deck to another. There’s a lot of background tape noise—the kind of thing you get from too much overdubbing. They had to do several tracks to wipe out the clicking sounds between splices—it shows up. At any rate it wasn’t done in a well-equipped sound studio.”

Satterthwaite had the expression of a man who has just tasted something foul. “He knew he was recording it. At least some of it. I mean, you don’t say ‘This is Clifford Fairlie speaking’ unless somebody’s holding a microphone in front of your nose. You’d think he’d have had more sense.”

“With a gun pointed at his head?” Lime stuck a cigarette in his mouth, snicked his lighter open and flipped its wheel. It erupted into a bonfire.

The computer typing-recorders were spilling paper tapes on the floor; they writhed in Medusan agony. Satterthwaite said, “It’s a nice propaganda coup for them.”

They were killing time, really. Radio triangulation had narrowed the point of origin of the Fairlie broadcast to a Mediterranean coastal area north of Barcelona and international forces were combing it. There wasn’t much left but to wait for whatever turned up.

3:15 P.M.Continental European Time The boat smelled strongly of fish. In the confinement of the inboard cabin Fairlie watched the impassive face of Abdul, felt the restraining wire around his wrists and ankles, let himself move slackly with the roll and pitch of the vessel. Somewhere in the Med, he supposed. He had a dull headache, the hangover from the drugs they had administered last night.

“You want to talk, Abdul?”


“Too bad. I might talk some sense into you.”

“Man, just don’t tell me we’ll never get away with it.”

“Maybe you will. But you won’t be able to live with it.”

Pained disgust. “Come on, man.”

“You know what they’ll do to you when they catch you.”

“They won’t catch us. They’re too stupid. Now you rest your mouth awhile.”

He lay back. It was a narrow bunk; the wooden side jabbed his elbow and there wasn’t room to shift over. He lifted his elbow over it and let it stick out.

The memory of last night was kaleidoscopic in his head. For an indeterminate time he had been asleep—unconscious, drugged into coma. He had come out of it slowly as if drunk. Aware at one point that he was still in the closed coffin and that it was moving with the quiet heave of a boat on open water. He wasn’t sure of his recollection of sequences for it seemed they had removed the coffin from the boat: he had been awake when they had unscrewed the lid and it had been on dry land, but with the smell of the sea. Dark—a cloudy night, the cold wind whipping mist across the sands. Dead seaweed tangled around his feet. Someone talking—Sélim?—about driving the boat high up on the shoals so it wouldn’t wash out on the tide. A quick movement, shadows rushing through the darkness; a grunt, the thump of a body falling onto the hard-packed sand. Sélim: “Abdul. Stick your knife in him. Hard.” The black face motionless, hardly visible in the poor light. The jaws no longer chewing gum. “Go on, Abdul. It’s discipline.” Abdul moving slowly, disappearing. The distinct scraping-sliding thrust of knife into flesh and bone.

“Lady—now you.”


“Do it.” Very soft.

Remembering it now Fairlie thought he understood it: Sélim had faced reluctance among his troops and had achieved the solidarity he needed by committing the others to participation in his atrocity. Fairlie knew his Mao: cruelty was an instrument of policy.

It was dismal knowledge, it removed the last doubt of their inhumanity. They would kill him whenever it suited them. In that moment, or in this one, he gave up hope.

They had taken him up the dunes: Sélim the Slav, Abdul the black lieutenant, Lady and the one whose name he had not heard. He did not know whom they had murdered on the beach, or why.

He remembered now there had been a truck waiting, a small rusty van driven by Ahmed, the one who spoke English with a Spanish accent. In the van they had covered him with a blanket and injected a drug and he had gone out again.

He was not certain but he seemed to remember that they had been at sea, then on land, then at sea again, and perhaps yet again on land.