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Nantes, revocation of Edict of, I, 10.

Naples, I, 53, 54, 97; II, 30.

Napoleon I, I, 229, 230, 278; II, 102, 284.

Napoleon II, II, 26.

Napoleon III, I, 300, 301, 310.

National American Woman Suffrage Association, I, 365.

National Gallery, I, 314.

National Peace Society, I, 43.

National Sailors' Home, I, 210.

National Woman Suffrage Association, I, 365.

Nativity, Grotto of the, II, 38.

Nauplia, I, 275-77.

Nebraska, II, 138.

Nelson, Horatio, Lord, II, 248.

Nelson, Jenny, II, 194.

New Bedford, II, 99.

New England, I, 168, 173, 290, 324; II, 80.

New England Woman's Club, I, 190, 291, 292, 294, 305, 310, 311, 341, 353, 365, 369; II, 54, 73, 100, 118, 129, 141, 150, 215, 259, 263, 286, 301, 311, 356, 401.

New England Woman Suffrage Association, I, 363, 364.

New England Women's Press Association, II, 263.

New Gallery, II, 171.

New Orleans, II, 100, 108-11, 113, 178, 207.

New Orleans Exposition, II, 87, 99, 100-12.

New York City, I, 16, 22, 26, 39, 61, 63, 103, 240, 243; II, 114, 115.

New York University, I, 17.

New Zealand, II, 133.

Newport, I, 4, 24, 34, 38, 39, 52-54, 63, 151, 159, 160, 162, 176, 199, 208, 209, 226, 291, 296, 349; II, 46, 47, 49-51, 54-56, 78, 90, 128, 138, 140, 143, 145, 151, 160, 162, 177, 198, 208.

Newport Historical Society, II, 78.

Niagara, I, 18, 19; II, 19.

Nicholas II, II, 283.

Nightingale, Florence, I, 97, 112, 113, 294; II, 189, 239.

Letter of, I, 112.

Nile, I, 266; II, 35, 36.

Nineteenth Century, II, 248.

Norman, Mr., II, 90, 93.

Norman, Bradford, II, 379.

North American Review, II, 121.

North Church, II, 193.

Northampton, I, 251, 259.

Northern Lights, I, 254, 255, 263.

Norton, Mrs., I, 82, 87.

Norton, Charles Eliot, II, 198.

Norton, Richard, II, 243.

Novelli, E., II, 357.

Novelli, Mme., II, 357.

Oak Glen, I, 296, 317, 339, 340, 347, 349; II, 46, 67, 69, 72, 114, 120, 158, 374.

Oakland, II, 136.

Oakley, Mr., II, 154.

Oberlin, I, 361.

O'Connell, Cardinal, II, 244.

O'Connell, Daniel, I, 90, 91.

O'Connell, Dennis, II, 247, 250.

O'Connor, F. E., II, 5.

O'Connor, Mrs. T. P., II, 171.

Old South Church, I, 14; II, 194.

Olga, Queen, II, 43.

Olives, Mount of, II, 38, 40, 41.

Olympia, II, 133, 134.

Olympus, I, 290.

Osny Effendi, II, 37.

O'Sullivan, John, I, 329; II, 319.

Otis, Mrs. H. G., I, 123.

Ouida (Louise de la Ramée), II, 121.

Outlook, II, 355.

Owatonna, I, 378.

Pacific, II, 75.

Paddock, Mary, I, 197, 350.

Paderewski, Ignace, II, 171, 210, 240.

Page, Miss, II, 216.

Page, T. N., II, 399.

Pajarita, I, 323.

Palestine, II, 42, 322.