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Massachusetts Legislature, I, 168, 220, 344, 366, 368; II, 405.

Massachusetts Press Club, II, 259.

Massachusetts State Federation of Women's Clubs, I, 294; II, 379.

Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association, I, 369.

Matsys, Quentin, II, 11.

Maupassant, Guy de, II, 164.

May, Abby W., I, 287, 368; II, 141, 142.

Mayor des Planches, Count, II, 302, 303.

Mechanics' Fair, II, 162.

Mechlenberg, Herr von, II, 18.

Medal of Honor Legion, II, 279.

Mediterranean, I, 381.

Mendota, I, 380.

Mer de Glace, II, 20.

Merritt, Anna Lea, II, 165.

Mesday, Herr, II, 172.

Messiah, II, 8, 78.

Metaphysical Club, II, 118.

Mexican Band, II, 100, 103, 105.

Mexican War, I, 129.

Middletown, R.I., I, 9.

Milan, I, 93; II, 26.

Mill, J. S., I, 304; II, 22.

Miller, Joaquin, II, 103.

Mills, Arthur, I, 99, 266; II, 165.

Milman, H. M., I, 267.

Milnes. See Houghton.

Milton, John, II, 21, 137.

Minneapolis, I, 378, 379; II, 87, 274.

Minnehaha, Falls of, I, 380.

Minnesota, I, 378, 380, 381, 392.

Minturn, Jonas, I, 22.

Mississippi, I, 92.

Mississippi River, I, 380; II, 100.

Mitchell, Ellen, I, 374.

Letters to, II, 391, 392.

Mitchell, Maria, I, 343, 373; II, 82, 83.

Mitchell, S. Weir, II, 50.

Mitchell, Thomas, I, 10, 12.

Modern Society, II, 60.

Molloy, J. F., II, 171.

Moltke, Count Hellmuth, II, 20.

Momery, Dr., II, 184.

Money, trade in, I, 16.

Monroe, Harriet, II, 251.

Monson, I, 250.

Mont Isabel, I, 322.

Montagu, Basil, I, 81, 85.

Montagu, Mrs. Basil, I, 85.

Montgomery, Richard, I, 5.

Montpelier, II, 68.

Montreal, I, 38.

Montreux, II, 176.

Moore, Prof., II, 154.

Moore, Rebecca, II, 170.

Moore, Thomas, I, 87.

Mormon Tabernacle, II, 137.

Morpeth. See Carlisle, Earl of.

Morris, Gouverneur, I, 7, 8.

Morse, E. S., II, 169.

Morse, William, II, 108.

Mosby, John, II, 253.

Mothers' Peace Day, I, 318, 319, 345.

Mott, Lucretia, I, 285, 304; II, 108.

Moulton, Louise C., II, 161, 169, 171, 273.

Verse by, 335.

Mounet-Sully, Jean, II, 195.

Mt. Auburn, I, 183; II, 290, 294.

Mt. Holyoke, I, 251.

Mozart, W. A., I, 45; II, 351.

Mozier, Joseph, I, 271.

Mozumdar, II, 87.

Munich, I, 278.

Murray, Gilbert, II, 361.

Murray, Lady Mary, II, 361.

Music, power of, I, 44.

Musical Festivals, Boston, I, 222, 223, 225, 227, 290.

Mycenæ, II, 5, 43.