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I knew what caused her laxity of the jaw. Even from a distance, I had to work hard to avert my stare and avoid taking in the whole picture. I knew why Tatum fell hard for Sueleigh. In fact, I could understand why any breathing male, regardless of age, might be attracted to her. A tight pale lavender sweater accentuated the largest set of manmade boobs I’d ever seen.

She wore her long, fiery red hair flowing down her back. Enough make up covered her face to qualify for a walking advertisement. No doubt, many a head had turned to get a second look at the combination of ample chest, red hair, and painted face.

“She’ll never have to worry about falling flat on her face.” Dee Dee chuckled at her bad joke.

“Shhhh! Act natural. Here she comes.”

Next thing I knew, Sueleigh Dalton looked our way. She pulled the reins back and a beautiful brown and white horse came to a stop. “Hi. You ladies ready?”

“Sure. Come on Dee Dee.” I grabbed her and guided her to the back seat, and then I turned to Sueleigh and asked her if I could sit up front. “I’ve always wanted to sit up front with the driver.”

“I don’t usually let riders up front. It could be dangerous; if there’s an accident, somebody might file a law suit because they fell off the wagon,” she laughed.

I didn’t want to miss a chance to get up close and personal with a suspect, so I blurted out what I hoped would entice her to break the rules. “What if I told you I’m interested in interviewing you for a magazine article? I write for Georgia By the Way, and I’m working on an article about Gold Rush Days. I’d like my assistant to take your picture. There’s a good chance it could make the cover.”

She whooshed her hair behind her back. “In that case, I don’t think it would hurt this one time. Come on up.” She eyed my cane with a quizzical expression. “Do you need me to help you up?”

“I think I can make it if you give me a hand.” With a little grunting and groaning, Sueleigh managed to pull me up beside her. With a flick of the reins and a ‘giddy up,’ we started on our way.

“The man riding with you looked familiar. Does he work at the inn?”

“Oh, that’s Leroy Roberts, the owner’s nephew. He’s a friend of mine. We go back a long way. As a matter of fact, we went to school together. We were discussing the murder of John Tatum. I guess you’ve heard about it?” She raised painted eyebrows in question. She pulled on a rein and the horse turned down a back street.

“Yes, we have. What did you discuss about the murder?”

Sueleigh emitted a high-pitched scream, making the horses ears flick back and forth. “Oh my Gosh!” she exclaimed. “I know who you are. You’re the lady that killed John.”

“That’s not true,” I said. I turned around to see if Dee Dee had heard. She seemed oblivious as she watched the scenery. I gave her one of my most charming smiles and continued.

“What I mean is, it wasn’t anyone I know. My friend Dee Dee has, however, been questioned by the sheriff about the murder of your ex-boyfriend.”

“How did you know he was my ex-boyfriend?” She narrowed her gaze and pulled back on the leather straps. The horse slowed. For a minute, I thought she might stop and order us out.

“Okay.” I held my hands up in surrender. “I really am a reporter, and I’m working on a story about Gold Rush Days, but I’m also trying to help my best friend. I’ve been asking around town about anyone closely associated with Tatum. I have to help Dee Dee. The sheriff doesn’t seem interested in looking for the real killer, so we’ve decided to find out who it is.” I waited to see her reaction. When she didn’t kick us out I continued. “We need your help,” I pleaded.

Sympathy cooled her gaze. “Well, I know what it’s like to have people look at you like you’re really bad. But how can I help you?”

“Is it true you and John were involved?” I asked, even though I knew the answer.

“If you call having his child involved, yes we were. He broke my heart. John told me over and over that he’d divorce Miranda so we could get married.” Tears glistened in her eyes and my heart softened—until I remembered it was another woman’s husband she’d been involved with. I swallowed down my judgment and listened as she went on.

“I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant. I just knew he’d divorce Miranda, marry me, and give the baby a name. Boy, was I ever wrong.” The words spewed from her painted mouth. “He not only fired me as his secretary; he stopped calling me. I tried to contact him over and over. He told me I’d better stop harassing him or he was going to get a restraining order. Can you believe that?” She pulled back on the reins to let a group of tourists pass. “A restraining order. On me! I was carrying his child, and he threatened to have me arrested if I didn’t stop bothering him. He even suggested I do something about the pregnancy. I know I might not be the brightest light bulb in the room, but I would never harm my unborn child.”

She moved up a notch in my book as the horse’s hooves clip-clopped along the street. People pointed and waved. Kids begged their parents for a ride.

It dawned on me; Sueleigh had grown used to the finger pointing for all sorts of different reasons. No matter what the circumstances, this woman had been wronged. Through it all, she had protected her unborn child.

Sueleigh continued. “After that, I stopped contacting him. I didn’t want anything to do with that man. I have a beautiful little girl, and I’ve been raising her myself, with some help from my parents. They were furious with John. Daddy wanted me to take him to court and make him pay child support. I thought about it, but knowing John’s temper, I decided to let it go. I didn’t want his money anyway.”

Her voice dropped several levels. “There’s other ways besides money to make someone pay.” She looked straight ahead and concentrated on turning the horse down a lane.

Whether it was by bribery or murder, I suddenly believed she’d made him pay, and dearly at that.

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Chapter Eighteen

I’m sorry about your misfortune. I’ve been told John touched a lot of people’s lives, but not always for the best.” I spied the Visitor’s Center approaching and knew the ride was ending, and I’d almost forgotten the magazine interview. “Sueleigh, can we take another lap around? I want to ask you a few more questions. Uh, about the carriage rides.”

“If there’s no one waiting. You want more information about the horses? We train our own you know. My father has trained carriage horses for people all over the United States.”

“Uh, yeah, that’s interesting.” I scribbled so she’d think I really cared about the horses, and glanced over my shoulder. DeeDee’s fingers were steepled in prayer, her eyes closed and lips moving. I shouted to get her attention and made a circle with my hand indicating we were going another round. She gave me a little wave. “Uh, Sueleigh. Can you think of anything else that might help clear my friend’s name?”

“Nope, I can’t tell you anything else that would help.” She smiled thin and even, more like a sneer under her carefully placed façade.

I could see continuing this line of questioning was pointless. Sueleigh had given me enough to confirm she had as much a reason to want Tatum dead as anyone. And, she’d added two more suspects to my list. John certainly didn’t hold a special place in her parents’ hearts, either.

“One more question. I’m looking for Tommy Hawkins. Do you know where he lives?” I thought those Tammy Faye eyes would pop right out of her head.

“Everybody knows Tommy Hawkins. Look, you don’t want to go out there. He’s crazy. He used to go around town, drunk as a skunk, telling anyone who’d listen he was going to kill John for shooting his brother.” Sueleigh pulled back on the reins at the stop, and the carriage slowed to a halt.