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“I’m not even going to ask you how you managed to talk her into letting you come.” Mama, bless her heart, needed the time away from Nana. She loved her, without a doubt. Caring for Nana was tougher than a big-bootied woman struggling to pull on a pair of spandex pants.

“Good. We’re wasting time. I’m here to help. What can I do?” Nana picked up the hooded jacket to her jogging outfit and looped her arm through her pocketbook.

“Nana, I’m sorry, but I can’t let you get involved.” I brainstormed on ways to convince Nana to return home as I tried to pry her jacket from her hands. She wasn’t having it. She pried back.

“We appreciate your concern Nana, but I think we have the situation under control. Beau’s come all the way to Dahlonega to help, and he’ll straighten things out.” I prayed he could.

Nana fluttered her lashes. “Can you believe it? A hunk with brains. They just don’t make ‘em like that anymore. If I were a little younger, I’d go for Beau. I’d catch him, too.” She placed her jacket and pocketbook on the bed, and fluffed her hair. The she winked at us. “You’re right Trix, Beau can take care of it.”

I glanced over at Dee Dee. I pleaded with my eyes, begging for her help. She responded by shrugging her shoulders. In other words, “you’re on your own, honey.”

I pressed forward. “You’re right, Nana. Beau’s a hunk, and I agree he’s smart enough to help Dee Dee. Why don’t we call Mama and tell her you’re coming home now that you’ve seen everything’s fine?”

She looked at me like I’d grown horns, and I glared back.

A knock at the door broke our stare down. Closest to the door, I opened it. In front of me stood a beautiful sight:Beau, looking like he’d stepped out of a Wrangler jeans ad. Without thinking, I gave him a big hug. Warmth flowed through me when he hugged back. Embarrassed, I pulled back.

When Beau wiped a lone tear from my cheek, a tingle of electricity ran through my body. I couldn’t remember a time, since my divorce, when my protective armor had been penetrated. I welcomed the warm feeling.

Beau cleared his throat. “I had a thorough talk with Jake, and I believe he’s doing what he can to solve—”

“Are you sure we’re talking about the same Sheriff Wheeler? The one who’s hounding Dee Dee?”

“Trixie, your mama taught you better than to interrupt someone,” Nana intoned from the bed.

I ignored Nana’s words and Beau’s smile. “Furthermore, we think he’s using her for a scapegoat. He’s retiring at the end of the year.”

Dee Dee nodded in agreement, “Yes, and he’s running for mayor.”

Beau turned from her to me, and butterflies fluttered at the full force of his attention. “I feel confident Jake’s doing his job. He’s not going to divulge details of the case with civilians. I wouldn’t, either.”

That made me wonder what the sheriff had told him. “So is there anything I can know?”

His lips twitched. “He mentioned several persons of interest other than Dee Dee.” Beau had my full attention. “But you have to admit it didn’t look good when the rangers found Dee Dee standing over Tatum. She immediately became a person of interest.”

Dee Dee snorted. “Like I would kill anyone.”

Beau shrugged. “Sheriff Wheeler wouldn’t know that, and he wouldn’t be doing a thorough job if he didn’t look into you.”

I glared at him. “Whose side are you on?” I should have cut him a break, seeing as he’d spent all that time in a car with Nana, but I couldn’t help myself.

He sighed, and pulled up a chair.

“I guess you’re right. They’re not going to share information with the suspect and her friend,” Dee Dee said.

Beau took off his Stetson and ran his long fingers through his hair. Then he dropped the bomb. “Now, for the bad news.”

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Chapter Fifteen

I received a call from my partner, Deputy Crowe.” Beau spun the Stetson slowly. “Last year, our department worked on a case involving stolen cattle. Crowe said they’ve arrested a man in the next county, and he’s asking for me. There’s a good chance he’s involved in stealin’ cattle from the local farmers. He’s refusing to talk to anyone else. I’ve got to go back.”

Beau brushed back his thick hair and rubbed his chin before he replaced his hat. He stood up.

I panicked. Our only chance to get Nana back home was going to leave. “Uh, Beau. Since you’re going back anyway, why don’t you give Nana a ride home?” I grabbed her jacket and pocketbook and shoved them towards him.

He shoved the items back at me and opened the door. With a wide sweep of his hand he gestured for me to go outside. He followed me and shut the door behind him.

“I’m sorry, but it just ain’t gonna’ happen today.”

Disbelief flooded me in waves. Had I heard him right? He refused to take her home? Equally bad, our liaison to Sheriff Wheeler was getting ready to walk out the door.

I swayed a bit, and Beau reached out and steadied me. It hit me again: a surge of electricity traveled from my head to my toes at the touch of his hand.

“I’m really sorry, but I have to go back immediately, and I won’t be able to take Nana home. The guy could change his mind any minute.” He loosened his hold on me and, when I didn’t fall flat on my face, he let go.

Making a scene wouldn’t change a thing, and I didn’t want Beau to leave on a bad note. His friendship meant too much to me. “You’re right Beau. I know how important this is. You need to go back as soon as possible.” I stalled for more time. “Something has been bothering me. No one’s talking about the money scattered around John Tatum’s body. Do you think blackmail might be involved?”

“Blackmail is a possibility. A well known figure like Tatum makes a good target for blackmail.”

My hopes soared. “I’ve talked with some of the locals, and they’ve given me a few leads. I can request a follow-up interview. Ask them more questions.” I couldn’t wait to start.

He took his hat off and slapped it against his leg, face drawn into a scowl. “Trixie, let the sheriff take care of this. I have confidence he’ll do his job, and…it could be dangerous.”

As touched as I was that Beau cared, I couldn’t agree.

Beau put his hat back on his head and leaned his face in toward mine. “Promise me.”

I crossed my fingers behind my back. “Okay, I’ll stay out of trouble.” I didn’t promise not to question anyone.

He waited. I kept my fingers crossed. I feared they might become permanently stuck that way.

Then he backed up with a sigh. “I guess that’s the best I’ll get from you.”

Beau was wise enough to let it drop. We stepped back inside and he said his goodbyes to Nana and Dee Dee. He kissed Nana on the cheek. A prick of jealously stung me. These new feelings for him confused me. Maybe it was the mountain air.

He turned back to me. “You’ve got my cell number; call me if you need anything. I can get in touch with Sheriff Wheeler right away. All right?” He waited for my answer.

“I’ll call if I need to. Thanks for coming.”

He left and I waved one last time from the doorway. A surge of sadness washed over me. I shut the door and turned around.

Dee Dee and Nana had their heads close together, deep in conversation. They stopped mid-sentence. I wondered if I were the subject of their cozy little chat.

“We were discussing sleeping arrangements,” Nana said. “Would either of you want to share a bed with me?” She chuckled. She knew good and well we didn’t. “Just kidding. Why don’t we call those nice people down at the front desk and ask them if they have a roll-a-way bed.”

I glanced around the cramped room, wondering where we’d put a roll-a-way bed. I sent up a prayer for help. I didn’t hear a voice from heaven, but I did feel a sense of peace. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and Nana would find it.