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“What’s your hurry?” She brushed off her pants as if I had dirtied them by bumping into her.

“Sorry.” I didn’t have time to get into it with Lexi. Besides, any commotion would draw Chase’s attention to the hallway. I ran past Lexi and down the stairs. I went straight to the dining room where everyone else would be. Safety in numbers. Leticia was already sitting down, and so was McKenzie. I slipped into the seat next to Leticia. Randy’s old seat. It felt weird to sit there, and everyone looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“I thought a little different scenery would be nice,” I said.

Arianna met my eyes and smiled. “I agree. I think I’ll sit by you, Jodi.” She put the coffee on the table and sat. I was safely wedged between two Ophi who might have seen a small glimpse of the person Chase really was. I struck up a conversation with Arianna and dug into the Belgian waffles she’d made. I barely noticed Lexi and Jared come in.

“Hey, what’s up with the seating arrangements?” Jared asked.

“I thought we should mix things up. Get to know different people a little better.”

“Then, why are you sitting by two people you’ve known for months?” Lexi had an evil smirk on her face.

Before I could answer, Chase walked in. He looked at my empty seat before his gaze traveled across the table to me. “Did I miss musical chairs?”

“I talked to Jodi this morning about mixing things up.” Arianna came to my defense. “She thought we should sit by different people at each meal. That way we can really get to know each other. We were falling into a rut with the old seating.”

“Hmm,” Chase said. “Well, actually I had just changed my seat.”

Yeah, he’d taken Alex’s seat to make sure he was by me.

“Well, then you don’t mind changing it again.” Arianna smiled. I squeezed her hand under the table.

Chase sat down in Arianna’s usual seat, and I did my best to avoid his eyes for the rest of the meal. I kept glancing at the door, expecting Alex to walk in at any minute.

“Expecting someone, Jodi?” Mason asked.

“Huh?” I nearly dropped my orange juice in my lap.

“You keep looking at the door. Were you expecting someone else for breakfast?”

“Yeah, like a few corpses?” Lexi said. “You didn’t raise the cemetery again, did you?”

“No, I—I was thinking about visiting Medusa before training this morning. That’s all.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Mason said. “Most Ophi only connect with Medusa once, when they first come to the school. You seem to do it on a regular basis.”

“Well, my powers are a little different than other Ophi’s. I have a more direct connection to Medusa, so it seems only natural.” I struggled to keep my tone friendly, but that was tough considering I knew the man calling himself Mason was really Chase’s father.

He stared at me, contemplating my explanation. “Well then, why don’t you take Lexi, Jared, and McKenzie to the statue before training, too? They haven’t been formally introduced.”

I nodded. I’d completely forgotten that they had never connected with Medusa. I couldn’t help smiling, remembering the first time I’d connected with the statue. “Great idea, Mason. I will.” I looked up to see Chase was still eating. Now was the perfect time.

I stood up. “Well, it’s almost time to start training, so McKenzie, Jared, and Lexi, come with me. I’ll introduce you to the most amazing Gorgon you’ll ever meet.”

“Now?” Chase practically choked on his waffle.

“Why not?”

“I’m still eating, and so is Leticia.”

“That’s fine. You two have already met Medusa.” I smiled at him, pretending everything was perfectly normal. “Come on.” I waved the others along.

McKenzie came up alongside me. “Chase doesn’t like to let you out of his sight, does he?” She said it like it was a good thing. Sometimes I wondered if it was nice being so naïve.

“Really?” I shrugged, pretending not to have noticed.

“It’s cute how you two can’t keep away from each other.”

Had everyone missed the part where I took off yesterday to get away from Chase? It was like he had them all brainwashed. Well, almost all of them. I couldn’t help noticing Tony keeping a close eye on Chase during breakfast, and Arianna definitely had my back.

I got to the statue and stood next to it. “This is Medusa. Or her spirit anyway. Every Ophi who has come to this school has held hands with Medusa. One hand at a time.”

“Why only one at a time?” McKenzie asked. “I heard you hold both of the statue’s hands.”

I looked at Lexi, who was staring at the statue. I hadn’t even realized this might be hard for her. Medusa had killed Abby for taking both her hands and trying to prove she was as powerful as I am.

“I’m the only Ophi who’s held both her hands and lived.” I made sure sympathy came across in my voice.

“Abby isn’t dead,” Lexi said.

“Not anymore.” I matched the venom in Lexi’s tone.

“Abby died?” Jared asked.

“She held both the statue’s hands, and it killed her. I used Medusa’s power to bring her back.”

Jared started laughing. “Lexi, your bitchy sister got herself fried by a statue and then rescued by the one Ophi she hated.”

“It’s not funny, Jared.” Lexi smacked his shoulder.

“She’s right, Jared. It isn’t funny.” I looked at each of them. “None of you should try it. Medusa didn’t want me to bring Abby back. She said Abby had disrespected her and me. I’m one of Medusa’s descendents. Her blood is in my veins.”

“Her blood is in all our veins,” Lexi sneered.

“Not as much.” Why did I feel like she was going to repeat her sister’s mistake? “Listen, Lexi, I’m trying to protect you.”

“Whatever,” she said. “Get on with the show.”

“Can I go first?” Jared asked.

“Sure.” I motioned for him to face the statue. “Take her right hand first. You’ll feel her life-restoring power rush through you. It’s incredible. Like you’re flying on a cloud and nothing can stop you.”

He reached for Medusa’s hand and smiled. “Awesome.”

“I know.” Once he’d had enough, I had him switch hands. “Don’t get freaked out. It’s going to feel like snakes crawling all over you.”

“I like snakes,” Jared said.

We went through the others the same way. They all got to feel Medusa’s power. I was really glad Mason—really Ethan—had suggested it, because by the time they were finished, they were all in good moods. Even Lexi.

“Great, let’s go train,” I said.

“Yes, let’s.” Chase came up behind me and draped his arm around my shoulders. “We need to talk,” he whispered in my ear. “Now.”

“We have to go train. We can talk later.” Even though Chase was whispering, I was talking slightly louder than normal, making sure everyone could hear us. I was tired of looking like the lovesick girl who couldn’t get enough of Chase.

Chase didn’t object, not verbally at least. He let his poisoned blood travel through his arm and into me. I crumpled to the floor, my blood like fire.

“Jodi?” McKenzie bent down to me.

“What did you do to her?” Leticia looked at Chase.

Maybe Leticia had figured it out. Maybe I’d get enough help between Leticia, Arianna, Tony, and Alex to get Chase to leave me alone.

“I didn’t do anything. She fell.”

“You don’t seem all that concerned either,” Leticia said.

“It’s Jodi we’re talking about. If blood’s not pouring from her eyes, she’s fine.”

“Is that supposed to be a joke?” We all turned to see Alex in the doorway.

I fought the urge to smile at him. Chase looked back and forth between Alex and me, but I pretended not to notice.

“Alex, you’re back.” I tried to sound surprised. “What changed your mind?”

“Nothing. I realized this is my home. I should be here.”

“I agree.” I kept my voice steady.

“It doesn’t mean what you’re thinking, Jodi.” Alex adjusted his duffle bag on his shoulder. “We’re still done.” I wasn’t sure where he was pulling these acting skills from, but he was convincing.