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I caught a glimpse of a few souls wandering through Asphodel. I never thought I’d envy someone doomed to an eternity like that, but right now I did. Alex reached for my hand and laced his fingers through mine. Hades either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He continued to march us on.

Hades stopped when we reached an iron gate with what looked like a black pit inside it. No, not a pit. It was a portal. I remembered Tony teaching us about it. The entrance to Tartarus was a portal. All around the entrance, it was pitch black, darker than anything I’d ever seen. It was like someone had taken the black of night and multiplied it. And beyond that was fire. Flames that seemed to flow like a river. Hades gave us a minute to take it all in before turning to us and smiling. “This is where you will stay. I consider it my own maximum-security prison. Only my true enemies, and people who’ve committed horrific crimes, wind up here.” He looked around the group, his eyes lingering when they reached me. “You all will fit in perfectly.”

I wanted to run, but we were surrounded by the flames.

Hades saw me staring at them. “Ah, yes, you are well guarded by Phlegethon, the river of fire. You wouldn’t get past the flames and clashing rocks, so don’t even try.”

He motioned us forward through the enormous portal. Tony’s eyes widened at the pillars surrounding us. “Not even the gods could break through these.”

Not what I needed to hear right now, Tony.

The darkness consumed us. I wasn’t sure how we’d even find our way into Tartarus, but Hades held out his hand and a flame flickered in his palm. The fire illuminated the path. The walls were bronze and cold-looking. I’d expected to see hellfire and souls being burned, but this place was cold, unfeeling. This was the level of Tartarus where I’d raised most of the souls from—the ones who were buried in the cemetery at the school. Not quite the depths or level of torture we were walking into. Considering how awful those zombies had been, I couldn’t even imagine what was waiting for us.

Gut-wrenching screams filled the air. Leticia and McKenzie were in tears. Neither one of them had an ounce of evil in them. They shouldn’t be here.

“Hades.” I tried to stop my legs from moving, but failed miserably.

He turned, and we all came to a halt.

“Oh, is this the part where you beg for forgiveness?” He smirked. “Go ahead then.”

He was enjoying this. Enjoying our pain. He really did hate us. There was no point in arguing or trying to convince him to let us go. I was going to have to find another way to get us all out of the underworld. According to Tony’s lessons about this place, it was nearly impossible to leave. My hopes weren’t high, but I had to try.

“No?” Hades asked. “Well, then, if you’ve had a change of heart, let’s proceed.” He looked between Alex and me and smiled. “I believe you’ll recognize a few faces here.”

Oh, God! I’d completely forgotten. I’d sentenced Alex’s parents and the other Ophi who’d turned evil to an eternity as Hades’ slaves. They were here. They were the ones punishing the souls for Hades, and now they would be punishing us.

We came to a place where the light was better and we could actually see more than two feet in front of us. Hellhounds gnawed on souls, tearing them to shreds only to have the souls put back together and be put through that torture again. Leticia bent over and threw up, which started a domino effect with the others. I was too terrified to join them. I stared at the most frightening thing I’d ever seen.

The Ophi I’d banished stood in a group. Victoria, Troy, and Abby were at the front, wearing wicked smiles. They would enjoy torturing all of us. Me especially. How was I going to get us out of here? These guys were going to cause me so much pain I wouldn’t even be able to think.

Abby put her hands on her hips. “Well, this should be fun.”


First I have to thank Kate Kaynak and the amazing team at Spencer Hill Press for continuing to make my dreams come true. To my editor, Trisha Wooldridge, I can’t say enough about how you just get this series. From your incredible insights to your fictional crushes, you’ve been nothing short of wonderful. And the locket you had designed for this cover is beautiful. Thank you to my team of copy editors, Rich Storrs, Keshia Swaim, and Shira Lipkin for your dedication to making sure this book was as perfect as possible. To Kendra Saunders, thank you for spreading the word and getting this book into the hands of book lovers everywhere.

As always, a huge thank you to my agent Lauren Hammond. I wouldn’t be here without you. And to my agency sisters, writer friends, and YA Bound sisters your support keeps me sane. I’m so glad I have you all to share this journey with me.

I can’t forget my daughter, Ayla, who is my biggest fan and means the world to me. Keep writing your own books, sweetheart. To my husband, Ryan, your support means more than you’ll ever know. Thank you for helping me follow my dreams. To my mom, Patricia Bradley, you are the best beta reader, mother, and friend I could ask for. To my father, Martin Bradley, and my sister, Heather DeRobertis, your encouragement and your great ideas for getting the word out about my books is very much appreciated. Thank to my friends and family for understanding why my life gets a little crazy at times.

And many thanks and cyber hugs to the book bloggers who have supported this series. Keren Spencer and Kayleigh-Marie Gore, I owe a lot of the early buzz about this series to you both. You ladies rock. Thank you!

Praise for

Touch of Death

“HOLY MEDUSA AND HADES! … Come along for the greatest ride of a lifetime. You will love the mythology retelling and the cast of characters who will become family to Jodi… I am sure this series will be one people will talk about for years to come.”

—Diary Of A Book Addict

“I Hereby Award This Book 5 Wings, but I would gladly award it a thousand times that… It is a MUST read. If you like zombies, necromancers, mythology, gorgeous men and fantastic writing, then you need to add this to your own TBR pile. NOW!”

—Gothic Angel Book Reviews

“I adored this book. Right from the start I found this positively one of the coolest books I’ve ever read… Touch of Death is phenomenal and it completely and utterly took my breath away. I am dying to read more and I cannot wait to find out what happens next. Kelly Hashaway is an author to look out for in the future. She is amazing and Touch of Death is one book that is not to be missed.”


Touch of Death was everything I expected it to be and so much more. It had a gripping story line, young romance, a fierce heroine, evil villains, and a swoon worthy hero. To put it simply, I really loved this book… Touch of Death is deadly addictive and I dare you to put it down.”

—Readers Live A Thousand Lives

“Devastating truths, compelling characters and a brilliantly unique storyline, Touch of Death was unlike anything I’ve read before and I enjoyed it so, so much. It’s going to be Hades waiting to read Stalked by Death… I rate Touch of Death Five out of Five!!!”
