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“Now you can either take her like this, keep playing with her until you are happy with the number of times she’s come, or you can release her and take things in another direction. It’s all up to how you want things to go or where you thinks he wants them to go,” I said loudly from across the room. I leaned against the wall and stuffed my hands in my pockets to watch as they moved on to fucking and coming. I helped him untie her when he was done, then after a swift good bye to the cuddling couple, I left.

Another happy couple. Time to move on to another pair who was in need of assistance.

The rest of the day was spent with similar clients, most of whom had fairly normal requests when it came to my assistance. It was always about the fear of rejection, the fear of not being accepted for their desire of something “different” or “weird”. All it usually took was a conversation with both parties and they’d normally agree to give it a try. If an idea was flat-out denied, we would try something else more tame and work our way back to the idea at another time.

When I finally returned to the office, I found Mariah waiting with her patented smile and a stack of notes for me. I was still getting used to the idea that calls weren’t being forwarded directly to my cell for me to handle, but to her. It was a nice break not to be constantly interrupted; however, I had always put my phone on silent while with clients so as to not break the scene or moment for them.

Sitting behind my desk, I started going through the slips she’d given me. After a few minutes, she knocked and entered my office. I looked up expectantly.

“I’m going to head out, but wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.” She leaned against the wall.

“No, I think I’ll be fine,” I said before returning to the notes. When I didn’t hear the door shut, I lifted my head again to find her still watching me. “Anything else?”

She strutted closer to me, resting a hip on the corner near my hand.

“Can you read my handwriting on those? I know it’s so sloppy sometimes.” She bent closer like she was peering at the papers. What she was really doing was giving me a glance down her shirt whether she intended to or not. I’d seen it before and wasn’t the least bit interested.

“They’re fine,” I said, briskly.

“Okay, good,” she breathed before pushing off my desk. She walked back to the door before swinging her head around, making her long hair go flying. “You know, I was thinking of going to get a drink at the bar next door. You want to go with?”

“No, I don’t drink. You know that.” I shook my head while keeping my eyes down.

“Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be there for a while,” she said, finally leaving my office.

I waved my hand in front of my face a few times. Her perfume was over-powering when she got too close to me. I’d never noticed it before but the last few days it’d been annoying me. If it kept up I’d have to ask her to tone it down. It couldn’t be only me who was bothered by it.

Throughout the day I’d texted Alix a few short messages between clients, but I missed her more than ever. I’d been spoiled seeing her so much the past few days. Thankfully most of the notes were things I could put off until the next day when I’d be in the office, so I gathered my belongings and locked up. Walking to the hotel, I straightened my tie and ran a hand through my hair before walking into the hotel lobby.

I spotted Alix and smiled as she chatted with Jennifer behind the counter. Locking my eyes on her face, I headed toward her. Unfortunately, I was stopped when I heard my name being called. I turned to find Mariah walking out of the bar area toward me. Frowning, I stepped closer to her.

“Yes?” I asked through gritted teeth. I didn’t like when anyone came between me and Alix and that’s exactly what she was doing by making me wait even longer until I could have my woman wrapped in my arms.

“I just… um…” She trailed off, looking over my shoulder for a moment before meeting my gaze again. “I thought you had changed your mind about a drink.”

“No, you were mistaken.” I started to move away again, but her hand on my forearm stopped me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your night,” she said, bowing her head. I looked at her demure posture and had a flashback to one of the many times we’d played together. She’d been a perfect sub, always so easy to dominate and eager to please.

“It’s fine.” I nodded once before turning away from her. Instantly, I found Alix’s eyes on me. She’d seen the exchange and was watching me with confusion in her eyes. Closing the distance between us, I smiled at Jennifer before turning my attention back to Alix. “Can I speak to you?”

“Of course,” Alix answered before moving around from behind the counter and holding out her hand in the direction of her office. I followed behind her and closed the door once we were both inside.

“She had asked me to join her for a drink and I declined. When she saw me here, she thought I’d changed my mind. I don’t think she knew you work here,” I explained before she could say anything.

“Okay,” she said.

I stepped close to her and pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead gently.

“There is nothing there,” I spoke softly.

“I know. It’s still hard for me to know you work with your ex,” she said, finally breaking her silence.

“Don’t let it get under your skin. She doesn’t matter to me as anything other than the respite she gives me from constant phone calls and scheduling.” I ran my hand over her hair, breathing her scent in.

She nodded against my shirt, holding me around the waist. After a moment, she pulled back.

“You have to go. I have a client I’m expecting any moment. That’s actually why I was up there with Jennifer. Waiting where I’d be easier to find since I’ve never met them before.” She pushed closer to seal her lips against mine for a chaste kiss. “I’ll call you when I get off.”

“Please do,” I sighed, not wanting to let go of her. I kissed her once more then exited her office. By going straight to the elevator, I avoided another run-in with Mariah.

I had a few hours of being on call for the online counseling so I’d be stuck in my home office for the rest of the night anyway.

Chapter 11


After getting off work, I drove home and called John. We talked on the phone for over an hour before I admitted to exhaustion. He invited me over to his place for dinner the next night and I was excited to finally see where he lived. In fact, thoughts of him kept me up long after our call was over. Not all of them good, either. Although he swore there was nothing between him and his secretary, it was hard to miss the fact that he smelled of her perfume. Not to mention the little scene in the hotel lobby.

She’d touched him and acted the part of a submissive when he’d reprimanded her about whatever it had been that they’d been talking about. Knowing how long they’d been together, I tried to brush it off as habit, but it still bothered me.

Eventually, I fell asleep as I focused on my upcoming date with John. I focused on all the other times I’d been with him had been, not the confusion and questions that surrounded his ex.

The next day I was surprised to be woken by a delivery man bearing a large bouquet of flowers from John. The card was a simple note:

Can’t wait for tonight.


It brought a smile to my face to know he’d been thinking about me so early in the morning, or perhaps he’d ordered them after we’d talked the night before; either way they were a sweet start to the day.

Thankfully I had to work so I couldn’t sit on my couch all day and focus on what John may or may not have had planned for our time together. There was an event, too, so I’d be busier than normal getting it set up.