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His eyes burned into mine and I had the distinct feeling he wanted to say more on the topic, but he turned and continued down the sidewalk until we came to a little café I’d eaten at many times before.

Unable to put my jealous side to rest, I brought up the beautiful blonde again.

“So, how long has Mariah worked for you?” I asked after we’d ordered.

“About a week, I guess.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

“She seems awfully comfortable for only working there for a week,” I mused quietly. I didn’t like being jealous, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to lose John to some bimbo who worked for him.

“She has a lot of experience as a secretary,” he said before running a hand over his face. Finally, he let out a sigh. “Plus, she’s my ex so she knows what type of business I do.”

I clenched my hands in my lap at his words. I tried to think how best to respond to such a revelation. It explained her hostile attitude, at least.

“Precious, don’t look like that. She is an ex. Over and done with. She knows there is no chance of us getting back together. I just needed someone in a crunch and she was the only qualified applicant.” John moved his chair around the table so he sat next to me. He pried my fingers apart so he could hold my hand. “She has nothing on you. You are who I want. Not her.”

I nodded, but I was still trying to comprehend that he’d had his ex-lover working for him for a week and hadn’t said anything to me about it. I couldn’t help but feel like he was trying to hide it from me.

“Don’t,” he whispered, squeezing my hand. “Don’t let her come between us. She’s no one.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I finally managed to ask.

“I didn’t think it was important. I mean it when I say she is nothing to me. She’s an employee, nothing more. Trust me, I’m not that man. I wouldn’t hire her if I thought there was anything there.”

There he went asking me to trust him again. Normally I did, but I had a harder time when it came to a beautiful woman whom he’d already been with. All I could do was put my faith in him. He hadn’t hurt me yet — not in any way I hadn’t liked — and I’d have to hope this wouldn’t be the time he did.

“I trust you, John. It’s just a surprise, that’s all,” I managed to say around the lump in my throat.

“Good. What I had with her doesn’t even come close to what we have together.” His thumb brushed over my knuckles.

“How long were you together?” I couldn’t look at him when I asked the question.

He sighed and shifted in his seat. “A while.”

“Tell me,” I demanded.

“Two years.”

I fought to hold back the gasp that wanted to escape. He’d been with her for longer than I’d ever been with any man. You don’t stay with someone that long if you don’t have a deep connection, something you think can possibly be your forever.

Our food arrived breaking the awkward moment. We both ate in silence and it wasn’t one of our normal comfortable ones, but awkward, like we both had more to say but refused to bring up something that could turn into an unpleasant conversation. I had many more questions, but didn’t want to keep asking since every time he answered one, it only felt like an arrow to my heart.

When we’d both given up on eating the food we’d ordered, I walked with him back to his office. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before going back to his ex and I returned home.

I’m sorry for ruining lunch. I meant to tell you about Mariah, it just never came up. Please let me come over tonight and make it up to you.

John texted me as soon as I walked through the door. I stared at the message for a long time before replying I’d be home all night. I knew I’d most likely run into his past at some point, but I didn’t think it’d be a gorgeous blonde sitting in his office when I did.

I tried to watch some of the shows I’d recorded while I waited for him, but nothing held my attention. I’d already done all my household chores the day before so I found myself Googling various terms that had to do with the BDSM community to help prepare myself for anything else John might pull out of his bag of tricks.

The ice cubes and wax play the night before had been more than exciting. In fact, I looked forward to the next time he did either.

By the time he showed up on my doorstep, I had managed to get myself hot and bothered. I knew we had to talk more about his ex, but I hoped to put off the conversation as long as I could.

I opened the door wearing only a pair of panties and a bra.

“Welcome, Master.” I pulled the door open far enough for him to come in while dropping my chin to my chest out of respect. Before I’d done it though, I’d seen the flash in his eyes as he shifted from John to Dom.

“Mmm, I think my little one is feeling needy,” John said in his firm Dom voice as he entered. “Shut the door and come here, Precious.”

I did as he instructed and followed him to where he sat on the couch. He grabbed my hips and forced me to lie over his lap.

“You are going to get a spanking for doubting me this afternoon, and then I’m going to fuck you raw to remind you once again who owns you and who you belong to. While you obviously don’t realize it, as much as I own you, you own me. I am yours, more than you will ever be mine.” He finished his speech by landing his open palm against my ass. The slaps rained down on opposite sides and even onto the tops of my thighs until I lost count. When he stopped the burn through my backside was fierce and tears rolled down from my eyes, but I was wet for him. I wanted to beg him to take me, but what I wanted most of all was for him to have his way with me, show me how much he wanted me and to be mine.

Pushing me off his lap, I heard the tinkling sound of his belt before his weight pushed my body into the couch and he was entering me from behind while shoving my face into the cushion. His hand fisted in my hair, yanking my head to the side.

“I need to see your face while I fuck you. I need your beauty to own my soul while I give you all my broken pieces and pray you can put them back together,” he grunted as he thrust repeatedly into me.

I could only gasp in response as his cock rubbed against my g-spot, throwing me rapidly toward release. My skin burned from the friction of his pants rubbing against my ass, telling me he’d simply taken out his cock, not stripped completely. I couldn’t care less. Having him on me, over me, in me, dominating me was exactly what I needed to pull my scattered thoughts to where they should’ve been all along.

He’d never hinted he wanted anything but what we had, as crazy and messed up as it could be. Why I had questioned it over a little bitchiness from his ex, I couldn’t remember as he pounded into me.

Suddenly, he pulled from me and picked me up in his arms. He carried me to my room before putting me on the bed, face up. Grabbing a bottle of lube from my nightstand, he slicked himself up before drizzling a few drops down my slit. When his fingers started massaging my rear, I understood what he had planned.

After slipping one finger in my tightly clenched hole, he withdrew and lined up his cock. Without the normal care and patience he showed, he plunged into me.

I cried out as pain and pleasure mixed together and he cradled my bottom in his palms.

“I have to claim you again. I need the reminder that you belong to me and aren’t going anywhere,” he grunted. His hands clutched the sheets on either side of me instead of my hips like he normally did. I didn’t like it, so I grabbed his wrists and gently pulled until he released his grip. Moving them to my hips, I smiled up at him briefly before he started rocking against me.

Something in him relaxed when I moved his hands and he slowed his frenzied movements to a more leisurely pace. I arched against him and felt my release building from the easier strokes.