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“I’m so close, Tim,” she practically cries.

I fuck her harder, sweat now beading at my temples and rolling down the side of my face. I can feel my balls start to tighten, and I grit my teeth to try to hold it back because I don’t want to give up this feeling right now.

But then Holly gives a strangled cry, and I feel her pussy clamp down hard on my dick as she starts to orgasm. Her back arches and I slam into her again, then again, and again once more, while she moans out her release.

And fuck… right there, I start to come. I come hard and long, and with another deep thrust, I come some more. My entire body shakes with the release, and I groan against the soft skin of her neck.

Christ, that was better than it ever has been before. Better than anything Holly and I ever did in our youth, and fucking better than any other woman I’ve ever been with.

I don’t know the why of it, and I don’t really care. There is just something between Holly and me that can’t be explained but for whatever reason, it connects us on a different level. A higher plane. A cosmic emotional universe where only we exist.

And this, I like very much.

Chapter 6


I walk out of the O.R. suite, discard my mask and cap, and give my hands a good scrubbing. While I just spent the last forty-five minutes putting all of my focus into pinning a distal radius fracture, I take a moment now to let my mind leave the stress of my job and focus on something a little more pleasing.


The other night was… well, I’m not sure what it was.

It was a coming home of sorts. It felt natural and familiar to be with him, yet it was new and exciting at the same time. We’re both still the same, but we’re different too. We have age and maturity coating our souls, which led to some amazing pillow talk after he practically put me in a coma with a blistering orgasm. We caught up on each other’s lives, holding nothing back. He told me about his ex-wife, Bonnie, and I told him about my past relationships. It was a candid discussion without any fear of reprisal.

Then Tim pushed me on my back, spread my legs wide, and proceeded to go down on me. This was something very new in our relationship, because back when we were eighteen years old and having lost our virginity to each other, neither one of us knew much about sex. I mean, a wild time together for us was trying it doggy style in the bathroom of a party one weekend.

All I know is that he made me come twice before he fucked me again, and it was just so damned good. I don’t ever remember it being this good.


With anyone.

I expect it’s because we have history and feelings that ran very deep at one point, and may be starting to run deep again.

My phone buzzes in my lab coat hanging on hook on the wall. I dry my hands and grab it.

Smiling, I read the text from Tim. I took a chance to see if you had time for a visit. I’m in the lobby.

I type back quickly. Just finished a surgery. Be there in a minute.

When I get to the lobby, Tim is surfing on his iPhone while he sits cocked back in a relaxed position. So beautiful… sitting there in a pair of khaki shorts, running shoes, and a red t-shirt. It’s late and I know this is a quick visit, but damn… he looks good enough to eat.

“Hey,” I say as I walk up to him.

His face tilts up with a beautiful smile of welcome on his face. “Hey. Sam’s in bed so thought I’d drop by. Hope I’m not bothering you.”

“No way,” I tell him, reaching down to take his hand. “Come on… we can go hang in one of the on-call doctors’ offices for a bit. It’s pretty slow right now.”

He walks beside me… down a few hallways, and back into the administrative section of the emergency room, which houses three empty offices that the on-call doctors can use to work on their paperwork. I take the first one on the right, which I can tell is unoccupied since no light is shining underneath the door.

I flip on the light as Tim follows me in, then I shut and lock the door.

The snicking of the lock catches Tim’s attention and his eyebrows rise in surprise when I step into him close, raise a tiny bit on my toes, and give a tiny nip on his chin. “I really don’t have a lot of time, so let’s make the most of it.”

My hands work quickly at the button and zipper of his shorts and before he can even say a word, I have them pushed past his hips and his cock in my hand.

It swells quickly as I stroke him, and Tim curses. “Fuck, baby.”

“Yes, we will,” I tell him confidently. “But first… need to do this.”

Dropping to my knees, I pump him a few more times, loving how unbelievably hard he has become. Opening my mouth, I give him a tiny lick on the tip, and he jerks in my hands. I sneak a peek up at him. He’s looking down at me with such a feral look in his eyes, I almost doubt myself for a second.

That moment passes and I take him into my mouth deeply. And oh, man… he’s big. I mean, really big, and my jaw immediately protests, but I love the feel and taste of him against my tongue too much to give him up. This was also something we never attempted in the past, but it’s such an intimate act that I want to share it with him now.

Tim’s hands fist in my hair hard and his hips rock back and forth as I suck and lick at him. I look up at him again, and he’s staring down at me so intently that wetness floods in between my legs.

“Holly,” Tim mutters and holds tighter to my head. I notice his hips have stilled, but I naturally compensate with more bobbing action of my head.

“Holly… honey,” Tim groans. “Stop. You have to stop or I’m going to blow fast.”

I give a shake of my head and suck him in deeper, but in an instant, he’s gone from my mouth, having wrenched himself away from me. I look up at him in surprise, barely taking in the fact that his chest is heaving with exertion and his cock is standing up tall and wet from my saliva before he’s grabbing me under my armpits and pulling me off the floor.

Spinning me around roughly, he pushes me down chest first onto the desk. I can hear his breathing, which is harsh and grating, and his hands pull frantically at my scrub bottoms.

“Fuck, Holly… watching you take me in your mouth like that. Couldn’t handle it. So fucking turned on right now,” he pants as he tears my scrubs and underwear down my legs. His hand immediately comes up and he shoves two fingers in me. This feels oh so good because I am beyond turned on myself after feeling him in my mouth.

Tim steps up behind me, and then his fingers are replaced by him rubbing the end of his cock in between my wet folds while one hand pushes in between my shoulder blades so I lower even further down to the desk.

“Tell me now if I can’t fuck you bare,” he commands with a growl.

“You can,” I moan, implicitly trusting him.

Tim slams home… one vicious thrust of his hips, and his cock punches into me so hard, the desk scoots forward by several inches.

“Gonna be fast, baby,” Tim mutters, and then his hands are at my hips and he’s ramming in and out of me. His pelvis and legs slap against my own skin, the desk scrapes across the floor, and neither one of us can stop the moans and grunts being elicited from this wild and crazy fucking we are doing in the emergency room.

“Oh, God, Holly,” Tim groans. “You should see what I see from back here, baby. My cock tunneling into you. So fucking hot.”

I moan hard over his words and feel the first twinges of an orgasm starting to build. He fucks me even harder and when his hand reaches around, finds my clit, and pinches it, I erupt in a violent implosion of ecstasy, absolutely amazed at how well Tim can play my body.

“I’m going to come,” Tim moans. He mutters a long, drawn-out string of curses as he starts to do so, grinding himself against me to milk every bit of the pleasure.