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I park the car in Holly’s driveway and follow her silently up to her front porch. Her house is modest for a doctor, but Holly never struck me as one that wanted wasted extravagance. Even though she grew up in wealth, she was never the type of girl that was stuck on trends or possessions, which is something that made me more comfortable with her, because I absolutely didn’t come from wealth.

When Holly bends her head to stick her key in the lock, I walk up close behind her, immediately immersed in her scent. My chest brushes against her shoulder blades, and I lean forward to nuzzle into her neck. She sighs… softly, and leans back into me, the lock momentarily forgotten.

My arms wrap around her waist, and I pull her back in tighter to me. My voice is soft but gruff. “It’s been so long, Holly.”

“Seems like a lifetime ago,” she murmurs. “But sometimes, it feels like only yesterday.”

My hand snakes up, takes her by the chin, and turns her head to the side. I lean around her, still keeping my other arm around her waist.

I kiss her… not too soft, but not too hard. It’s more like a reclaiming of that mouth I have admittedly fantasized about over the years since we’ve been apart. Holly may have broken my heart, but that didn’t mean all of my memories of her were harsh. Quite the contrary, the crushing of my heart is indicative of how deep my feelings for her went, which provided a lasting impression on me and had me comparing her to all the other women in my life.

Yes, we were young when we were together, and yes… it was first love. But just as Holly said, it was a true love. It was pure, sweet, and innocent. It was innocent because we had no clue of the troubles that would face us because our skin color was different. It just didn’t matter to Holly and me, so it was beyond the comprehension of our young hearts that it would stand in our way.

Holly kisses me back… deeply and without reservation. Her hand slides up and around the back of my neck, her fingertips digging in. My arm tightens around her stomach as I press my hips into her back. The tiny moan she lets out tells me she feels and appreciates how hard I am for her already.

Pulling my mouth away, I give her a tiny push toward the door. “Get that door unlocked.”

My hands come to her hips, just so I can keep touching her, and she deftly slides the key in to give us entrance. As soon as the door is closed, she turns to me with open arms and we are kissing again. This time deeper… hotter. She groans, and then I groan, the feel of her in my mouth so fucking good.

Then she’s in my arms and I’m walking her back toward her bedroom as she gives me loose directions while we continue to kiss. I set her down on her feet, and she’s pulling at my t-shirt while I work the button and zipper on her little white skirt. Our hands fumble… frantic to get at the skin below. We get sidetracked by our shoes and for me to get a condom out of my wallet, but in the end, it takes just mere seconds for us to get naked.

She steps back from me, her eyes slowly roaming down my body. When she gets to my cock, which is hard as a rock and tilted upward, I can literally feel the heat of her gaze. Lust courses through me, and I can’t help my hand reaching out to grasp my own thickness. I stroke myself up and down, watching Holly’s eyes practically dilate. Lust boils thick within me.

“Get on the bed, baby,” I command her while I pump my cock with my hand.

She scrambles… scoots to the center and lies down on her back. Her skin is pale, creamy, and from the looks of it, soft as satin. I can’t wait to run my lips and hands all over it. I’ve always loved the way my dark skin looked next to her porcelain softness. The contrast actually heightens the eroticism of our fucking.

Crawling onto the bed, I push her legs apart and don’t waste any time. I can’t wait… it’s been too long and I want this woman too badly right now. I’ll take the time for re-exploring her body later tonight. Kneeling between her legs, I hand her the condom and thickly command her, “Put it on me.”

Licking her lips, she quickly opens the condom and reaches out one hand to grasp onto my cock. Slender, pale fingers curve around my shaft, which jerks in response to her touch.

“Fuck, I love your touch,” I groan. “Always loved it.”

She gives me a soft smile as she rolls the condom on, giving me a hard squeeze when she’s done. I bat her hand away and fall down on top of her, making sure to catch myself on one forearm so I don’t crush her with my weight. My mouth immediately finds hers, and it’s all about the tongue and the teeth as we desperately kiss one another.

One hand slips between her legs, first to cup her gently, and then to slide a single finger inside of her. She bucks against me and moans. She’s so fucking wet already, but she’s not quite ready. I add another finger and slowly pump them in and out, stretching her and flicking my thumb against her clit. Holly’s hips gyrate wantonly, and her fingers dig into my back. It’s one of the things I always loved about her… how she gave into me with utter abandon, never once ashamed to show me how much she loved my touch.

“Tim,” she murmurs, her voice raspy. “I want you inside of me.”

“You ready for me?” I ask. “Because I’m not going to be able to take it slow or gentle with you. I want you too much to hold back.”

She shakes her head and pumps her hips against my hand. “God, I’m ready. And I can take anything you dish out.”

I kiss her again, brutally hard, and pull my hand from between her legs. Grasping onto my cock, I swipe it over her slick folds, find my purchase, and give a tiny push. She’s so fucking tight and I’m a big man, so I don’t want to hurt her. I work with short pumps of my hips, inching my way in a little deeper each time, feeling her flesh relax and mold around me like a glove. More wetness floods around me and her hands drop to my ass to urge me on.

“Please,” she moans as her fingernails score the skin on my ass.

I drop my head to her shoulder, take a breath, and slam my hips forward until I’m sunk into the hilt. Holly cries out a “yes,” and I can’t stop what sounds like an animal-like snarl that comes out of my own mouth.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I mutter into her shoulder. I hold myself absolutely still, afraid I might blow with just a few thrusts.

“God, I missed this,” she whispers softly. “Missed you inside of me. Missed your goodness… your heart… all of it inside of me.”

Her words touch me deeply and bring a bit of control back over me. I tentatively pull out of her a bit and sink right back in slowly. Oh, yeah… pure fucking heaven right there.

Lifting my head, I look down at her. Her eyes are half-mast but glittering with sensuality. “You okay?” I ask her.

She smiles at me. “Better than ever.”

“I can’t believe I’m here… inside of you right now. Never thought this would ever happen again.”

“I know,” she says softly, one hand coming to caress my face. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too, Holly,” I tell her sincerely. While I haven’t spent every day of the last ten years pining over her, I have thought about her more than I probably should.

I keep moving in and out of her languidly as we stare at one another. She arches her neck and tilts her head back, getting caught up in the pleasure. It makes me go a little harder… a little faster. I watch her face the entire time, her eyes finally giving in and closing. Her lips parted with tiny pants of air gusting out. A brief glance down and I see her breasts bouncing and swaying from my thrusts into her body.

Reaching a hand down between her legs, I place the pad of my finger against her clit and start rubbing in circles… softly at first, but then rougher. I time the power of my thrusts, first going a little deeper to make sure she can handle it, and then adding speed and power on top. Holly’s legs raise, grip my ribs with her knees, and I get rewarded with a tiny grunt every time I hit her deep.