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Using the seashell scoop tied to the jar, he dipped into the glass jar of Mediterranean Sea salt, laden with geranium flower petals and an aphrodisiac of aromatic oils. He moved from limb to limb, gently exfoliating her entire body, bringing blood to the surface of her skin.

“The jar says it’s supposed to leave your skin smooth as velvet and sweet as sugar. I think I need to test their claims.”

“I think it’s a must. That could be false advertising,” she whispered in a teasing tone.

“Sit back.” The command in his voice nothing more than an ache of a rasp. He arranged her bottom atop several folded towels at the edge of the tub. Pieces of her dark, sodden hair fell over her breasts. She leaned back, resting her weight on the palms of her hands. Desire coiled through her, causing her stomach muscles to quaver in anticipation. Shadows danced across her nude body as Summer moved a candle, adjusting its spotlight of illumination. Wonder gushed from the intensity of his stare. “Spread your legs for me, Red.”

Caught in a trance of the utter perfection kneeling before her, she could barely hear his request. Summer’s tan body, silky and wet, glistened in the flicker of muted light. Her gaze traveled downward from his wide shoulders and tight waist, locking on the long, thick column protruding from the surface of the water.

Far too absorbed in the moment, he didn’t seem to notice her hunger. Summer gripped her inner thighs. His powerful fingers, gentle but adamant, guided each foot on the edge of the tub.

Summer lifted the small ceramic ramekin warming in a larger dish of hot water. His stare fixed on her reaction as he slanted the dish, drizzling the heated caramel over her lips. Carrie Ann’s breath pulled backward in a sharp pleasurable gasp and her hips flinched forward.

He remained captivated by her response, never losing focus, his eyes glued to her face. Feeling another drizzle of the warm sauce, an unruly moan of desire was drawn from her throat, filling the quiet room. Her head circled backward before landing on his glorious face. She got lost in the sight of his rich amber eyes.

Summer’s attention sank to the vision below. His lashes cast a dark crescent shadow on his lean cheek. Leaving ample room between their bodies, he allowed the light to brighten the void, wanting her to witness the pleasure.

“So beautiful. So sweet,” he murmured, blessing her with a glint of a rogue grin. “I’m going to make this a night you’ll never forget.

Visually riveted in the act, she panted, “Every night with you is a night to remember.”

“Tonight’s special.”

The moist heat of his breath made her squirm. Her body began to shift, but he pressed her thighs wide, keeping her still with his powerful grip. With indecent slowness he licked her clit, swollen and throbbing, with the tip of his tongue.

Pressure mounted as he honed in on the spot, flicking the buzzing nub over and over. Sensations of pleasure, plentiful yet still elusive, built up inside her until she’d reached an edge of erotic madness.

“Touch me. Summer. Please.”

A wicked groan drifted upward from between her legs. “No, Red.”

The rise of perception verged on excruciating. Her inner muscles contracted, constricting around the empty void, needing him to fill her. Her body writhed and wriggled, but he refused to let her thrust. “Yes, please, Summer. Touch me.”

“Let it happen, you want this. Tell me you love it.”

A blip of a memory chased through her mind. A night many years ago when he’d nearly brought her to an orgasm with merely the tip of his tongue, but the Big O skirted her release, and when she begged him to make love to her, he gladly obliged, bringing home a Multiple O. However, they’d never discussed it. She considered asking how he remembered the intimate moment, but quickly remembered the confessional box he called his airplane.

“Oh, fuck,” rolled from her lips.

“Not tonight.” His murmur smothered with rueful amusement.

The steady flick controlled her, owned her, and possessed her mind, body, and soul. Her heartbeat slammed so fast she’d thought she might burst from unbridled need. Pressure mounted, her eyes were wet, strung tight with pleasure.

“I love it. Oh, yes. Don’t stop,” she moaned. The muscles of her core convulsed as a wave of tremors wracked her body in voluptuous release.

Scalding minutes of intimacy followed. He consumed her slowly with skillful torture, locking his mouth around the pulsating bud, drawing her into the scorching heat. Her fingers found his head, digging into the short layers, pulling him into her body. Summer refused to submit to her request, clasping her wrists and returning them to the tile. His tongue…his wickedly talented tongue…ripped a scream, a genuine cry of unadulterated ecstasy from her throat. She’d never been so loud in her life.

He unlocked the steamy seam of her flesh with one lick, thrusting his tongue inside. She couldn’t keep quiet. An explosive moan mingled with cries of rapture, and a few curse words, every time he plunged deeper. A fever rush of violent spasms tumbled through her body. The sound of his voice, lost to the loud buzzing in her ear.

It was official…Carrie Ann Lowell was a screamer.

Fever led to pleasure as he made his way up her body, cupping her breast and shaping it between his fingers. She fought to keep her breathing steady. His lips trailed hungry kisses up her chest to her neck, before crushing his mouth to hers. The divine kiss, rough and demanding, was drenched in her essence.

Pleasure led to an overwhelming show of emotions, as he lifted her from the tub and carried her to bed. A burning sensation tickled her nose and wetness gathered at her lower lashes, blurring the soft lighting of his room playing over his strong features.

Brushing away the tears, she glimpsed the foil package between his fingers. He paused, briefly, giving her time to dismiss the contraceptive. She didn’t like it. She didn’t want it. Before she had time to renege, he’d rolled it on and moved over the top of her, falling to the flat of his palms. His eyes glazed over, pushing past her entrance, filling her completely, coaxing a moan of gratification from her.

All movement stopped.

Summer stared down at her in an intuitive trance.

“What?” she asked in a sweet whisper. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You said…things…to me during the flight here.” He withdrew and plunged forward, holding himself deep as he dropped to his forearms. “Things I’d like to hear you’d say again.”

Her bottom lip caught between her teeth. A timid smile ticked the edges of her mouth. The lids of her eyes feathered shut as she turned away from his gaze. Searching for a little bravado, she offered a silent prayer to the dirty-talker gods.

Keeping a straight face, she managed in a sultry tone, “Fuck me.”

A giggle slipped out. It was a pathetic attempt and she knew it.

Summer retreated and thrust forward again, making her gasp. He nuzzled his nose along the side of her jaw, brushing a kiss to her lips. “Think…deeper, Red.”

Stalling, she twisted, placing a kiss to his wrist beside her head. Not one to fail, she eased her back off the bed, stretching to draw the lobe of his ear into her mouth, growling in his ear, “I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”

His profile averted, hiding a big smile. A shaky laugh reverberating through his body as he gently settled the bulk of his weight on top of her. A crimson hue chased across the crest of his cheeks.

Ryan Summer actually blushed.

Propped on one elbow, he laid his hand above her heart, drumming lightly. “Deeper…in here.”

A warm sensation spread through her. She could scarcely breathe. Her fingers keyed up his chest and neck covered in a thin mist of perspiration. Carrie Ann cupped his face in her palms, pausing to take in his handsome face.