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“Are you running to hide from me?” I asked and took my own sip.

“Josh, I’m not five. I’ve got a photo shoot down there for the blog.”

“Are you sure about that?”


“Will you be back for the engagement party on Saturday?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Now that Ky and Eden are back in town, you need to tell them about Lachlan. No more hiding.”

“I know. I will.”

“Are you still going as my date?” I asked with a cocky undertone. “I didn’t order a new shirt for no reason?”

“I can’t leave a guy desperate, so yes, I will accompany you,” she replied sarcastically. “But no more kissing or touching. I am a guy-free zone.”

I wanted to make a comment and remind her of how she was withering below me just hours ago, how she begged and came around my fingers not once but three times, but I thought I better not test my luck.

“Whatever you say, Ashy. Whatever you say.”

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Ashlyn had been gone for three days, but my apartment continued to tease me with her scent. Every room I stepped into, the ghost of her remained.

The past two days had revolved around work and preparations for the engagement party. Every morning I’d wake up to an email from Eden, giving an update and asking for my opinion on things. I wasn’t exactly sure what help I was being. I thought my role would be helping set up on Saturday, not helping her decide between a chocolate or vanilla cake. Seriously, where the fuck was Ky in all these decisions? Eden didn’t take too kindly to me suggesting a marble cake of chocolate and vanilla, so now I wasn’t being asked for my input on what my mom called the crucial details, and it was fine by me.

When I finally made it to Mom and Dad’s after work on Friday, I stepped into an empty house, and the silence was welcomed. I couldn’t stop thinking about Ashlyn. I craved her like never before. One taste ignited the addiction that had been dormant for five years. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and collapsed onto the couch. I scrolled through my messages until I got to the last text from Ashlyn, and began typing.

Just arrived at Mom and Dad’s. I’ve missed your cute little ass in my apartment. Hurry up and get here.

Her response was immediate.

How are the stress levels of Kyden? Is Eden running around in a panic yet? I’ll be there tomorrow. Something came up and I can’t leave yet. Stop thinking about my ass. It’s not happening again Joshua.

Fucking Kyden.

Telling me not to think about your ass is like telling me not to breathe. Are you trying to kill me Ashy? Team Joslyn! xx

The grey bubble danced on the screen, telling me she was tapping in a response. I was eager to see what she would say to the mention of Joslyn.

LOL Team Joslyn. P.S. no kissing means no kissing in text messages as well. No xx on the end of messages Crawford. See you tomorrow.

Fuck my life, this girl was going to put my life in complete disarray. I just hoped to Christ that both her and I could handle it.

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I WALKED THROUGH THE side gate of the Crawford’s family home, and the twinkling garden lights grabbed my attention. The warmth of the late spring air caressed my bare shoulders and caused my curled hair to dance on my back as I made my way to Ky and Eden’s engagement party. After spending three days in Lilac Cove, I was ready to let my hair down, relax, and enjoy my best friend’s special night. I also had a confusing but exciting buzz swimming through my body at the thought of seeing Josh again.

“Finally, the maid of honor arrives.”

I stopped mid-step and turned around to find Eden dressed in a beautiful, light pink, knee-length dress, rushing toward me with a beaming smile. The happiness covering her face was intoxicating, and I couldn’t help but return her smile.

“Ahh, the beautiful bride-to-be,” I replied, and graciously accepted her hug. When she pulled away, her eyes traveled over my body, taking in the blue dress that clung to my every curve and the killer silver heels that I had purchased just the night before on a last minute shopping trip.

“He is going to die when he sees you,” Eden said, winking at her suggestive words.

Who was she talking about? Holy shit, did she know about Josh and me?

“I have no clue who you’re talking about,” I said, trying desperately to hide my fear of being found out. A glass of champagne was thrust into my hand and, the moment the bubbling delight hit my lips, I felt the first signs of ease sweep through my tense body.

“Well, don’t you two look absolutely stunning?”

Sue Crawford was the kind of mother every girl dreamed of having. She made me feel a part of the family the moment I first met her, and treated me like I was one of her own. Every birthday I’d receive a heartfelt gift, and every Christmas I’d be invited to the Crawford family get together if I didn’t already have plans with Austin. I’d also randomly get text messages from her to check in on me. She had been more of a mother to me in the five years I’d known her than my own mother had been to me since I was born.

“Hi Sue,” I offered with a bright smile.

She wrapped me tightly in her arms and squeezed before stepping back. “It’s been too long between visits, sweetie. We have so much to catch up on,” she said lovingly.

“Life’s been a bit crazy lately, but it’s starting to settle down now,” I replied.

I lifted my glass of champagne to my lips and glanced around the backyard. Whether I wanted to believe it or not, I knew I was searching for Josh. Yet he was nowhere to be found. The backyard looked like a spring wonderland, with glittering fairy lights, white tables and chairs sporadically placed under trees, and an impromptu dance floor that had been placed near the pool and was waiting to be filled with guests. Eden’s parents sat at one of the tables with Grandma Crawford and Eden’s best friend from San Fran, Colby. That man did things to my lady parts. I was pretty sure it was the tattoos and the reputation of being a raging bull in bed that got to me—the whole rock star fantasy thing. Other guests were mingling, and laughter and good cheer decorated the air.

“The boys were here all day setting it up. The fairy lights are all thanks to Josh. He wanted everything to be perfect for Ky and Eden. That boy constantly surprises me with the greatness of his heart. I wish he would show it more often,” Sue said tenderly.

“He is definitely the king of surprises,” I choked out.

“That he is.” Her smile enlightened her face. “He’s in the kitchen. He will be excited to know you have arrived.”

I didn’t have time to say another word before Eden rejoined us and her hand grabbed mine. Before I knew it, I was being pulled by an overeager best friend toward the steps that led into the house, and back to Josh and the unknown.

While I was gone, we texted each other constantly. There were times when Josh randomly slipped in something to remind me of the three orgasms he had given me and what would forever now be known as the Triple Delight. The thought alone made my body tingle in remembrance of his golden fingers. My vibrator would have a hell of a lot to do to meet my newfound demand for multiple orgasms. What happened couldn’t happen again. No matter how much my body wanted it, my brain was telling me no. He was my friend, Mr. Commitment-phobe, the taker of my virginity, and now the owner of my multiple orgasm V-card. He was Josh. Random girls, casual sex, and, as he said before, he was a cliffhanger and I was a happily-ever-after. If I could just switch off my needy body and the fantasies, everything would work out just fine.