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“Maybe Ky has finally grown some balls and proposed, and they are going to tell us.”

She pushed back the seat and stood. “Maybe tonight we could celebrate Ashlyn’s Closet.”

“So you are happy with my suggestion?” I asked, pride swelling in my chest.

“I am ecstatic. It’s perfect.”

“Yep, we will have a drink tonight to celebrate your first day. But I have plans for just you and me to really celebrate it. I’ll surprise you one day, and that’s when I want to see the dress and heels, so that outfit better be in my apartment.”

“Um, the builders are starting tomorrow, so I haven’t moved my stuff yet. I’ll stay at mine tonight.” She walked to the door, but when she reached for the handle, she hesitated and looked at me over her shoulder. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“That you will.”

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Seven P.M. rolled around, so I hurried around my apartment trying to find my keys and phone before I had to be downstairs. Eden’s cryptic messages hadn’t stopped all day, and I swore she had been drinking with the random shit she was texting. I was eager to find out what had caused her eccentric mood.

I stepped into the café and headed straight to our usual booth, then halted. Eden’s excitement became quite clear. Tori, her best friend from the West Coast, the same best friend I fucked when Eden first arrived, was sitting opposite her and Ky, and she was now staring straight at me. When Ky decided to become prince charming and buy Eden their dream house, Tori had moved into his apartment briefly. She returned to San Francisco due to work, however, and I hadn’t seen her since.

Ky’s attention hit me and, with a chin lift, he silently invited me to the table. I maneuvered my way through the other customers and stood at the end of the table with my hands jammed in my pockets.

“Josh, you made it,” Eden said excitedly as she slid out of the booth to give me a hug. Unfortunately, I couldn’t smell any alcohol on her, so drinking couldn’t explain her crazy mood. Yet in the pit of my stomach, I had a feeling she expected Tori and I to start up again. Matchmaker Eden was out in full force.

“Hey, pretty girl.” I returned her hug, and kissed her cheek quickly.

Eden moved back next to Ky and I turned to Tori. “Good to see you, Tori.”

“You too, babe,” she said, then leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips, completely shocking me in the process.

I slid in opposite Ky and Eden, and Tori immediately slid in beside me. What the actual fuck was happening?

“We’re just waiting for Ashlyn,” Eden announced cheerily, and silently I thanked God that this wasn’t some kind of crazy double date. We ordered drinks, and Tori chatted happily about life in San Francisco. Eden, more often than not, liked to bring up my single status, and the shock horror of Tori’s single status. I loved Eden more than anything, but she was as subtle as a brick. Ky sat across from me with a shit-eating grin, loving every second of my being uncomfortable.

The door opened and, like my eyes were magnets, they were drawn to whoever was about to step through. Ashlyn appeared, and when she met my gaze she smiled and rushed toward us. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Gone was the business woman attire, and she was now in bombshell mode. Her blond hair was now hanging over her shoulders in loose curls, and her body was wrapped in a dress that showed of her inhuman hourglass figure. Fuck, her curves were dangerous; the kind that would make you swerve and lose complete control, but be completely okay with it.

“Hey,” Ashlyn said with a smile when she got to the table. Her eyes danced over all of us and landed on Tori. “I didn’t know you were in town, Tori.”

“It’s a surprise,” Tori responded, and moved in closer to my side, until she was practically on my lap. “I wanted to surprise Josh.”

And surprised I was.

Dinner was ordered, and the drinks began to flow. Laughter soon took over the table, and I felt myself relaxing. Tori wasn’t afraid to show her affection for me, and as the night wore on I seemed to warm to her. Eden looked like she was in her element. She had planned this little get together and, in her eyes, it was becoming a huge success. Once we had eaten, we decided to head into the city to a bar that was owned by one of my closest friends from Los Angeles. Red Velvet NY was the sister bar to Red Velvet LA, which I frequented when I was in town. Charisma oozed from the boutique bar that gave you the feeling of stepping into the glitz and glamour of the 1950s. Low lights, soft music, and atmosphere thick with confidence greeted us.

The five of us moved toward the cornered-off section, and Ky headed for the bar while I stayed with the girls.

“Are you going to dance with me tonight?” Tori whispered and shifted toward me. She placed her hand on my chest, and her breath hit my ear. “We could have some fun. That’s why I’m here. You left me with very good memories. Memories I wish to revisit.”

Tori flashed me a look of heat after she stepped back, and I knew right then, whether it made me seem like a cocky asshole or not, that I could have her if I wanted. The question was, did I want to go back for round two with her? I didn’t want complication in my life, and that was what I was afraid of if I listened to my cock.

“Ash, your face just lost all color.” Eden’s voice penetrated the air, and I immediately turned my attention to Ashlyn, who was focused on her phone. Her head shot up, her eyes wide, and she looked at Eden before briefly turning her attention to me. Eden walked over to her and grabbed her hand. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Everything is good.” She smiled, and immediately I knew everything was not good, because her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“Are you sure?” Eden pressed, and I waited for Ashlyn to answer.

“Let’s go and dance. That’s why we’re here, right?” Ashlyn announced, completely redirecting the attention from moments ago. “Josh, you are on bag-minding duty.”

Three bags were thrust into my hands, and the girls disappeared through the crowd. I took a seat so I had a view of them, and my gaze centered on Ashlyn. Something was going on, and whatever she had seen on her phone caused her to immediately shut down. I had no doubt that whatever it was had to do with Lachlan.

Ky slid in bedside me and handed me a whiskey. We both moved our focus to the girls as we sat in silence. Every single man in the bar watched them with eager eyes, and Ky switched into protective beast mode. One wrong move and it wouldn’t take long for him to cross the bar and show every man exactly who Eden belonged to, and I knew I’d do the same, without question.

“Are you taking Tori home tonight?” he asked during the down time between songs.

“I’ll see how the night plays out,” I answered halfheartedly. “I kind of wanted a quiet night to get organized for Ashlyn moving in tomorrow.”

The shock on his face was immediately evident. “Are you telling me you are refusing the promise of pussy to get ready for your friend to come stay with you?”

“Just concentrate on your own cock and don’t concern yourself with mine. I get plenty.” I smirked and lifted my glass to my lips, then turned my focus back to the girls.

The next song started, and a low, sultry number played through the bar. Ashlyn’s hips moved against Eden’s, and they wrapped their arms around each other, completely oblivious to the pain that they would be causing all of the men that were watching them. They had absolutely no idea the effect they had. Ashlyn looked over Eden’s shoulder, and our eyes met. We fell into an intense stare. I lifted the whiskey to my mouth and watched her over my glass as she swung her hips and got lost in the music. I didn’t bother hiding the fact that I was watching her, since I’d watched her the exact same way since I met her; with intrigue, need, and the craving to wrap her in my arms and steal her away. Lust was the temptress that constantly made me question every decision I’d ever made when it came to Ashlyn. Temptation, though, was the seductive whore who made me lose the ability to see the difference between reality and fantasy.