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JANET, Pierre. LAutomatisme psychologique. Paris, 1889.

JANET, Pierre. Les Nevroses. Paris, 1909.

JANTZ, HUBERT, and BERINGER, Kurt. «Das Syndrom des Schwebeer-lebnisses unmittelbar nach Kopfverletzungen», Der Nervenarzt (Berlin), XVII (1944), 197–206. JEANS, James. Physics and Philosophy. Cambridge, 1942.

JERUSALEM, Wilhelm. Lehrbuch der Psychologic. 3rd edn., Vienna and Leipzig, 1902.

JORDAN, PASCUAL. «Positivistische Bemerkungen uber die parapsychischen Erscheinungen», Zentralblatt fur Psychotherapie (Leipzig), IX (1936), 3—17.

JORDAN, PASCUAL. Verdrangung und Komplementaritat. Hamburg, 1947.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Aims of Psychotherapy». In: The Practice of Psychotherapy. Collected Works, 16.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Alchemical Studies. Collected Works, 13.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Association Method». In: Experimental Researches, q.v.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology. Edited by Constance E. Long, translated by various hands. London and New York, 1916; 2nd edn., 1917.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower. In: Alchemical Studies, q.v.; see also WlLHELM, RICHARD.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Concept of the Collective Unconscious». In: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, 9, i.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «Concerning Mandala Symbolism». In: ibid.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Experimental Researches. Collected Works, 2.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Mysterium Coniunctionis. Collected Works, 14.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «On the Psychology of Eastern Meditation». In: Psychology and Religion: West and East. Collected Works, 11.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairy Tales». In: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, 9, i.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Philosophical Tree». In: Alchemical Studies, q.v.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Practical Use of Dream-Analysis». In: The Practice of Psychotherapy. Collected Works, 16.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Psychiatric Studies. Collected Works, 1.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity». In: Psychology and Religion: West and East. Collected Works, 11.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Psychological Types. Collected Works, 6.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Psychology and Alchemy. Collected Works, 12.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Psychology of Dementia Praecox». In: Psychogenesis of Mental Disease. Collected Works, 3.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Psychology of the Transference». In: The Practice of Psychotherapy. Collected Works, 16.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «Richard Wilhelm: In Memoriam». In: The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature. Collected Works, 15.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Spirit Mercurius». In: Alchemical Studies, q.v.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «Studies in Word Association». Part I of Experimental Researches, q.v.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «A Study in the Process of Individuation». In: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Collected Works, 9, i.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Symbols of Transformation. Collected Works, 5.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Theory of Psychoanalysis». In: Freud and Psychoanalysis. Collected Works, 4.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. Collected Works, 7.

Jung, Carl Gustav. See also Peterson; Ricksher; Wilhelm, Richard.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. (ed.). Studies in Word-Association. . under the direction of C.G. Jung. Translated by M.D. Eder. London, 1918; New York, 1919. Contains works by Jung (now in Experimental Researches, q.v.) and others.

JUNG, Carl Gustav and KERENYI, С. Essays on a Science of Mythology. Translated by R.F.C. Hull. New Y)rk (Bollingen Series XXII), 1949; paperback edn., 1969. (British edn.: Introduction to a Science of Mythology. London, 1949.)

KAMMERER, PAUL. Das Gesetz der Serie. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1919.

KANT, Immanuel. Werke. Edited by Ernst Cassirer. Berlin, 1912–1922. 11 vols. (Anthropologic, VIII, p. 2—228; Logik, VIII, pp. 325–452; Trdume eines Geistersehers, II, pp. 331–390.) KANT, Immanuel. Dreams of a Spirit-Seer, Illustrated by Dreams of Metaphysics.

Translated by Emanuel F. Goerwitz. London, 1900.

KANT, Immanuel. Introduction to Logic. Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott. London, 1885.

KATZ, David. Animals and Men. Translated by Hannah Steinberg and Arthur Summerfield. London (Penguin Books), 1953.

KEPLER, Johannes. Gesammelte Werke. Edited by Max Caspar and others. Munich, i937ff. (Vol. IV: Kleinere Schriften (1602–1611). Edited by Max Caspar and Franz Hammer. 1941.)

KEPLER, Johannes. Joannis Kepleri astronomi Opera omnia. Edited by C. Frisch. Frankfurt and Erlangen, 1858–1871. 8 vols.

KERNER VON MARILAUN, ANTON. The Natural History of Plants. Translated by F.W. Oliver and others. London, 1902. 2 vols.

KHUNRATH, HEINRICH. Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae solius verae. Hanau, 1604. KHUNRATH, HEINRICH. Von hylealischen. . Chaos. Magdeburg, 1597.

KLOECKLER, HERBERT VON. Astrologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft. Leipzig, 1927.

KNOLL, Max. «Transformations of Science in Our Age». In: Man and Time, q.v. KoCH-GrUNBERG, THEODOR. Sildamerikanische Felszeichnungen. Berlin, 1907.

KRAFFT, K.E.; BUDAI, E.; and FERRIERE, A. Le Premier Traite d’astro-biologie. Paris, 1939. Kramer, Augustin Friedrich. Über den Bau der Korallenriffe. Kiel and Leipzig, 1897. Kronecker, Leopold. Werke. Leipzig, 1895–1930. 5 vols.

KULPE, OSWALD. Einleitung in die Philosophie. 7th edn., Leipzig,

KULPE, OSWALD. Outlines of Psychology. Translated by Edward Bradford Titchener. London and New York, 1895.

LEHMANN, Alfred. Die korperlichen Ausserungen psychischer Zustdade. Translated (into German) by F. Bendixen. Leipzig, 1899–1905. 3 vols.

Lehmann, Friedrich Rudolf. Mana, der Begriff des «ausserordent-lich

Wirkungsvollen» bei Su.dseevolkern. Leipzig, 1922.

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. Kleinere philosophische Schriften. Edited by R. Habs. Leipzig, 1883. 3 vols.

LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm. Philosophical Writings. Selected and translated by Mary Morris. (Everyman’s Library.) London and New York, 1934. (Monadology, p. 3–20; Principles of Nature and of Grace, founded on Reason, p. 21–31.)

LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm. The Philosophical Works of Leibniz; a Selection.

Translated by G.M. Duncan. New Haven, 1890.

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. Theodicy. Translated by E. M. Huggard. Edited by Austin Farrer. London, 1951 [1952].

LEVY-BRUHL, LuCIEN. How Natives Think, Translated by Lilian A. Clare. London, 1926.

(Orig.: Les Fonctions mentales dans les societes inferieures. Paris, 1912.)

Lewes, George Henry. Problems of Life and Mind. London, 1874 [1873]—79. 5 vols.

(Vol. II, The Physical Basis of Mind, 1877.)

«Liber de compositione Alchemiae». See Artis auriferae, ii.

LlPPS, THEODOR. «Der Begriff des Unbewussten». In: [Report of] Third International Congress for Psychology, Munich, 4–7 August 1896. Munich, 1897.

LlPPS, THEODOR. Grundtatsachen des Seelenlebens. Bonn, 1912.

LlPPS, THEODOR. Leitfaden der Psychologic Leipzig, 1903; 2nd edn., 1906.

LOVE Joy, Arthur O. «The Fundamental Concept of the Primitive Philosophy», The Monist (Chicago), XVI (1906), 357–382.

LUMHOLTZ, CARL. Unknown Mexico. London, 1903.

McCONNELL, Robert A. «E.S.P. – Fact or Fancy?» Scientific Monthly (Lancaster, Pennsylvania), LXIX: 2 (1949), 121–125.