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“I . . . I like it. I want that,” she whispered.

“I think you just earned another orgasm.” His hand trailed down her throat before finding her erect nipples. He palmed one while stroking the stiff peak on the other. Just when Mia had grown accustomed to the gentle pressure of his hands on her breasts, he suddenly pinched both nipples firmly. Her body jerked at the combination of pleasure and pain. Moisture gathered between her thighs, making her panties embarrassingly wet, and his hands left her breasts and circled closer and closer to her core. She shifted her hips, begging him to make the contact that she so desperately needed. By the time his fingers brushed against her slit through the wet fabric of her panties, she thought she might explode. She was ready to push the material aside and push his hand against her throbbing clit. The man had way too damn much self-control. Without warning, he grasped the side of the delicate material and gave a firm tug. She gasped in surprise as the silk gave way. He performed the action on the opposite side and suddenly the panties were gone in the blink of an eye. He lifted her legs, draped them over his shoulders, and lowered his head before she had time to protest. He buried his face between her legs and . . . sniffed. What the hell? “Ah fuck, baby, you smell so sweet. If you taste half as good, I’m never going to want to leave your hot little pussy.”

Shit, Mia thought, Seth Jackson talks dirty. Could this get any better?

When his tongue slipped through her folds and circled her clit, she knew had her answer. The man had the tongue of a god! He alternated between licking her like an ice cream and sucking her clit like a damn Hoover. Her eyes literally rolled back in her head as the best orgasm of her life came ripping through her body like a freight train. When he added his fingers to the mix and started pistoning them in and out of her, every nerve ending in her body caught fire. She clamped her legs around his hand, not sure if she was trying to push him away or trap him there forever. She was as limp as a dishrag when he finally removed those magical fingers and stood to discard his remaining clothing.

Mia was sure she could pack it up and go home at this point and still have had the best sexual experience of her life. Well . . . until she saw the impressive cock that Seth’s slacks had been covering. Her poor vagina didn’t know whether to freeze in anticipation or run scared. To say that he was impressive in that department was an understatement; the man could make a fortune in the porn industry if he ever decided on a career change. He stood still for a moment, content to let her look her fill. “Wow,” she finally murmured, “you don’t believe in doing things halfway, do you, Mr. Jackson?”

Smirking, he said, “No, I don’t, Miss Gentry. Now how about sliding back onto the bed so I can join you.” She managed to move backward in what she knew was a very ungraceful crawl. He grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer before settling between her legs once again. She was surprised when he lifted her legs against his chest and shoulders, elevating her hips into the air. Without any warning, she felt his large cock probe her wet slit before he plunged into her.

“Ahhh, God!” she screamed as her body rushed to accommodate his size.

He strained to hold back asking, “Too deep?”

“Just give me a minute,” she panted. When he used his thumb to start rubbing her clit, she forgot her discomfort. She wouldn’t have cared if he split her in two. She circled her hips, moaning when she felt his cock sliding further inside her. “Seth . . . ple-e-ease.” He didn’t need to be asked twice. His buried his cock inside of her again and settled into a relentless rhythm that she was helpless to resist. When his grip loosened on her legs, she wiggled them free and wrapped them around his lean waist, raising her hips to meet each thrust.

“Holy fuck, Mia!” he shouted as her body started to shudder around his. She felt his cock start to twitch and then he was coming apart along with her. He continued to slide in and out afterward, bringing them both back down from their high. She was too exhausted by that point to move. She was dimly aware of Seth going into the bathroom and coming back. She thought she should offer to go home now, but she couldn’t find the strength to care. She curled against the warmth that settled at her back and was fast asleep within moments.

Chapter Seven

“Morning, kid.” Mia looked up from loading her messenger bag behind her desk to see her boss, Hank, walk into her office and shut the door behind him. She gave him a smile in return before she finished adding the last items she needed for her work at the Oceanix Resort that day.

She saw a cup of coffee sitting on her desk and alarm bells went off. Hank always brought food or drink with him when he had any kind of bad news to impart. Shit, had someone on her team quit? Giving him a wary look, she dropped down into her chair saying, “Er . . . something wrong?” He looked surprised before she gave a pointed look at the cup of coffee.

“You young people have me all figured out, don’t you? I feel like a grandpa trying to handle a pack of evil geniuses.”

Mia smirked. “Yeah, that’s a conversation for another day. By the way, you’re only in your forties, right? I don’t think you could qualify for my grandpa yet. So . . . what’s up?” He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and was that . . . my God, was he blushing? What in the hell?

“Um . . . kid . . . this is,” he stuttered before finally blurting out, “well, Suzy Merimon saw you and Seth Jackson going at it like rabbits at some restaurant last night. God damn, that was awkward as ass to say!”

Mia felt as if someone had just punched her in the gut. She knew she looked just as stunned as she felt. She couldn’t remember exactly what had happened during dinner last night. Things were a little hazy thanks to all of the wine that they had consumed. She did know that there had been some very hands-on moments, none of which would probably look innocent to a spectator. Hank was waiting on her to respond with what looked like equal parts curiosity and embarrassment. Denial wasn’t even an option here and they both knew it. She absently lifted a hand to massage the now pounding headache beating against her temple. Sighing she said, “This totally sucks. I color outside of the lines at work for the first time ever and get busted by my freaking idol, Suzy. By the way, how did she make the connection? It’s not like we are drinking buddies or anything.”

For the first time since he entered her office, he had a genuine smile on his face. “Those crazy-ass shoes of yours finally got you in trouble. I have been telling you that would happen. To be fair though I just thought you would fall on your face or down a set of stairs. I never thought of them getting you cold-busted in an, um . . . well, you know.”

Confused, she said, “I still don’t follow you. What have my shoes got to do with it?”

“Well, that’s just it, kid. Suzy called down this morning and said that she was dining at the Ivy last night with her husband, Gray, and a few friends. Gray saw Seth but did not know you. Suzy said that she recognized you. She always admired your ‘funky shoes’ when she saw you at the office. Gray knew that Danvers was in the middle of an installation at the Oceanix so he was going to go over and speak to Seth. Suzy managed to convince him that he shouldn’t disturb you two since you were obviously on a date. I guess she asked around and came up with your name and traced you to this department. She said that she intends to mind her own business even though she now knows that you were out with a customer you are currently working with. She hopes that you will keep things with Seth under wraps until the job is complete. She is kind of a nosy broad, isn’t she?”