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“And you’re a bad girl, Mia, a very bad girl. Let’s get out of here so I can do something about that for you.”

She made a feeble excuse. “But, my car is here.” He rubbed his hand against the thin silk of her thong and she fought to control the moan that rose to her lips.

“I’ve got a car and a driver. I just texted him and told him to pick us up at the entrance. I’ll have your car brought to my house.” Before she knew it, Seth had settled the bill and was steering her toward the door with a hand in the small of her back. She gave a bright smile to the man holding the rear door of a shiny, black car open as Seth helped her inside. When he pulled her into his lap as the car started moving, she looked toward the front in alarm. “It’s okay; there is a privacy glass so Mike won’t be able to hear or see a thing.”

That was all she needed to know. She settled her mouth against the lips she had been admiring all evening and slipped her tongue inside his mouth. He tasted faintly of wine and of the chocolate soufflé that they had shared for dessert. Completely and utterly delicious. He took over the kiss and devoured her mouth. His hands settled against her ass, kneading it before pushing her into closer contact with his cock. She rubbed herself against him unashamedly, desperate for relief. When she felt him lean her back in his arms, she protested the loss of contact. “I want you . . . now.”

“Shhh, it’s okay. I don’t want to fuck you in the car the first time, but let me make you feel good.”

His hand slid her panties to the side and his long finger stroked her wet slit. She moaned and moved her hips, seeking the full pressure of his hand. “Oh, yeah, you like that, don’t you?” Suddenly his finger was inside of her, buried to the palm of his hand.

“Oh, God,” she bucked against him. “Please.” He added another finger and thrust them in and out of her. His thumb rubbed against her clit and she felt the explosion begin inside her. Tremors wracked her body as wave after wave of pleasure streaked through her. He continued to milk her for everything she had. His fingers were relentless as another orgasm threatened. She was so sensitive that she thought she would die if he didn’t stop. She attempted to clamp her legs together and shift away from him.

He gave a husky laugh, tweaking her clit one last time before removing his hand from between her legs. “We’re almost at my place, and I want to be buried inside of you the next time you come.”

“Where do you live? Please tell me we aren’t going to your hotel.”

“I split my free time between a house on the beach and a penthouse at the Oceanix. I didn’t think it was a good idea for us to be seen in our, um . . . condition walking through the resort. I thought my home would be more private.”

The gates opened ahead and the car pulled smoothly into the circular drive of his home. He helped Mia straighten her clothing before the driver opened the rear door. He kept his hand at her back as he escorted her to the front door. The house and grounds were well lit by landscape lighting, but it still took him a moment to fumble for his keys. Mia stuck her hand in his pocket, skimming near his cock. “Need some help finding your . . . keys?” she joked.

He raised an eyebrow saying, “If you keep that up, I’ll fuck you against the door and forget trying to open it.” She felt a thrill shoot through her at the image his words invoked. She had no idea that he was so forceful and she had to admit, she loved it. Her intuition had told her that Seth would be good in bed. She now thought he might be more like the Holy Grail. The man had some kink, which was an unexpected turn-on. She would have never pictured him fingering her to an orgasm in the back of a car. Even with her alcohol buzz starting to wear off, she had no plans of backing out. Just this once she was going to mix business with pleasure. She had come too far to stop now.

A lamp burning in the foyer cast a dim glow on the surroundings. Before she could look further, his hand settled on the curve of her ass and pushed her forward to what she presumed was his bedroom, if the massive bed was any indication. “If you don’t mind, let’s skip the tour for now and get on to more . . . pressing business. I believe I promised you an orgasm with my cock inside of you and I’m ready to make good on that.”

What little modesty she had left was gone. Her only reply was, “Could you unzip me, please?”

“Most fucking definitely, sweetheart.”

When Seth lowered her zip, she stepped away from him before he could remove her dress. He moaned his frustration with her evasive maneuvers before she turned back to him, making eye contact. She slowly lowered the top of her dress, exposing her barely contained breasts to his hungry gaze. With a shimmy of her hips, the dress continued down until it pooled at her feet. She kicked the fabric away and allowed him a moment to enjoy the her lingerie. When he tried to reach for her, she took another step back. She pushed him back onto the bed saying, “Not yet, cowboy, this is my show. Just enjoy it.”

Mia had no idea who the wanton woman was who had taken control of her body. She blamed it on the alcohol, even though she thought she could walk a straight line now if needed. Keeping her bra and panties on, she turned around, spread her legs, and settled her hands on her hips. She slowly started to swivel her hips from side to side. She circled around until her ass was in Seth’s line of sight and lowered her body until she felt his hand stroke one of her cheeks. She spun away, unclipping the front clasp of her bra and allowing it to drop as she turned back to face him. She noticed with satisfaction that his face was flushed and he appeared to be breathing harder as she reached up to cup her breasts, lightly pinching the nipples that had puckered under the heat of his gaze. Her body continued to sway in a sultry dance as she hooked her hands in the side of her panties and smiled at Seth’s ragged moan. It was naughty of her to torture him so much, but he seemed to appreciate the show even if it was starting to torture her as much as it was him.

She gasped in surprise as he suddenly leapt from his seat on the bed and put his large hands over her smaller hands, stopping her from removing her thong. “Oh, no, baby,” he growled, “I believe it’s my move now.”

Wiggling her hands from under his, she purred, “Only if you remove some clothing. I’m feeling a little underdressed.” Without waiting for his approval, she pulled his button-down shirt from his slacks and started unbuttoning it. His fingers dug into her thighs as she nibbled her way down his chest, nipping at the flesh each button exposed. She reached his belt and congratulated herself on getting it unbuckled in record time. When she reached for the button of his slacks, he grabbed her wrists, stopping her.

“That’s enough for now. If those sweet hands of yours touch my cock right now, this might be over sooner than either of us wants. Let’s focus on you.” He turned and nudged her toward the seat on the bed that he had recently vacated. When she dropped down to the edge, he knelt between her spread legs and eased his way closer to her. She obligingly spread her legs further until he was nestled against her core. His fingertips glided down her arms as his gaze ran over every exposed inch of her body. “So fucking perfect. Shit, you make me want to fuck you first and think about the rest later.” Her body clenched in anticipation, more than agreeable to his suggestion until he added, “But . . . I won’t. A body like this must be stroked . . . licked . . . sucked, and savored first. Then I’ll have you grip the headboard while I fuck you . . . hard.” A moan escaped her parted lips causing him to smirk. “I think you like that don’t you, Mia?” She nodded her agreement, but he wasn’t satisfied with that. “Tell me you like it.”