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Can't Let Go _60.jpg

Can't Let Go _61.jpg

I LOVE LAZY Sunday’s in the Carsen household. Brady cooks us breakfast as we stay in our pajamas until the afternoon, some nursing hangovers, some just recouping on sleep. Since we’re in the throes of football season, we mostly lie around the family room, eating, cheering or booing, depending on what teams are playing, and bullshitting with each other. But this Sunday has been the best so far, because as the quiet house begins to come to life with shuffled footsteps and low talking, I’m in the arms of the man I’ve loved a majority of my life. The guy who filled my dreams and fantasies since I was fourteen years old.

Trying to wiggle out of Dex’s childlike death grip, he wraps his arms around my waist, yanking me back. I don’t fight his motives, but rather enjoy the loving behavior I’ve only dreamed of until now. “Where do you think you’re going?” His groggy voice etched with humor. He buries his head in the crook of my neck, kissing the shiver-inducing spot right under my ear, hitting his mark as though he’s done it for years.

Giggling like a groupie, I scoot my body closer to his. Matching my motions, he splays his hand on my bare stomach, locking me firmer against him and enabling me to feel his morning excitement. “Starting my day,” I tell him, not really wanting to leave his hold.

“I’ll start your day,” he jokes, his lips traveling down my neck. Inching forward, I tilt my head, and he slides my hair off my neck, pecking short kisses along my hairline. If I thought I was going to die from my heart exploding last night from the amount of love Dex displayed, I’m certain it will erupt from his morning-after enjoyment of me.

“I’m sure you would.” I roll over, caressing his cheeks. “No regrets?” I hastily ask. When his eyes fall and lips turn down, I regret asking immediately, but it’s still hard to believe from his instant turnaround.

“No.” His body sits up, his elbows on his knees and head in his hands. “Jesus, Chrissy, I know I’ve been stupid, but this,” he picks up his head, the sadness in his eyes boring into me, motioning his finger between us, “is it.” Scooting closer to me again, he grabs my waist and tugs so that I’m on his lap. Drawing me to him, closing any space between us, his hands rest on the small of my back, my breasts out for his viewing. “No regrets—ever.” His lips suck my bottom lip into his mouth, and I grind my pelvis into him, loving his body’s response to my movement. Closing the kiss, he backs his head up. “Never ask me again, okay?” he requests, and I nod, feeling more secure in that instant. It may have taken Dex awhile to come around, but now that he has, I’m positive his love won’t waver.

A slow smile creeps across his face, and then his lips come back to my mouth, still sore from last night’s make-out marathon. I swear we took turns waking each other up in order to satisfy our need for the other. Just as my breathing picks up with the anticipation that he’s about to round second, his door swings open and Dex tosses me on my back and throws the sheet over my body. Through the sliver of space between Dex’s back and the pillows, I see it’s Trey who’s interrupted my fun.

“Get the hell up. The Dog Pound is in full effect,” Trey screams, and I can hear the kids downstairs running and laughing. “Shit,” he covers his eyes, “cover that thing up.” He laughs.

“Turn around and shut the door,” Dex says through clenched teeth. Trey laughs and then examines the situation. Feeling the chill on my feet, I slowly curl them under the covers to hide from his sight.

“All right, I’m leaving.” He raises his hands, and I allow my breath to stream out of my mouth. “Browns are on in fifteen, so hurry up and get your ass downstairs,” he finishes. His image remains by the door, and my heart slows seeing his departure. “Oh, and one more thing.” Trey’s humor-filled voice floats back into the room.

“What jackass?” Dex asks exasperated.

“Good morning, Chrissy.” Trey laughs and shuts the door. His bellowing laugh can still be heard all the way down the hall until it fades down the staircase.

I bolt up, the sheet falling to my waist, and Dex shakes his head, smiling ear to ear. “What?” I ask, grabbing the edge of the sheet to cover myself.

Dex’s hand touches mine, nudging the sheet back down and then his body rests on top of mine as he seductively kisses my collarbone. “We have about five minutes before one of those girls barges in.” I’m relieved that he’s okay with everyone knowing about us, it shows how much he really does love me.

I giggle and rub my hands up and down his back. “How’d he know it was me?”

Dex doesn’t get up but continues his exploration of my body. “I’m not sure, but I’m thankful he didn’t see any inch of you. Sorry for the ninja move.” I feel his lips turn up as they move on my skin.

Playfully, I smack his shoulder to move forward and scoot out from under his large body. “Shower time. Obviously, our day of exploration is over,” I toss over my shoulder.

He sits up so his back rests along the headboard, his bare chest covered in tattoos I traced with my fingers last night. Him explaining the times he had them done and the deep meaning behind each one, some easier than others to figure out.

“What are you doing?” I ask him, shaking my head at his sly smile.

“Watching you,” he says, shifting his feet. “I may need to have a half time show. I’m not sure I can go the whole day without being inside of you.” His eyes burn, gazing at my skin as they follow me around the room, capturing the butterflies that swarm in my stomach with anticipation of more than his eyes on me.

Seductively crawling up the bed, I give him a quick kiss on his lips. “Just give me a signal, and I’ll be up here waiting,” I say and then slide off his body.

“Tease,” he jokes, and I wave my hand at him while walking into the bathroom, reveling in the heat of his eyes on me.

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FINALLY, I MAKE it downstairs, but the game is already in the first quarter. Dex, Brady, and Rob sit on the couch, and Trey bounces Drew on his lap in the chair. Eyeing him from the hallway, Dex’s vision is already focused my way. The thought that maybe he’s been waiting for me brings a tingling sensation streaming through my veins.

Entering the kitchen, I dread the twenty questions that are about to come my way from Sadie or Kailey. I release the built up anxiety at seeing Chloe and Tara coloring at the table. Kailey sits on the counter and Sadie flits around the kitchen, putting a few snacks together for the guys. Noticing the pans from breakfast in the sink, I’m bummed I missed Brady’s cooking, but then flashes of Dex’s arms wrapped around me tight this morning flicker to life and the sadness vanishes as fast as it appeared.

“What’s the cheesy grin about?” Kailey raises her eyebrows in a knowing sign. My eyes dart to the girls and then back to her. “Hi, girls.” I wave.

Both turning their attention to me, they wave back. “Hi, Chrissy.”

“Give it up. I doubt Trey kept the secret,” I say softly when I approach her and Sadie a safe distance from Chloe and Tara.

They both laugh. “It’s about time anyway.” Sadie turns her attention to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “I’m so happy for you.” A warmth spreads through my blood, because I not only have Dex, but the friendships of amazing girls as well.

“What a waste of Ryland Davis, though.” I push Kailey lightly, and she falls into the cabinets a little and then steadies herself. “Just kidding.” She hops down and hugs me as well.

“How did Trey even know it was me?” I ask her, pouring chips into a bowl.