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“You know those sexy ass shoes would look much better in the air while I’m fucking you. Holding these long legs above your head while you scream my name. Too bad I don’t mix business with pleasure.” He releases me and opens the door. “I’ll be waiting out here for you to change, Miss Baker.”

When he shuts it, I want to scream at the top of my lungs, half from aggravation and half from sexual frustration.

I. Fucking. Hate. Him.

Chapter Three


I get dressed slowly, not in any hurry to go back out there and face Hunter. It would be my luck that out of all the people in the world, he would get assigned to be my security. My mother laid out this intricate outfit but I just don’t feel like putting it on. I grab a pair of yoga pants, and a bright pink t-shirt; if I have to have him annoying me the rest of the night, then I damn sure want to be comfortable while he does it.

I felt so cheap after he walked out on me that night. I mean, I get that I slept with him shortly after meeting him, but he didn’t need to treat me like shit. I still can’t believe I did that. It’s so out of character for me. I have only had sex with two other guys and both of them stemmed from longer relationships. There was just something about Hunter that made me lose all control over my emotions, and my body. The worst part is that he knows it.

I take a deep breath and open the door. His back is to me and I can’t help but glance down at his ass. Jesus, I didn’t know men could have an ass like that. His voice jolts me and I jump. “You can look, but don’t touch.” I give him the finger before pushing past him and walking down the hallway. “Slow down, cupcake.”

I press the elevator button and turn to face him, looking around to make sure no one is close and paying attention to us. “Cupcake? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

The doors slide open and both of us walk in. Hunter still hasn’t answered me, so I look over at him. Once the doors close, he backs me into the corner of the elevator. Our faces are only an inch apart and it’s like I’m getting drunk just being this close to him. He grabs my ass, lifting me up and balancing me on the railing that surrounds the elevator. His hands snake around to the front of my thighs, his thumbs pressing down and massaging me. I get wet instantly and the closer he gets to my clit the more I writhe from the sensation. His hands freeze as his head dips down to kiss my neck before nipping at it, causing me to yelp. “I called you cupcake because that’s what your pussy is like to me. So. Fucking. Sweet. But I can’t allow myself to have it more than once.” His hands trail up my body before they hook under my arms and place me back on the floor. “Close your mouth cupcake, you might catch flies.”

Why the hell do I keep letting him get me worked up? I swear he is like a fucking drug, he is so bad for me but I love the high he gives me. My body is so heated and screaming for release, I hope my damn vibrator has batteries in it. How am I going to survive being around him? The elevator dings and I step out, hoping my face isn’t too red.

“Samantha!” Fuck. I thought she left. I turn to face hurricane Mom. “What are you doing in pajamas?”

“Mom, they’re not pajamas,” I say, exhausted from the day’s events, Hunter playing with my emotions, and my mother being my mother. “They are normal clothes, that normal people wear on a daily basis. They’re comfortable.”

“Well, do I need to remind you that you aren’t normal? No one will want to take a picture with you looking ‘comfortable’. They want the star, and it’s your job to give it to them.”

“Maybe I don’t want to be the star anymore. Maybe I want to be a girl. Maybe I want to have a life that doesn’t have every second planned out for me.” I try to keep my voice from shaking. I walk away from her, not wanting to say anymore. I know she thinks she is doing what is best for me, but I’m suffocating. I can feel the tears building and I just want to get into the car before they start to fall. People see you in the news and on TV and think you have everything. Yes, I’m so blessed to be where I am and to have what I do. On the other side, I’m a prisoner. I have no say in my own life.

The doors open and there is a sea of people behind the barricades. The flashes blind me and I focus my eyes on the floor. Hunter’s arm loops through mine in an attempt to guide me, and I follow him. I hear a clash of metal and Hunter curse under his breath.

When I look behind us, I see that the barricade fell and we are now surrounded by people. We are still about ten feet from the van and there is nowhere to go. The crowd is closing in, everyone yelling my name from one direction or another.

“What the fuck!” Hunter yells next to me, trying to get to the security guards and push through people. “Come here.” Fear sets in as I see the crowd moving toward us. He picks me up, holding me against his chest and I feel safe in his arms. Even if he is an asshole, I have this comforting feeling that he won’t let anything happen to me. I hate how he makes me feel. He turns and begins to back into the crowd, pushing his way through people. I feel him beginning to put me down and look next to us to see the truck. Thank God.

He holds the door open for me and climbs in after I do. “Holy shit! Is that fucking normal?”

“I don’t know what normal is anymore,” I say, as I stare out of the window. Normal is having no friends because everyone wants something from you. Normal is not being able to date because most guys just want to say they had sex with Samantha Baker. Normal isn’t a word I know anymore.

“Hey,” I feel his hand touch my arm. “Are you okay?” I nod my head. “Okay, Joe is going to stop by a drive through. What do you want to eat?”

“Nothing.” My mood has dropped severely. The only thing I want is my bed, not that it will be my bed because I’ve been in a different hotel every night.

“You need to eat something. I mean, I got here around lunch time and it’s almost nine now. You have to eat.”

I turn to him, puzzled by the rough edge to his tone.

“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to. Besides my mother would have me committed for even thinking of eating that junk. If you’re hungry though, feel free to stop.” I resume my previous position, turned away from him and staring out of the window.

The car goes through the drive through and both Joe and Hunter get something to eat. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t salivating just from the smell inside the car. I wanted to get something, but my mother’s words haunt me every time I eat. I look over at him as her words play in my head.

Stick with the salad, you know anything else will go straight to your thighs.

No one wants to look at a fatty, Samantha.

One mistake is all it takes.

Make me proud.

My stomach grumbles and I know Hunter hears it when he turns to me. He raises an eyebrow as he seems to assess me but he doesn’t say anything.

When we get to the hotel, I go straight up to the suite. I need a long bath and honestly I really need some sexual gratification. Hunter walks me upstairs but when I try to close the door to the room, he pushes it open and steps inside.

“What are you doing?” I ask him, having no energy to play games.

“Going to bed, same as you.”

“Then you need to go to your room.” I open the door and look at him expectantly.

“I am in my own room. Your mom said she is booking suites with two rooms so that you’re never alone. I guess that means you’re stuck with me, cupcake.” He winks before retreating with our bags.

My mother hates me.

Chapter Four


I am so fucking beat. Most of my other jobs were for events. Keeping out unwanted guests and easy shit like that.