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“I want it.” My voice is a breathy, strained whisper full of want.

He retracts his finger, leaving me greedy for him. It’s dark but I can see the moment when he lifts his finger to his lips, sucking my juices off of it.

“So fucking sweet,” he whispers in my ear.

His hands undo the buttons on my shorts and slide my zipper down. I look around and even though there are probably only twenty people in here, I feel like they all know what I’m about to do. His hand dips down my shorts and beneath my panties. I gasp as his fingers enter me, his thumb  pressed against my clit. He starts a delicious rhythm; every time his fingers pull out, he presses down on my clit. It’s making me crazy and I writhe in my seat, in desperate need of release. Hunter dips his head down and gently starts to nibble at my neck, increasing the speed at which his is thrusting his fingers in and out of me. His teeth clamp down on my neck and I let out a yelp as my body breaks into a million pieces.

My head falls back against the seat but immediately pops up when I realize where we are. I look around but no one is turned our way. Someone a few rows ahead of us screams and I realize that I didn’t seem out of place, yelling during this kind of a movie. Did he plan this? I look over at the devil smirking at me and I know he did. I can’t help but laugh to myself.

His mouth is near my ear again. “Now, eat my popcorn before I bend you over. After watching you fall apart, I’m fucking rock hard and not above doing it.”

I take a deep breath, trying to get my bearings.

I look over at Hunter.

I’m in trouble.

Chapter Ten


Watching her lose herself almost had me blowing a load in my pants. This girl is so fucking beautiful and sexy and it’s like she has no idea. I can’t stop my hands from tracing every inch of her skin that I can reach. I’m like a fucking addict. I have my drug of choice right in my hand but I can’t indulge, at least not here. I decided last night that I was done pushing her away. I refuse to deny myself what I want anymore.

The movie ends, not that I watched a damn minute of it. I grab Sam’s hand and lead her out to the car. She’s quiet and I’m not really sure why. Once we get into the car I pull away, heading for our next destination. The radio plays low and Sam still hasn’t said a word. I don’t know what’s up with her, and a part of me doesn’t want to ask in fear that it’s something I did. Once you ask a chick what’s wrong, they dredge up every indiscretion you’ve committed against them since day one.

I pull into the driveway and Sam looks over at me, seemingly confused. “Where are we?”

“This is my friend Brian’s house. A bunch of us get together once a month to have dinner and catch up.” I move to get out of the car and she grabs my hand.

“What are we doing, Hunter?”

I know what she’s asking but I really don’t want to answer it right now. “We are eating and having some fun.”

“You know what I mean.” I can see the confusion etched on her face.

“Can we have this talk later tonight? For right now, let’s just have fun. Give yourself a chance to be normal for a day.” I’ve seen how stressed her career makes her in the few days I’ve been around.  I also thought that if she got some normalcy¸ it might make her feel better.

“Okay.” I can sense some hesitation but I know once we get inside, she will loosen up. I take her hand and lead her into the backyard. The guys are all standing around the grill. I don’t see the girls yet, but I’m sure they are around somewhere.

Brian sees us coming and gives me a sideways look. I didn’t tell him I was bringing anyone and considering they have never even seen me with a chick in daylight, I’m sure it’s a shock.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Mason says as he sees me. “It’s about time you made it, slug.”

Sam turns to face me. “Slug?”

I rub the back of my neck, not wanting to get into this right now. “It’s nothing.”

“Aw, come on! You used to wear that title proudly.” Mason turns to Sam. “We call him slug because they are the most sexually active animals, since they have both male and female parts. It’s been a running joke that if Hunter could fuck himself he would never leave his house.”

Sam bursts out in laughter, along with everyone else in the yard. Real fucking funny. I finally bring a chick around and they have to make me look like an asshole.

“Well, ya gonna introduce her? Or are we supposed to guess? You do know her name, right?” Brian says, as he is flipping the burgers. Why did I think this shit was a good idea? I really don’t need them laying all my shit bare the first time they meet Sam.

“Sam, this is Brian, Mason, Jake, and Ryan. Guys, this is Samantha.” I wait for more insults as the guys step up to say hi to her.

Brian’s fiancé Jules and her friend Lacey come out of the house with huge margarita glasses. Their eyes zero in on the fact that I’m still holding Sam’s hand. “Shut the fuck up,” Jules says before covering her mouth in shock. “I’m sorry. I’ll blame it on the tequila at this point. You know who you are, right?”

I knew she would be the first one to realize who Sam was. I just hope they can all keep it together.

“Babe, what are you talking about?” Brian asks as he walks over to her and grabs the glass out of her hand.

“That’s Samantha Baker. I tried to get tickets to her show a few months ago and they were sold out.” Jules looks back toward me. “Wait a minute. Is she your new client?”

I nod my head. “When you’re done being a psycho fan, we just want to have a normal relaxing day.”

“Okay first of all slug, it’s called fangirling.” I hate that fucking nickname now. “Second, I’m totally cool. Sam, do you want a margarita? Lacey is a little heavy handed with the tequila, but they’re delicious.”

She looks over at me and smiles. “Have fun.” I whisper in her ear, before placing a kiss on her neck. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I can’t control myself around her. It’s like I want to, no I need to, claim her. I need everyone to see that she is mine. Even if she isn’t, yet. Sam’s body seems to tense a bit before relaxing against me and accepting my form of affection.

After a minute, Sam follows the girls into the house and when I turn back toward the guys, they are all staring at me. “What? You assholes never seen a woman before?”

Ryan laughs. “Oh, it’s not that. We’ve just never seen one with you that wasn’t plastic and filled with air.”

They all start to laugh and I grab a beer out of the cooler. I want to go in to see how Sam is doing but I don’t. When did I become such a fucking pussy?

The girls come back out a few minutes later and Sam now has one of the fishbowls these girls call glasses. She moves to sit next to me but I pull her so she’s on my lap. I don’t care how it looks. I don’t care if what I’m doing is scaring the shit out of me. I am done holding back. Her ass is lined up almost perfectly with my still hard dick. I want her so bad right now that it fucking hurts. I should have just skipped this stupid ass dinner and taken her back to the hotel. That’s when I hear it. Sam laughing again. I think she has laughed more in the short time we have been here than in all the time I have worked for her.

We sit around talking with everyone, eating, and Sam has a few more margaritas. When the time comes to leave, I can tell she is definitely a little tipsy. She says goodbye to everyone and then takes my waiting hand.

“Come on slug,” she says with a giggle before running off to the car.

I turn back to the guys. “I could fucking kill you for that shit, Ryan.” I run after Sam, finding her in the car already. As we drive back to the hotel, I run my hand up and down her thigh, loving the little moans that escape out of her full parted lips as I get closer to her core.