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I hope this gas station has Gardetto’s.


Simon: Thank God she wanted to stop. Now I can adjust without looking like a pervert…oh, who am I kidding? I am a pervert. I’m riding in a car with a woman who was straddling me last night and just the thought of it makes me hard. Pervert, pervert, pervert. I hope this gas station has Gardetto’s.


Mimi: Ooh! We’re stopping! I hope this gas station has bubble gum!


Ryan: Oh, man, we’re stopping already? We’re not going to make it back to the city before dark. Mimi wants me to see her place, and I’m really hoping that means walk around naked and let me watch…I hope this gas station has condoms.


Caroline: Okay, you could have handled that a little better. Mimi suggesting you and Simon split the big bag of Gardetto’s was not that big of a deal.

Am I a little sensitive today? Yes, I suppose I am…But I know for a fact that Simon was checking out my ass as I walked away from the car. Why the hell is he checking out my ass now? Last night he didn’t even want to peek under my bikini. Is he really that complicated? Why the hell is he looking at me? He’s reaching his hand out. Stay still, Caroline, stay still …Oh, sesame seed on my chin. Well, if you weren’t looking at my mouth, Mr. Mixed Messages, you wouldn’t even have noticed it. You will never get this sesame seed now, buddy. Damn! Why does this sweater have to smell so good? I hope he hasn’t noticed me sniffing this sweater the whole way.


Simon: She’s really sniffly today. I hope she isn’t catching a cold. We spent so much time outside this weekend…I would hate for her to come down with something. She just sniffled again. Should I offer her a Kleenex?


Mimi: Busted, Caroline. I totally knew you were sniffing that sweater.


Ryan: I wonder if Mimi has any more of that bubble gum? I hope she didn’t notice me buying those condoms. I mean, I don’t want to be presumptuous. But I definitely want to be under her again sometime very, very soon. Who knew someone so tiny could be so loud…and now I’m hard.


Mimi: Ryan Hall …Mimi Reyes Hall …Mimi Hall …Mimi Reyes-Hall …


Caroline: Okay, Caroline, time to have that difficult conversation—with yourself. Why exactly did you throw yourself at Simon last night? Was it the wine? Was it the music? The voodoo? Was it the combination of all those things? Okay, okay, no more bullshit. I did it because…because…Fuck, I need some more Gardetto’s.


Simon: She’s so pretty. I mean, there’s pretty and then there’s pretty…What a pussy I am. Fuck pretty—she’s beautiful…pussy…And she smells good…pussy…Why do some girls just smell better? Some girls smell like flowery, fruity bullshit. I mean, why would some girls want to smell like a mango? Why should a girl smell like a mango? Maybe if I think the word mango enough I won’t think about pussy anymore. Caroline…mango…

Caroline…pussy… God! And now I’m hard…


Caroline: He looks like he needs to pee again…He’s drinking too much coffee. He’s had like six cups already from that thermos. That’s funny…He never has a second cup at home. Why the hell do I know how many cups of coffee he drinks? Face it, Caroline, you know so much about him because…because…


Ryan: Dude, we’re stopping again? We are never gonna make it home. My boy is having some serious issues today…I should probably see if he wants to get a beer or something when we get back—in case he wants to come clean about what really happened last night. Should I offer? Wow, Mimi looks fantastic in those pants…I wonder if she’s buying more bubble gum.


Mimi: Stop sniffing your sweater, Caroline! Seriously, girl. If I could just get her alone…Okay, Simon seems to be hobbling toward the men’s room. I can get her alone by the beef jerky.


Caroline: Ugh…I can’t believe Mimi knew I was sniffing the sweater. I wonder if Simon noticed.


Simon: She seems better…She’s not sniffling any more.


Mimi: I need to text Sophia. She needs to know the Simon/Caroline situation is not getting any better. What the hell are we gonna do with these two? I mean, seriously…sometimes people just can’t see what’s right in front of them. Aawww…Ryan wants me to scratch his back. I adore him…

And damn, are his fingers long…


Ryan: Mmmm…back…scratch…back…scratch…Mmmm…


Caroline: Okay, no more avoiding it in your own head, Reynolds. And now I’m serious because I’m using my last name. Now listen up, Reynolds…

Heeheehee…I sound like such a badass!


Simon: So…she’s giggling? Inside joke, she says. So maybe she is okay with how this is going—oops, grabbed the wrong bag of Gardetto’s. Did she just growl at me?


Caroline: Turn my tatas down and then try to steal my Gardetto’s? I don’t think so, buddy. Okay, Reynolds, no more giggling. You can’t avoid this forever, even in your own mind. Here are the questions on deck: 1. Why did you throw yourself at Simon last night? And you’re not allowed to blame alcohol or music or vacation vibes or Nerves or Heart or anything. 2. Why did he turn you down? If he didn’t want to go there, why has he been flirting with you for weeks, and not just in the neighborly way? He’s got a harem, for God’s sake. He’s not a Puritan. Agh!! 3. Does being rejected by Simon have anything to do with the date you agreed to with James? 4. How the hell do Simon and I go back to being just friends when we know what the inside of each other’s mouths taste like? And his tastes very, very, very good. Okay, yes. You can sniff the sweater one more time—just don’t let anyone see you.


Simon: I have to figure this shit out with Caroline. She’s so great, and I mean so great…Has there ever been a woman who’s possessed every single quality I’ve been looking for? Except for Natalie Portman, of course. But Caroline? I have to stop watching so much Lifetime—I mean what guy in his own mind even thinks in sentences like: “Has there ever been a woman who’s possessed every single quality I’ve been looking for?” Wait, have I been looking for that woman? No, I haven’t. I don’t have time for that, space for that—and my girls don’t want the picket fence. They keep away the picket fencers. Caroline says she isn’t a picket fencer…Katie found her picket fence, and I’m happy for her. When’s the last time I even talked to Nadia or Lizzie? Maybe they’re not right for me anymore. I don’t want them the way I might want…could want Caroline. You’re such a pussy, Parker…Jesus, Caroline—she’s a fucking keeper…Wait a minute. What the hell? Are you really entertaining the idea of a…gulp…

relationship? And why the fuck did I actually think the word “gulp”? That was a little dramatic, Parker. Come on, think about this…If I recall correctly, you invited her to Spain! Don’t run away from it. Dude, did she just sniff her sweater?


Ryan: Mmmm…my girl likes beef jerky—could I be any luckier? She scratches my back and eats beef jerky. I have died and gone somewhere like heaven.


Mimi: I can’t believe he ate all my beef jerky. What a jerky. Heehee.


Caroline: Question 1 is too hard. I can’t start with that one. I’ll answer them in reverse order. 4. I don’t know if we can be friends, but I really want to be—and not in the fake way. I really like Simon, and even though what happened last night sucked major balls, I think we can figure this out…And I would like to have some of whatever I’m smoking. 3. OF COURSE I AGREED TO GO OUT WITH JAMES BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED

WITH SIMON! It’s funny how that shows up in all caps even in my head. 2. If I knew why he turned me down, I’d be a fucking genius. Bad breath? No.