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“I’ve missed you so much, Sarah.” She held out her arms and I ran to her, overwhelmed by too many emotions, falling over her chest as I hugged her and cried happy tears for the first time since I could remember.

“I’m sorry, Mom.”

“I’m so sorry, too . . . so sorry.” She was sobbing as well. “But why didn’t you come home? You could have always come home, Sarah.”

Then her eyes danced over the red lines that marred my arms.

“I was scared. I didn’t know Phil was gone. I didn’t know if you would believe me. I figured you would want me gone anyway when you found out. . . . I felt guilty, like I had done something wrong.” My voice trailed off.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” She put her hands on my cheeks and looked straight into my eyes. “I thought all this time you blamed me. Sarah, you and Jenny mean more to me than the world. I would have protected you, sweet girl. I swear I had no idea.”

“I know you didn’t, and I didn’t ever blame you. I just didn’t know how to deal with everything, so I ran.”

“I tried to find you, but after a while the police assumed you . . . that something had happened. You didn’t make it easy. Without credit cards or anything of that nature, you had just vanished.”

“I thought about coming home so many times, but I didn’t know that Phil was gone, and after a while I couldn’t look you in the eye after just leaving like that. I know I put you through hell. I’m so sorry for all of this.”

“It’s okay now. I have you back.”

“I’m so sorry for leaving you, Mom.”

“Life is too short. I’m just thankful for today.” She pulled me down against her and Jenny’s arms slid over my back as she joined our hug.

Chapter Forty-Three


YOU SURE ABOUT this?” Tuck asked me for the hundredth time. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed Sarah’s guitar. The guys had packed up all my belongings from my room and moved them to a new hotel after the incident.

“You know I am.”

“We support you no matter what you decide to do, but it won’t be the same without you.”

“It’s only a few months. I’ll be back in time for the next tour.”

Cass made sure I had all of my belongings before we said our good-byes. “Don’t forget about us,” she said as she hugged me.

“Not possible,” I replied as I hugged each of the twins.

“Stay out of trouble,” Tuck said with a laugh.

“I’ll do my best, but no promises.”

I looked at the band one last time before I turned and left. This escape was long overdue. I dumped my bags into the back of my waiting rental car and pulled off into traffic. I pulled out my new cell phone that I had picked up yesterday and flipped through the contacts. I found Jenny’s number and typed out a quick text as I stopped at a red light.

How did it go?

She’s handling it well. She misses you.

I tossed my phone on the dash as traffic began to move and cranked up the radio. I had my own healing to do and I needed to start getting my life together if I ever wanted to have a future with someone else.

I DROVE FOR hours, not stopping to sleep until my eyes burned and I could no longer focus. I pulled off at an old truck stop and slept in the driver’s seat of the car until the sun blinded me through the wind-shield. I sat up, groaning as I watched people walking in and out of the gas station.

I pulled back out onto the highway and continued on my trip across the country. I only stopped for food and fuel, burning away the daylight.

As night fell, I finally allowed myself to think about Sarah. I had been trying to push her from my thoughts. It was too painful. As fucked-up as this trip had been, she was finally in a better place in her life. I hoped to be able to get myself to that point as well. I had carried demons with me for too many years. I wanted to move on and finally be able to be happy. That would start with confronting the past. If Sarah could do it, so could I.

I stared off at my house in eastern Tennessee. The yard now had a stone border around it at least three feet high. I could still see it as it was that day my brother was killed. I got out of the car and walked up to the edge of the property as the front door opened. My mother stood in the entrance with her hand over her mouth as if she had just seen a ghost.

“Mike!” she called over her shoulder, and my father soon appeared behind her. I walked around the stone wall and slowly made my way up the driveway. My mother practically fell down the steps as she ran to meet me. I lifted her in the air as I held her, my eyes slowly opening and landing on my father. He nodded and I returned the gesture as I set my mother back down.

“Are you here to stay?” she asked excitedly.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Ma. I have things to handle in California. I’m just here for a visit.” I didn’t need to tell them about my community service. This was more for closure and not to catch up.

“Son,” my dad said with another nod. He had lost weight, but he didn’t look as healthy. I guess years of carrying around guilt will do that to you.

“Let’s get you something to eat. Are you hungry?” my mother asked as she made her way to the front door.

“I could eat,” I said, and followed her inside.

WE TALKED FOR hours as I told my mother about the band and how much my life had changed. She seemed genuinely proud, and even my father didn’t have anything rude to say about my career choice.

Afterward I went down the hallway and pushed open the door to my brother’s room. It looked as if it hadn’t been touched since that day, but not a speck of dust was to be found, so I knew my mother spent a lot of time in there.

“It never gets easier,” my father said from behind me. I nodded but didn’t respond. He was right. Instead of accepting what had happened, I’d carried the guilt around with me like a scarlet letter, keeping myself from being able to move past it.

“I am sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault. I know you probably don’t want to hear anything from me, but I had thought about this moment for years. When you left, I realized what I had done. I pushed you away as I drowned in my own grief. I never realized how much grief you carried. I didn’t make life easy on you. After you didn’t come home, we had to mourn the loss of both our sons. I deserved it. I know that, but your mother . . .” He shook his head as he ran his hand over his forehead. “You can’t run out on her again. She won’t be able to take it.”

I nodded, knowing he was right. Mom hadn’t deserved what I put her through. She had no more control over my dad than I did.

“I couldn’t stay.” I swallowed against the lump that had formed in my throat.

“No one blames you. Not for what happened and not for leaving.”

My eyes met his. The sadness I had seen on that painful day now filled his eyes again. All these years I thought he hadn’t loved me. All these years I carried the burden of being the one who should have died. That painful guilt began to ease from my chest as I looked into his eyes.

“I should have saved him.” I shook my head, begging the tears not to fall.

“Is that why you wanted to join the army? You wanted to make up for not saving him?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged and ran my hand over my hair as I took a deep breath. “Or I would have died trying. I know it wouldn’t have brought him back, but it was the only way I could make things right.”

My father took a heavy step toward me, his body crashing into mine as he shook. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and I squeezed my eyes closed as the tears fell from my lashes. I slowly raised my arms and wrapped them around my father’s back, a moment years overdue.

“I was a shitty father and a shitty husband.”

“You’re only human, Dad.” For years I had built my father up to be a monster, but I knew now that he didn’t know how to handle his grief. It didn’t excuse the past, but it was something we could work forward from and I wanted that more than anything. He patted my back hard as he pulled back from our embrace.