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I tried to turn around, but Trey reached over and pushed me back. He swerved into the other lane, and I let out a scream as he whipped the car back into our lane.

“Shit! Trey…oh god, please…I’m begging you to just pull over. Please think of the baby I’m carrying. This isn’t her fault. Please just pull over. You can just drop me off, and I promise, I won’t press charges or anything.”

I began crying harder as he pressed on the gas. I glanced over to see that he was going over ninety miles an hour.

“Shut up, Jessie! I need to concentrate. I think that’s your fucking boyfriend behind us.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. Scott! I closed my eyes and just prayed to God that Trey would stop.

“Oh, he thinks he can track me down and bully me…fuck no. You’re mine, and I’m not giving you up.”

As I cried uncontrollably, all I kept thinking of was that this was my fault…again. I was going to lose the baby, and it was all because I had gotten on that damn plane, running away from my own fears.

Trey turned and looked behind him. I turned, too, and I could see that Lark was driving…and I saw Scott. They were so close behind us.

“Scott!” I called out. For some reason, I turned back around. “Trey!” I screamed.

He was drifting into the other lane, and a truck was coming right toward us. Trey turned the steering wheel so fast and hard that we spun around as he lost control of the car. All I heard were horns and screeching tires, and then it felt like I was in the air.

I closed my eyes, thinking of only two things—Scott and the baby.

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Lark slammed on the brakes as we watched Trey’s car flip over twice before it came to a stop up against another car. For a good fifteen seconds, I couldn’t move. I heard Azurdee scream out Jessie’s name, and I saw Lark get out of the car and start running.

I snapped out of it and yelled for Azurdee to call 911. I jumped out of Lark’s truck and started running behind him. The car was in an upright position, and as I got closer, I saw Jessie.

No…God, please no.

Lark was trying to open up Jessie’s door as I heard someone behind me yelling not to move her and that an ambulance was on the way.

Lark kept repeating, “Fuck,” over and over as he tried to open the door.

I pushed him out of the way and tried. I took one look at the blood covering Jessie’s face, and I almost fell to the ground.

“Jessie!” I screamed out as I tried harder to open the door.

The next thing I knew, I was being pulled away from the car.

“Let me go! That’s my fiancée, and she’s pregnant. Let me go!” I yelled out as I fought to get back to the door.

Then, I saw firefighters everywhere. I tried harder to get out of the hold I was in. Lark stood in front of me, blocking me from seeing them cut out Jessie’s door.

“Scott, you need to calm down, dude. Please…calm down,” Lark said as he grabbed my face to look at him. “Scott, they are going to arrest you if you hit a cop. Dude…please calm down.”

I looked around, and two police officers were holding on to me.

I shook my head and began sobbing. “I just want to be with her.”

Then, I felt my legs going out. Lark reached out and grabbed me.

“What hospital will they take her to?” Lark asked as he walked me over to a police car.

“Please,” I whispered, “just let me be with her.”

“Sir, please let the paramedics get to her first, and then you can go to her. Please just try to stay calm.”

I slowly nodded my head as Azurdee walked up to me. She threw herself into my body, but I couldn’t even get the strength to hug her back. She was crying so hard. She pulled back and looked at me. Then, she turned and looked like she was going to pass out. Lark reached for her and held on to her as she cried harder.

She kept saying, “Lark…please tell me she is okay. Is she okay?”

As he looked me in the eyes, he began stroking her hair as he said, “Shh…it’s okay, honey…she’s going to be fine. I promise, she’ll be fine.”

I watched as they removed Jessie from the car. Two paramedics were on Trey’s side of the car, but then they came around and started helping with Jessie.

Is Trey awake? I am going to kill that motherfucker.

I got up and started to make my way over when I felt someone grab on to my arm. I turned and looked at the police officer. “He kidnapped my fiancée, and she’s pregnant. I’m going to kill that motherfucker, and if you want to arrest me, go ahead, but I’m going to get to him even if I have to fight off ten of y’all.”

He looked toward the car and then back at me. When he shook his head, I just stared at him.

“I don’t think we will have to do that. The driver is…he’s dead, sir,” the officer said.

All the air left my body at once. “What?” I snapped my head back toward the car and then back at the officer. “Jessie…is she…”

“Sir, she is breathing, and they are about to get her on a stretcher and into an ambulance. You will be able to ride with her if you stay out of the way while the paramedics attend to her.”

I nodded my head. “Yes, of course. Can you let them know she is pregnant and…” I felt tears burning my eyes as I looked back at the paramedics lifting her onto the stretcher. “I feel sick,” I whispered.

The officer grabbed my arm and practically dragged me to the other side of his patrol car. I felt like I was about to throw up my spleen.

“God, please don’t take the baby. Please don’t…please…”

I leaned against the car and tried to stay calm, but the moment I heard Azurdee’s voice, I lost it and started crying.

She grabbed on to me and hugged me. Now, it was her turn to comfort me. “Scott, she’s going to be okay because she is the strongest person I know. She’s going to be okay…Lark promised.”

I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh when she said that. I pulled back and smiled. “So, because Lark promised, it makes it so?”

She nodded and barely grinned. “He seems to know everything…so I’m going with it.”

The officer called for me to follow him, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting next to Jessie in the ambulance. I held her hand and just stared at her.

I looked up at one of the paramedics and whispered, “The baby?”

She didn’t answer me, but she gave me a weak smile. I slowly looked back at Jessie and thought about Trey.

The driver is…he’s dead, sir.

“The driver, did he…instantly?”

Fuck me. Why would he try to take her? What in the hell was he thinking?

“I’m not sure, sir,” she said.

I shook my head and held on to Jessie’s hand as the ambulance raced to the hospital. I closed my eyes and prayed like I’d never prayed before.

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The moment her hand moved through my hair, I felt that familiar feeling zip through my body. She’ll always have this effect on me. Even when we are eighty, I’ll still feel this way when she touches me.

I slowly lifted my head and smiled when her stunningly beautiful green eyes met mine.

“The baby?” she whispered.

“She’s perfect. I got to see her,” I said. My smile grew bigger.

“You did?” she gasped. “That is so not fair!” She went to move and grimaced. “Oh god…I’m so sore everywhere.” She lifted each arm and then wiggled her toes. “I feel sore, but…I’m not in a whole lot of pain.”

I smiled. “Yeah, you were so incredibly lucky, baby. You didn’t break anything. You’re just battered and bruised.”

I watched as a tear rolled down her beautiful face. I reached up and wiped it away.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you. I should have turned around or waited for you to get there before I met him. I just…I just never imagined Trey would ever hurt me…but…” She began to cry harder.