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I sat there for a minute or two and thought about it. “A boy would be pretty cool. I could teach him about hunting, riding, the business, how to smile at a girl and melt her panties,” I said, laughing as Jessie hit me in the side. “But a girl…oh man. I’d love to have a little girl to do all that with and just spoil her. I’d make her feel special and always let her know how cherished she is, just like her mama.”

Jessie smiled. “I like that for a name.”

I looked at her funny. “Cherished?”

She giggled. “No. Cherish.”

“Hell no! My child is not going to have one of those hipster names. No way.”

Jessie giggled as she reached under the covers and began stroking my dick. I looked down at her lips as she licked them.

“I want you, Jessie, but my head is killing me,” I whispered.

She bit down on her lower lip, and before I knew what was happening, she had me in her mouth and was moving up and down, making moans that vibrated my dick. I put my hands in her hair and tried like hell to hold off. The way she was moving her tongue was driving me nuts. She traced her finger across my ass, and that was it. I couldn’t hold back.

“Jessie…baby, I’m going to come.”

She started going faster, and she let out a low moan as I poured myself into her mouth. My eyes about rolled back into my head. It felt so fucking good.

“Fucking hell, Jessie…ah…feels…so good.”

She sat up and leaned back against her heels as she wiped her mouth and then smiled. “I think that was the best one yet, and I got all of it down!”

She was so proud of herself that I couldn’t help but laugh. She winked at me before getting off the bed and making her way into the bathroom. It didn’t take long before I heard her throwing up. I flew up out of bed and ran into the bathroom to see her sitting on the floor.

She looked up at me. “Oh god, I tried. I swallowed, but…it tastes so fucking gross. You need to eat kiwi!”

I busted out laughing and sat down next to her. “I love you, Jessie, and what you just did felt fucking amazing, but I don’t want to feel good if it makes you feel sick.”

She nodded and gave me a small smile. “I did a pretty good job though, didn’t I?”

I smiled and pulled her onto my lap. “Yeah, baby. Yeah, you did.”

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“Scott…Scott! Snap out of it,” Lark said.

I turned and looked at him.

“I just got another call. We’re catching up to him. I need you to open the glove box.”

I reached over and opened the glove box to see a handgun. Fuck.

“Be careful. It’s loaded. Hang on to it, and if I tell you I need it, don’t waste a second. Do you hear me?”

I slowly nodded my head as I heard Azurdee crying in the backseat.

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“Trey, will you please just pull over, and let’s talk about this, okay? Your driving is really making me sick, and—”

“Jessie, I just need you to be quiet. Just be quiet. I need to think,” Trey said, his voice cracking.

I sat there, looking down at my purse. Scott. Why didn’t I listen to him? What if we never see him again?

I began crying, and Trey looked over at me.

“Why are you crying?” he asked.

I just stared at him. “Really? Are you really asking me that? Why are you kidnapping me?” I practically shouted.

“I’m not. We belong together, Jessie. I knew it the moment I sank my fingers into your body. You belong to me.”

Oh god, I feel sick. I let this man touch me. I let him kiss me and—

I shook my head, and more tears began to fall. “No, we don’t, Trey. That was a mistake. I was lonely and scared. I wanted Scott that day, and I just used you to help me forget, but it didn’t work because I love him and only him. I’m having his child, Trey. This baby is his.”

Trey looked at me and smiled. He went to put his hand on my stomach, and I knocked it away. He looked stunned and looked back at the road.

“I can raise the baby just fine. We don’t even have to tell the baby about Scott. Our kid will never know about Scott.”

I sat there, in shock. I couldn’t even talk. “Have you lost your mind? What in the hell makes you think I would ever do that?”

I noticed Trey’s jaw tighten up. I need to get out of this car, and I need out fast.

“Trey, please stop the car. I don’t want to go with you. I don’t love you.”

“You do, Jessie. I know you do, deep down inside.”

Jesus Christ. No wonder his fiancée left him at the altar. She was smart.

“Trey, I don’t love you, and I’m so sorry if I ever gave you the impression that I did. I thought we were two friends just trying to help each other through a hard time.”

“You sat and slept on my lap that whole night. Even after you found out you were pregnant, you held on to me all night.” He smiled.

I slowly shook my head and whispered, “No.”

He nodded and let out a laugh. “Yes! Yes…you love me.”

“No, I was scared, and it was in the middle of a damn storm, Trey! I thought you were my friend. You’re acting crazy.”

He slammed his hand down on the steering wheel, causing me to jump. “No! Friends don’t fucking crawl onto their friends’ laps and hang on to them all night. They don’t kiss their friends good-bye, like you kissed me. You want me, Jessie. You’re just scared, but once you feel what it’s like to have me inside your body, you will see how much I love you. You will feel how much we love each other.”

My heart began beating faster. Oh god. Please, God, don’t let this happen. The baby…

“I’m not having sex with you,” I barely said as I began sobbing.

Scott…please come get me. Please…find…me.

Trey slowly turned and looked at me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him. “Yes. You. Will. And you’re going to see how much you like it, you bitch. You dick-teased me for weeks, Jessie, with all your fucking friends bullshit. I thought I could be patient and let you realize on your own how that damn pussy isn’t meant for you. I’m meant for you.”

I tried to pull away from him, but he was holding on to my arm so tight.

“Trey…you’re hurting me!” I said.

“Kiss me, Jessie. Lean over here and kiss me. Feel the love from my body as it goes into yours.”

I tried to pull away harder. “No. Trey, please…oh god, please don’t do this. Why are you doing this? This is not the Trey I came to know and care about in Belize.”

He let out a gruff laugh. “Care about? Care about? Is that what you call it, Jessie? You know…that other girl…what was her name? Chelsea. I bet if I called her right now, she’d fuck me again. Want to watch us, Jessie? It was pretty hot with her.”

I sucked in a breath of air. “What?”

I pushed my arm away from him, and he let it go. He threw his head back and laughed.

“Yeah, I called her up and told her I was going to be hanging around for a few extra weeks. She came to Fredericksburg, and it didn’t take much to get the bitch up to my hotel room. She’s a kinky bitch, too.”

I put my hand up to mouth. I felt like I was going to be sick from the way Trey was swerving.

“What’s wrong, baby? The idea of me fucking Scott’s ex make you sick?” he said with a laugh.

“No, you asshole. It’s your driving,” I said.

He slammed on the brakes, and I felt the seat belt jam into my stomach.

The baby!

“Trey! I’m pregnant, and your driving is scaring me. Please…please just stop this craziness now.”

He held up his hand as he gunned it. “We’re being followed.”

What? “What? Why in the world would you think we are being—”

Lark…Lark is still with Scott. Maybe they found out that Trey had forced me out of the hotel, and they figured out a way to track him.