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I felt my dick jump, and I quickly looked to see how much time the lasagna had left. I looked back at her and nodded. The next thing I knew, she slammed her body into mine and frantically began taking off my clothes. It wasn’t long before I joined in and had her down to her black lace bra and gray boy shorts with a black lace edge. I pushed her back and took in the sight of her beautiful body.

“Damn…sometimes, I still can’t believe you’re mine,” I whispered.

She smiled and took a step back as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra before letting it fall to the floor. Then, she hooked her thumbs in her panties, slowly shimmied out of them, and kicked them off to the side.

“Heather,” I whispered.

She walked up to me and placed her hands on my bare chest. “I’ve always been yours.” She brushed her lips softly against mine.

“Oh god, baby.” I pulled her closer to me and deepened the kiss.

I moved my hand down her body and could feel her shudder in my arms. I lightly brushed my fingers over her and barely touched her clit when she let out a moan.

“Josh…I want you to make love to me all night, but right now…I really need you to just fuck me,” she whispered against my neck.

My heart slammed in my chest. Something about my sweet princess asking me to fuck her drove me out of my goddamn mind. I picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around me. Our kissing had turned so passionate that it was like we needed each other’s air to breathe.

I walked up to the kitchen table and set her down on it. I pulled my lips from hers and asked, “How much do you like these plates?”

She smiled. “I never did care for them too much.”

I quickly took the salad and wine and put them on the island.

“Oh wait! The wine glasses…those were from your parents!” Heather said as she let out a giggle.

I grabbed those and the salt and pepper shakers that Gunner and Ellie had bought for us. Then, in one movement, I knocked everything else off the table. The sound of the dishes hitting the floor and breaking did something to me. I grabbed Heather and pulled her closer to me as I slammed my dick into her as fast and hard as I could.

“Yes! Oh god, yes, Josh.”

I watched while I moved in and out of her, her breasts bouncing and turning me on even more, as she held on to the table.

“Ah…Heather,” was all I could get out as I tried to hold off.

“Faster…oh god, go harder, Josh…harder!” she called out.

The moment she snapped her head up and looked at me, I felt her tightening, and I almost lost it.

“Oh god…I’m gonna come…yes…Josh, yes!” she cried out.

Watching Heather have an orgasm and call out my name was the hottest fucking thing in the word. I couldn’t hold off any longer, and I let myself go as I called out her name. She threw her head back and repeated my name over and over again.

When I finally came to a stop, she looked into my eyes, her chest heaving up and down. I tried to steady my breathing as we both just got lost in each other’s eyes.

Then, the timer went off for the lasagna.

“Damn, I’m good,” I said.

Heather started laughing. She wrapped her legs around me tighter as I lifted her up and carried her over to the stove. I hit Off on the timer and turned the oven to warm. Then, I carried my princess upstairs and to our shower.

As the warm water ran over our bodies, I took a washcloth and slowly started to wash every surface of her body. I moved the washcloth over each breast, and when I kissed each cleaned nipple, she let out a moan.

“Josh,” she whispered.

“Put your leg up on the ledge, princess,” I said against her ear.

I moved my hand along the inside of her leg and slowly put two fingers inside her, then three, and then I began to move them in and out as I kissed one nipple and then the other.

“Jesus…” Heather said as she placed her hands on the walls of the shower.

I glanced up and saw she had her eyes closed. I quickly dropped to my knees and began kissing her clit. When I moved my tongue in and out of her, her hands were in my hair, grabbing and pushing me harder into her.

“Yes…oh god, yes!” she cried out in pleasure as she began to move her hips faster. “Josh…oh my god, that feels amazing…Josh!”

I smiled, listening to her say my name. She must have really needed these orgasms because I’d never heard her scream out so loud before. When she finally stopped moving her hips and calling out, I felt her body slowly starting to give out. I quickly stood up and grabbed on to her.

“My god.” She was panting for air. “That was…that was amazing.”

I smiled and pushed a stray piece of hair away from her face. “Did you need those, baby?”

She nodded her head. “More than you know.”

I turned the shower off and stepped outside, holding on to her hand the whole time. I dried her off first and wrapped a towel around her. Then, I quickly dried myself off before putting a towel around my waist. I picked her up and carried her over to the bed where I gently placed her down.

“What about dinner? I’m starving now,” she said with a giggle.

I smiled as I walked over to the dresser. I pulled out a pair of boxer shorts and slipped them on. “You just relax, princess. I’ll bring dinner up to you.”

She smiled, and I just about dropped to my knees.


I laughed and nodded my head. I turned to head back downstairs.

“Don’t forget the wine!” she called out.

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After we ate and had two glasses of wine each, we lay there in silence as I held on to the love of my life.

“What happened today?” I finally asked.

She sucked in a long breath and slowly let it out. “Oh, Josh.” She sat up and pulled the sheet with her. She shook her head. “Jessie was confused because of this guy she’d met in Belize, and then Ari jumped all over her and got her even more upset.”

“Is that when y’all had to take Jessie to the hospital? You said it was just cramping and nothing was wrong, right?” I slipped my hand under the sheet and moved my fingers up and down her thigh.

“Yeah, it was right after she got upset, but everything is fine. It breaks my heart because if she had only just stayed and not run away…”

I let out a breath and nodded my head. “I know, but I also know how much Scott loves her, and he’s not going to let anything come between them. I mean, look at how he beat the shit out of his brother. I know a lot of that was anger toward Chelsea, but damn. If Gunner and Jeff hadn’t pulled him off Bryce, I’d hate to see what would have happened.”

She gave me a weak smile. “Yeah. I just hope Jessie and Scott can work everything out with the baby coming and all. They love each other so much and…” Her eyes filled with tears.

“Baby, don’t worry. They’re gonna work it out. I know they will.”

Just then, Heather’s cell phone went off. I had brought our phones upstairs in case my mom and dad needed us for anything.

Heather grabbed her phone and looked at me. “It’s from Jessie.”

I glanced at the clock. It was almost ten. “This late?” I asked.

I watched Heather’s face light up as she read the text message. She turned to me and jumped up. Then, she leaned down and kissed the shit out of me.

“Gesh…read it again!” I said with a laugh.

“Oh, Josh! They worked everything out! Jessie said she would fill me in tomorrow, but she said everything is perfect. They are home, and Scott is snuggled up next to her, sleeping with his hand on her stomach!”

I had to laugh at how excited Heather was. I knew how much she cared about both Scott and Jessie, and she just wanted everyone to find the same kind of love and happiness we had found.

The look on her face turned, and she bit down on her lower lip. She placed her hands on my chest and gently pushed me onto my back. “Now, what’s this about making love to me all night long, Mr. Hayes?”