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Trey looked me in the eyes and then turned to Scott. He shut his eyes and shook his head. “I do love you, Jessie. That much I know is true, but I also know you’ve loved Scott from the first moment I saw you. As much as I want to try to convince you that you have feelings for me…I know deep down inside that you don’t.”

I could almost feel Scott’s entire body relaxing.

I gave Trey a small smile. “I’ll always care about you as a friend. You really helped me through a rough time, and I’d like to think I helped you as well. But as far as loving you…I love Scott. I’ll always love Scott.”

Trey nodded his head slowly and let a small smile play across his face. “Well then, I guess that means I’m heading home to face the family and the million questions I’ll be answering.” He stood, reached for his wallet, and took out a twenty. He threw it down on the table, and then he extended his hand to Scott.

Scott stood and shook it.

“You’re one lucky son of a bitch. I hope you know that,” Trey said as he gestured toward me.

Scott turned and smiled down at me. “Yeah, I know. I’m not lucky though…I’m blessed.” He winked at me.

Trey looked at me and smiled. “I guess this is it then, huh? This is where I wish you the best of luck and hope that you find happiness forever…even if it’s not with me.”

I let out a small laugh and nodded. “I guess so. Have a safe trip to Dallas, Trey.”

I stuck my hand out to shake his, and he just looked at me before glancing down at my hand. Then, he slowly turned and walked away. I watched as he left the café.

I looked at Scott, and his eyes were no longer filled with hurt or doubt. They were filled with nothing but happiness and love.

He pulled me close to him and moved his lips oh-so slowly to my ear where he nipped on my earlobe. “How about we go and break in the truck?”

I pulled back just a little and gave him the sexiest smile I possibly could. “Let me go to the restroom first. I need to ditch my panties,” I whispered.

As I began walking away, I turned to see Scott standing there. His mouth was dropped open, and he was just frozen. I winked, and then I turned back around and went into the ladies’ room.

I quickly used the restroom, which seemed to be a normal thing now. I swore I had to pee every five minutes. I slipped off my panties, and as I was walking out the door, I dumped them into the trash. I giggled as I walked out. I felt so naughty, going without panties, and it was turning me on even more.

I looked around for Scott for a few seconds before realizing he had already left and gone out to the truck. As I walked out of the café, I looked over to a small car where a girl was leaning against it. There was a guy with his hands on the car…kissing the girl. The closer I got, I was able to make out the girl. I sucked in a breath of air when I noticed it was Chelsea and some guy.

I shook my head and made a beeline right toward the love of my life. As he helped me into the truck, he moved his hand up my leg, under my skirt, and over to my sensitive lips. I instinctively opened my legs to him as he brushed his fingers across me.

I threw my head back and whispered, “Oh, sweet Jesus.”

He let out a small laugh and then pulled my legs open more as he placed a finger inside me. He slowly moved it around and then pulled it out. Lifting my head, I watched him put the finger into his mouth and then slowly pull it out.

Holy shit. I’ve never in my life felt like I could have an orgasm without being touched. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from his lips.

“Fuck, you taste good,” he said.

“Oh god…I think I might have just had an orgasm,” I barely said.

He jumped up and kissed me, his tongue moving so beautifully with mine. We both let out a moan together.

He pulled back just a bit and said, “Trust me, baby, you’ll know when you’re having an orgasm because you won’t be able to stop calling out my name.”

“Scott…I need you. Right now.” I reached down and rubbed my hand on his hard dick.

He jumped down, shut the door, and headed to the driver’s side of the truck.

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I hadn’t even been paying attention to where Scott was going. I just kept talking a mile a minute. The next thing I knew, we were in a field and in the backseat of his truck where he had taken me to heaven and back twice.

As we lay there, panting for air, I slowly moved my fingertips up and down his back. I smiled, knowing that I was happy again for the first time in weeks. Everything felt so right. It felt even better than before.

“So, did we break the truck in good?” he asked in a sleepy voice.

“Yes,” I said before kissing his shoulder.

“Good, ’cause my deep V-diver is exhausted.”

I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes. “Oh. My. God. Please…let’s just go back to calling it a penis, shall we?”

He laughed as he looked at me and reached over to kiss me. “I love you so much, Jessie.”

“How much do you love me?” I asked with a smile.

“I love you to the moon and back.”

I moved in and began running my tongue along his lips. I wanted him again, but I knew he was tired. I was exhausted myself, and I was so ready to get home.

“I think I’m ready to go home and just snuggle up. I can hardly keep my eyes open,” I said with a yawn.

“Well, we could always knock on the door of the owner of this place and ask to spend the night.”

Scott got up and started to get dressed as I looked around in the dark.

“Wait—where are we?” I asked.

Scott laughed. “Gunner’s place. Right behind your dad’s place.”

“Oh my god! Scott, you did not bring me to my dad’s place to have sex with me.”

He started to chuckle. “I sure as shit did. I’ve always wanted to make love to you right under your damn dad’s nose ever since I first laid eyes on you.”

“Why?” I asked, stunned.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. The thrill of getting caught, maybe?”

I couldn’t help it. I lost it and started laughing. Scott began laughing because I was laughing.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“What’s my dad gonna do? Ground us? I’m pregnant with your child, for Christ’s sake.”

“Hey…don’t blow this moment for me. Come on.”

He opened the back door and helped me get my dress on. Then, he helped me out and into the front seat of the truck. As he pulled the seat belt around me, he smiled at me. I smiled back, and he reached up and kissed me on the nose.

I put my hand on the side of his face and said, “Please take me home to our house.”

Scott smiled and said, “With pleasure.”

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Heather was due to be home any minute, so I rushed around and lit all the candles. Mom and Dad had taken the twins for the night, giving Heather and me some much-needed time together.

I walked into the kitchen, and the smell of the lasagna caused me to stop and inhale. Damn, I love my mom’s lasagna.

I glanced up and looked out the back window. When I saw Heather walking up, I quickly lit the last two candles on the table and leaned up against the island. The door opened, and her beautiful face lit up like Christmas morning.

“Oh wow! What’s all this?” she asked with a giggle.

I ran my hand through my hair and gave her the smile I knew drove her crazy. “Well, Mom and Dad took the kids for the night, and before they left, Mom made lasagna for dinner.”

I watched as Heather looked around the room. I had put candles everywhere. The table was set with dishes, a salad I’d made with my dad, and a bottle of Heather’s favorite Shiraz wine, The Stump Jump.

She licked her lips and turned back to me as she raised her eyebrows. “The whole night? Alone with no kids?” she asked as her eyes lit up.