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A tear slowly rolled down her cheek. I reached over and wiped it away.

“I know, Ells, I’m excited about it, too. I’m even more excited that she’s going to be here during this pregnancy.”

Ellie nodded and put her head back against the chair. “I think it’s a boy.”

I started laughing. “And what makes you think that?”

“He moves a lot, like he is always twisting and turning in there.”

I glanced over toward Gunner, who was still talking to Brad. Amanda was now sitting in a chair with Maegan on her lap. They were laughing at something they were doing.

“Has Gunner mentioned wanting a boy?” I took a drink from my beer.

Ellie shook her head and smiled. “Nah, he just always says he wants the baby to be healthy, but I think he wants a boy deep down inside.”

I heard Luke call out as he ran by, “Daddy!”

I jumped up, grabbed him, and gave him a hug and kiss. He pushed me away. As soon as I set him down, he took off running again. Now, Mark was chasing him. As Mark ran by, he shot me a dirty look. Smiling, I turned to walk back up onto the porch, and I sat down.

Ellie started laughing. “So…sex in my barn, huh?”

I smiled as I put my lips up to the beer bottle and took another drink. “Blame it on your sister-in-law.”

Ellie snapped her head over and looked at me. “You two are something else. Why was Mark giving you the death stare?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Probably because he walked in on Ari sitting on top of me, grinding and—”

“Stop! Just stop talking. Ugh…poor Mark.”

Ellie stood and smacked me on the back of the head before walking over to Gunner. She took Alex out of his arms and made her way into the house.

“Hey, handsome,” Ari said as she walked up. She leaned down and kissed me.

“Who has Grace?”

Ari rolled her eyes. “Who else? My mother. She is currently telling Grace all about Katharine Hepburn. She’s making plans for a K.H. movie marathon when Grace reaches the age of five.”

I shook my head as I handed Ari my beer. “Five, huh? I’m impressed your mom is holding off for that long.”

“Don’t be. I walked in once and saw Grace in her bouncy chair, sitting in front of the TV, watching Bringing Up Baby.”

I let out a laugh as Ari giggled.

“I swear…the first string of words Grace will say will be a Katharine Hepburn quote,” she said.

“Probably. So…when can we leave? I really want to finish what we started earlier.”

Ari giggled. “What did we start earlier?”

I gave her a smirk. “Oh please…like you don’t remember rubbing that fine body on me, getting me all worked up.”

Ari bit down on her lower lip and smiled. “Hmm…I don’t really remember that. You might have to remind me.”

I instantly felt my dick growing harder. “Come on, let’s go.”

I stood up, and Ari went to go say something to me as she glanced over my shoulder.

“I think my wife needs to get back that warm and happy just-fucked feeling.”

Ari slammed her hand over my mouth as she looked at me with horrified eyes. I closed my eyes as she slowly removed her hands.

I opened my eyes and whispered, “Your dad is behind me, isn’t he?”

Ari nodded. I turned around to see Mark standing there, holding Luke. He shook his head, and if looks could kill, I swore I would have fallen over on the spot.

“Sometimes, I lie in bed and just ask God…why? Why Jeff Johnson? Why?” Mark said as he looked up toward the sky.

“Oh, Daddy, knock it off.”

Ari walked past me and went to reach for Luke, but Mark held up his hand.

“Your mother wanted to bring the kids home with us. Maybe you could pick them up tomorrow evening?”

Ari stopped dead in her tracks. “You want to take both kids…for the night? Why?”

Mark laughed. “Because I hardly ever get to see them, and Matthew needs to spend some time with them. Grace is growing up too fast. It would be nice to just spend some time with Luke and Grace. Matthew would love it.”

Ari turned and looked at me. She smiled the biggest smile I’d ever seen. Before she turned back, she put on a serious face.

“Oh, I don’t know, Daddy. Are you sure y’all want them both? I mean, we could come first thing in the morning.”

Mark turned and looked at me. Daggers could have been coming out of his eyes with how he was staring at me.

“I’m sure your husband wouldn’t mind some time with his wife—seeing as how he feels the need to sneak you down to a barn for some…alone time.”

I just smiled and made a mental note to make sure my life insurance was up to date.

“Well…if you don’t think it would be too much trouble?” Ari said.

“Trouble? My grandchildren? Never. Y’all just plan on having lunch at our place tomorrow. Your mother is already putting Grace in her car seat as we speak.”

Ari put her hands on her hips and tilted her head. “What if I had said no? What if I didn’t want the kids to leave for the night?”

Mark laughed as he threw his head back. “Please…Miss Polka-Dot Panties, I know better.”

He turned and walked away as Ari’s face turned ten shades of red.

I walked down the stairs and stopped next to Ari. “Yep, I’m gonna say your dad saw you grinding on me.” I followed Mark to his car, and then I looked back at a stunned Ari.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I ran to catch up with Mark, so I could say good-bye to the kids.

Oh yeah, I’m gonna make sure my wife gets that warm and happy fucked feeling back tonight…and more than once.

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“I’m about to lose my goddamn mind, Drake,” I said as I paced back and forth.

Christmas was in three days, and no one had heard from Jessie.

“Scott, I came over to tell you that I got a postcard from her today.”

I stopped dead in my tracks. “What? Where is she? Is she okay? Who’s she with? Did she say when she was coming home?”

Drake held up his hands and started to shake his head. “Scott…settle down. I know you want to know the answers to all those questions, so here you go.” He reached out and handed me a postcard.

I took it from his hand.

He said, “Read it for yourself. She pretty much just says that she’s fine.”

My heart skipped a beat when I recognized her handwriting. I looked at where it was stamped. Florida? She’s in Florida! I tried to keep the tears from falling as I began to read what she had written.

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I slowly sat down on the sofa as I let the postcard fall out of my hand.

I’ve met a friend. He’s been a real support for me. He’s helping me get over Scott.

Oh my god, she’s met someone else. She’s with another man.

Drake sat down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Now, Scott, don’t go jumping to conclusions. She said he was a friend, that’s all.”

“Oh god, she’s with another man. She left me, and she’s with another man in God knows where.” I stood and started pacing.

My phone began ringing, and when I pulled it out of my pocket, I saw that it was Chelsea. She’d been calling for the last week.

Fucking bitch. I hate you!

I threw my phone as hard as I could against the wall. I looked around for something else to throw, and I saw a picture of Jessie and me. I walked over, picked it up, and threw it. I didn’t know what was happening, but I just snapped and started throwing everything I could get my hands on.

The next thing I knew, Drake and Aaron were both holding me back, and I felt my knees slowly giving out.

I lost her. I lost the only girl I’ve ever truly loved, and I never even had the chance to fight for her.

Oh god…I can’t live without Jessie.

I sat there in the middle of my living room…crying…as Drake and Aaron tried to tell me it was okay.