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“Now, this might be a little too early to talk to you about this, but someday…” He started to shake his head as he sat Grace down on his lap. “Someday, some nasty boy is going to come along and try to take you from me, and you’re going to want to go with him. It’s going to break my heart for sure, but I’m going to have to let you go. I can only hope that you have the heart of your mother.”

He let out a laugh as Grace started hopping up and down, making noises.

“Oh, Grace…your mother is a firecracker. She’s tough as nails, but at the same time, she’s the sweetest angel from God. I pray every night that you’ll be like her. Don’t ever take any crap from anyone. If a boy ever makes you feel less than what you are, walk away. No…first, kick him in the balls for making you feel that way, and then walk away.”

I held my hand tight against my mouth. I was unsure if I should be crying harder or laughing.

“You need someone like Gunner. Your Aunt Ellie is so lucky to have your daddy’s best friend as her husband. He loves her so much, and he treats her so good. He is just a good ole country boy. I’ll never, ever tell him this…but I admire him. He makes me want to be a better father and husband. But the stupid bastard is overly romantic, and sometimes, I’d like to knock the hell out of him. And now…now, Josh is the same way.” Jeff took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “But I love them both like brothers, and I know they would kill anyone who hurt any of y’all.”

Grace let out another little laugh. Jeff stood up as he brought her up to his chest, and he started slowly dancing with her. I couldn’t possibly love him any more than I did in this very moment. As he started to sing “My Little Girl” by Tim McGraw to Grace, I slid down the tree. I buried my face as I listened to my husband serenade our daughter, and I fell more in love with him as the seconds passed by.

“I think we should get back to the birthday party. What do you say? Your mama is gonna wonder where we went.”

I stood and wiped the tears from my eyes. I watched as he started to head back toward the house. I tried to call for him, but nothing would come out.

“Jeff!” I finally shouted.

He jumped, and Grace started laughing, thinking he was bouncing her.

“Motherfucker! Ari, you scared the shit out of me,” he said.

I walked up to him, and then I reached up and smacked him on the head. “Don’t swear in front of her like that! You want her to walk around, cursing like Luke?”

Jeff shook his head and gave me that smile that still made my knees weak.

“Jeff, I love you so much, and right now, I just want to go home and make love to you.”

Jeff’s smile dropped as Grace started leaning out for me to take her. Before I could reach for her, Jeff put his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer to him. He brought his lips down to mine and kissed me. I felt like I was floating on a cloud just from his kiss. As he slowly pulled away, our eyes caught.

“I love you, Ari.”

I shook my head and smiled. “I want you, Jeff. I need you.”

He closed his eyes and licked his lips.

Oh god…I just want those lips all over my body.

“There y’all are! Your father and I have been looking everywhere for you. Now, give me my granddaughter, so I can love on her properly.”

I looked around Jeff and saw my mother walking up to us. I smiled at her and watched her take Grace from Jeff’s arms. As she made her way back toward everyone else, I glanced back at Jeff. He had the biggest grin on his face, and I followed his eyes as he looked over toward the barn.

I laughed and shook my head. “No! Are you kidding me? Everyone is just right here. No. I’m not having sex in Gunner and Ellie’s barn.”

“Oh, come on, baby. Just think of the last time we had sex in a barn.” Jeff wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “The barn is far enough away from the house that no one could possibly hear us. I mean, you’ll have to keep your screams of pleasure down and all.”

I instantly felt the wetness between my legs. I quickly looked back at the house before turning and walking toward the barn.

“I’m so going to hell for this,” I said as I heard Jeff say, “Oh, hell yes!”

I hadn’t even walked into the barn before he grabbed me and spun me around. He pulled me to him and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around him. He backed us up and leaned me against the wall. His hand moved up and under my shirt. The moment I felt him push up my bra and then squeeze my nipple, I almost came on the spot.

“Jeff…oh god,” I whispered.

He slowly let me down to unbutton my jeans.

“Jesus, Ari…you drive me crazy. Do you know that?” he asked.

I watched him pull my pants and then my panties down. I lifted each leg as he took my sneakers off, and then he pulled off the pants and panties. He quickly undid his pants, and I felt my breathing pick up as I watched him push his pants down, his erection springing free. I licked my lips and looked up into his eyes.

“Fuck…” Jeff said as he picked me back up.

I wrapped my legs around him again. In one movement, he slammed his dick into me, and I let out a small whimper. I threw my head back and bit my lip… attempting not to yell out in pleasure. Nothing felt as good as having Jeff inside me.

“Ah…Ari…baby, come on,” Jeff said as he moved in and out of me.

I tried so hard to hold off, so I could just enjoy the feel of him inside me.


That was it—his pleading voice was my undoing. I snapped my head forward, and our eyes met.

“Jeff…I’m gonna come.”

He let out a grunt and whispered, “Yes.”

I bit hard on my lower lip as Jeff closed his eyes. I swore I could feel every ounce of him pouring into my body. I’d never felt so damn sexy in my life as I did at this very moment with my husband holding me up after making such passionate love to me. He stood there, panting to catch his breath, still inside me.

I smiled as I leaned in and grabbed his lower lip with my teeth.

“Ah hell, Ari. I could totally do that again if you’d just give me a few minutes.”

I started laughing and then instantly stopped. I could hear someone talking.

I looked at Jeff as we both said, “No fucking way!”

Jeff dropped me and pulled up his pants. Then, he reached down and grabbed my pants, panties, and shoes before quickly taking my arm and walking me over to Big Roy’s stall. He opened it and pushed me inside.

“Get down!” he whispered as he zipped up his pants.

What? I’m half-fucking-naked in a horse stall, and you want me to get down?”

Just then, we heard Garrett call out, “Ari? Jeff?”

Jeff turned back and pushed my head down before spinning around and walking away.

Big Roy walked up to me and kept trying to nudge me with his head.

I looked at Big Roy as I tried to get him to stop. “Stop it, boy. No! We aren’t going for a ride.” I rolled my eyes and hurried like hell to get my clothes back on.

Big Roy took a few steps back, and I was finally able to get my panties on. I heard Jeff talking to Garrett, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying.

How does this man always know when we’re having sex?

Just then, Big Roy pushed me hard on my back, making me fall forward…right into a pile of horse shit.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, that did not just happen to me!

I turned and looked at him. He was moving his head up and down.

“It’s true—y’all are nothing but big fucking dogs! You’re supposed to be on my side, you bastard—not standing there, laughing at me in your horse way,” I whispered.

Then, I heard them talking.

“Ellie was looking for you and Ari. They’re fixin’ to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Alex, and Gunner told me to check the barn for you and Ari,” Garrett said.

I slowly got up and moved away from the giant pile of shit as I shook my head. Gunner! Oh…oh…your ass is mine. He must have seen Jeff and me heading down here.