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I love him so damn much.

“Turn around, Arianna.”

Oh. My. God. The sound of his voice ran through my body like a bolt of lightning. What the hell? My heart starting pounding and I looked down at my shaking hands. I balled my hands into fists, and then I placed them both on my stomach. Is it butterflies or am feeling the baby?

I slowly turned around to face him. Jeff sucked in a breath of air as he looked up and down my body. He took two steps back, hit the ottoman, lost his balance, and then landed right on his ass.

I started to laugh as he jumped back up.

“Wow, if I had known that I looked that good, I would have taken that damn dress off hours ago,” I said as I laughed my ass off.

Oh shit! I started to jump up and down. I had to pee. Oh my god! If I pissed myself, I was blaming him. I pushed past Jeff and ran over to the toilet. Now, it was Jeff’s turn to laugh.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…so much for romance.

“That was classic, Ari. Damn, I love you,” Jeff said as he walked over to the bath to run the water.

I finished, washed my hands, and took one look at myself in the mirror. I did have a glow. I wondered if it the pregnancy or just because I was so unbelievably happy?

Jeff walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. He gave me a small hug and then turned me around.

“You take my breath away in all this silver, baby, but I’m afraid I need to take it off as well.”

Jeff slowly got down on his knees as he picked up my left foot and removed my shoe. Then, he removed my other shoe. He slowly slid his hands up my right leg and unclipped my stockings from the garter belt. He rolled it off my leg and set it to the side and then repeated the same moves on my left leg. Then, he reached up and unhooked the garter belt. I could feel the rush of moisture hit my platinum-colored panties.

Shit, I’ve never wanted him as much as I do right this very second.

He hooked his fingers on my panties and so very slowly pulled them down. As he did, he placed gentle kisses down my leg. I stepped out of my panties, and he tossed them to the side.

When he looked right at my stomach, I felt it doing flips like never before. Oh god.

He placed his forehead and then one of his hands on my stomach.

“Hey, baby boy or girl, it’s Daddy.”

Mother of all things good. Fucking take me now!

“I love you, little baby of mine. Thank you so much for letting Mommy have a sick-free day today little bit.”

Oh. My. God.


He kissed my stomach and stood up. Turning me around, he slowly started to take off the corset. Once it was untied he let it drop to the floor.

I turned around and saw the lust in his eyes as his gaze traveled up and down my body. Then, his stare landed back on the small round bump at my stomach.

“Ari, you’re so damn sexy. I can’t wait to see your stomach grow bigger with our child.”

He’s trying to kill me. He has to be.

“Jeff, please make love to me…after you turn off the tub because it’s fixin’ to spill over.”

“Shit!” Jeff ran over to the tub and turned off the water.

I let out a giggle as Jeff walked back over to me. He lifted me up and moved me over to the lower counter next to the sink.

“The water will get cold,” I said with a smile.

“Then, I’ll drain it and fill it up again. Right now, I’m going to make love to you.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. No matter how many times he’s said that to me, it still caused me to get butterflies in my stomach.


And make love, he did. We started out in the bathroom, and then lifted me up and moved me to the bedroom where he gave every square inch of my body attention. I’d already had two orgasms, and I thought I was going to die if I had another one.

He rolled us over, so I was on top.

Sweet mother of Jesus, he feels so good. I didn’t want to stop, but I felt the familiar feeling building up inside of me. Just as I started to come, Jeff sat up and wrapped his arms around me, and came with me.

We sat there for a few minutes, just holding each other while we caught our breath. Then, I felt the baby move. I knew it was the baby because that feeling was getting stronger. I was pretty sure it was a boy, only Jeff could produce a son who could make me feel him move around earlier than he should.

“I love you, Jeff.”

“I love you so much more, baby. Let’s go sit in a hot bath.”

He let go of me, and I collapsed onto the bed.

“I’ll just wait here while you take your fine naked ass in there to draw me a bath.”

“You got it, babe.”


The moment I slid down into the hot water, I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. Thank God this day is over. I loved our wedding, and it was more than I could’ve ever dreamed of. But fuck, I just want to go to Paris.

I felt Jeff get into the tub with me, so I moved up so he could slide in behind me.

I leaned back onto his chest, and now it was his turn to relax and a sigh.

“So, Paris, huh?”

He let out a chuckle. “Yep, we leave tomorrow afternoon. Ellie did me a huge favor by making sure your passport was up to date.”

“Well, she wasn’t very sneaky about it. She just came out and asked.”

Jeff started laughing. “Damn that girl. I really wish she would get pregnant soon,” Jeff said, his voice turning sad sounding.

I put my hands to my stomach, silently thanking God for our blessing.

“She will, baby. She just needs to relax and stop worrying about it. Let’s get back to Paris. What made you pick Paris? Est-ce parce que je parle si bien le Francais?”

I knew Jeff had no idea what I’d just said, so I let out a giggle.

“Yes,” Jeff said with a laugh.

I turned around and looked at him. “Do you know what I just asked?”

He smiled that big ol’ smile of his and nodded his head.

“Alright, smart ass, what did I say?”

“You asked if it was because you spoke French so well.”

“Je pense que le bébé est un garçon.”

Jeff sat up really quick. “How do you know it’s a boy?”

Oh my god! “I don’t! I said that I think it’s a boy. When did you learn French?”

Jeff leaned back and took me with him. I could feel his chest moving up and down, so he must have been laughing.

“The day Gunner and Ellie got married, I was giving him hell about being so damn romantic. I said something about taking Ellie to Paris when she got pregnant. I liked the idea of taking you to Paris because I remembered you and your parents talking about when you went to France before and how much you loved it there. When y’all started speaking in French at dinner, I wanted to know what you were saying, I bought Rosetta Stone for French that night, and I’ve been trying to learn the language since then.”

I sat up, turned around in the bathtub, and looked at him.

“Vous imbécile romantique.”

“I think you just called me romantic,” Jeff said with a wink.

“Close. I said you romantic fool! Je t’aime, Jeff.”

“Je t’aime, Ari.”

Turning to face him, I wrapped my legs around him in the bathtub and smiled.

“I’m ready, baby, if you think you can handle me,” Jeff said with a wink.

“Bring it on, Mr. Johnson, ‘cause Mrs. Johnson is one horny pregnant woman.”

“Fuck yeah!”


Jeff and I collapsed on the bed around 4 a.m. I couldn’t move, and I was starving. I rolled over and cuddled up next to him. He was already asleep, and the motion of his chest going up and down was relaxing me even more.

I thought back to our wedding day yesterday and the night that followed. I didn’t think I’d ever be as happy as I was right now.

Then I smiled when I thought about the baby.

That statement wasn’t true. This was just the beginning of many more happy moments.