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“Josh, are you feeling okay? Are you sick?”

I almost said no but then I decided to see where this would take me.

“You know, I am feeling a little bit sick. I think the fresh air and ride will do me good.”

“Are you sure? I mean, maybe you shouldn’t eat a cheeseburger if you’re feeling sick.”

Shit, that went south. “Nah, really, I’m fine.”

We drove in silence for a few minutes before she started to talk.

“So, how have you been?”

“Good. I’m pretty much taking over my dad’s business. I just made this really cool desk for Ari’s dad’s home office.”

“Really? I bet he’ll love it.”

“I hope so. If he does and recommends me, that could be huge for the business. I even have a client in Fredericksburg who ordered a few things.”

Heather looked over at me and gave me that drop dead gorgeous smile of hers. My heart broke all over again as I thought back that morning at her apartment. Her blue eyes captured mine, and then she looked away.

“Lynda, I’m sure, must be very proud of you.”

I let out a small laugh. “Hardly. She hates that I make furniture for a living. She wants me to go back to school.”

“For what?”


“Oh no, don’t do that, Josh. Don’t give up your dream because that’s what she wants. You have to do what makes you happy.”

I nodded my head and looked out the window. I knew Lynda would never make me happy. Only Heather would.

“So, how’s school? Ellie told me that you’re going to graduate this summer. Wow, you must have doubled up on classes,” I said.

“Well, I didn’t really have anything else to do with Ellie and Ari living in Mason now. So I took more classes at UT and on-line. I have an interview with the Mason Independent School District next week.”

I snapped my head up and looked at her.

“For teaching?” I asked.

Heather smiled. “Yeah, I just have to finish some classes this summer and take the state test, but they’re looking for three elementary teachers for next year. That’s why I doubled up on the classes. It’s killing me, but it’s worth it.”

“Wow, Heather I’m really impressed. I always thought you would make a wonderful teacher, prin…umm, yeah. I always could see you doing that.”

She smiled but didn’t say anything else. Fuck, I almost called her princess.

She pulled up to the drive-through and ordered ten cheeseburgers.

“Ten? I said I only wanted one, Heather.”

She threw her head back and laughed.

“I know, but as soon as I hand one to Ari, Jeff and Gunner will wish they had one, too.”

I let out a laugh. “Smart and beautiful.”

She smiled as she drove up to the window to pay. I handed her a twenty, and she pushed my hand away.

“I’ve got it Josh.”

“Please, I insist.” She took the twenty and paid while killing the rude girl in the drive-through with kindness. Only Heather would be extra nice to some rude bitch.


By the time we got back to the wedding reception, Heather and I were laughing so hard that we both had tears rolling down our faces. When I told her about Garrett walking in on Jeff and Ari one too many, she laughed even more.

Heather parked the car and was laughing so hard she had to take a couple minutes to settle down before getting out.

“Only Ari would suggest walking out naked to scare Garrett from ever doing it again,” Heather said.

“I know, right?”

We sat there for a few seconds, and neither one of us moving or speaking.

“Well, I guess we better get Ari her cheeseburger,” she said.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

I got out of the car and started to walk next to Heather. Right before we got to the door, I took her arm and stopped her. She turned around and looked me right in the eye.

“Heather, I’m me utterly and completely.”

“There you are!”

I wanted to cringe when I heard Lynda’s voice. Fuck me.

Heather closed her eyes for two seconds before they snapped back open to look right into mine.

“Thanks for keeping me company. I need to get these to Ari. Excuse me, Lynda.”

Lynda turned and watched Heather walk inside. I wanted to shout to the top of my lungs right now. Instead, I looked at Lynda and tried to give her my best smile.

“So, you went to McDonald’s with Heather, huh?. Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?”

“You were a little busy dancing with Heather’s date. Since you were both occupied with each other, I decided to get some fresh air, and Ari didn’t want Heather walking out here alone.”

“Really? Well next time, do a girl a favor and let me know. I was freaking out, and I had to ask Ellie. She said she had no idea where you were. Finally, Ari just told me.”

I almost wanted to laugh, thinking about those two devils playing with Lynda like that.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you, Lynda. Really, I wasn’t even gone twenty minutes.”

Lynda turned and started to walk back into the building. I rolled my eyes and then followed behind her.

For the first time since I’d started dating her, I felt sick to my stomach at the idea of having to go home with her.

We got back into the reception hall, and I saw Jeff and Gunner both eating cheeseburgers. When I let out a laugh, Lynda turned around.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. I’m gonna walk over and talk to Jeff and Gunner for a bit.”

“Okay, well, I’m going to run to the ladies room. Be back in a few minutes.”

I nodded my head and walked away.

If I’m lucky she’ll get lost.



I splashed some cold water on my face and forced myself not to cry. Fucking Lynda. What was Josh about to say? Damn it. I needed to find a way to talk to him, and I needed to do it without that bitch seeing. Maybe I could have Brian keep her occupied. I was doing him a favor by letting him escort me to the wedding. His father worked with Ari’s and kept getting on him about not having a date for the wedding. Little did his dad know, Brian wanted to keep his real relationship a secret.

I looked up at myself in the mirror and let out a long, loud sigh. Christ, I look like shit.

Just then, I heard someone come into the bathroom. When I turned to grab some towels, I came face to face with Lynda.

“Well, fancy seeing you again so soon!” Lynda said in her chipper fake-ass voice.

Ugh. I dislike this girl very much.

“Hey Lynda, I was just freshening up. I’ve got to get back to Brian. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Oh yeah, sure. Hey, did Josh tell you our good news?”

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to look at her.

“Um, no, I guess he didn’t.”

“Oh well, we really haven’t told anyone. We’ve been talking about marriage.”

I felt sick to my stomach. All I wanted to do was run into a stall and throw up.

“He asked you to marry him?” I said, a little too shocked.

“Yes…well not officially with the ring and all, but yeah, we pretty much have started talking and planning it. I’m beyond the moon.”

“Don’t you think y’all should date a little longer before you talk about something like marriage?”

Lynda just laughed. “Gesh, Heather, you sound like my parents. Don’t get all elementary school teacher on me. Josh and I are great together, and the sex is pretty fucking awesome.”

Oh god.

“I need to go, Lynda. I’m sure Ari and Jeff are planning on leaving soon. It was a pleasure talking to you.”

I turned and walked out of the bathroom. I headed back over to where Ellie and Ari were talking to Jeff, Gunner, and Josh. Josh looked up at me, and his smile faded. I was sure I looked awful and I felt even worse.

Ellie took one look at me and stopped talking.

“Heather, are you okay?”

“Actually, I’m not doing so well. I think I’m going to head home. Ari and Jeff, congratulations, y’all, I love you both, and I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon.”