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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I grabbed a pillow and pulled it over my head. No! I just wanted to sleep in for once. I moaned as I rolled over and reached out for Gunner.


I sat up and looked around as I called out his name. I saw his clothes were gone, so he must have gotten up earlier. I stretched out and could feel every muscle I had used last night. I smiled at how I was a little bit sore. I’d never been on top as much as I was last night…or when Gunner woke me up at 4 a.m for another round.

Just then, I heard a key slide to unlock the door. I pulled up the covers over my chest as I watched the door open.

Gunner walked in, and he smiled as soon as he saw me. “Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?”

Sitting up straight, I purposely let the covers fall away from my chest. The look on his face caused me to let out a small laugh.

“I slept very well, thank you. Better than I have in ages!”

“Good. You’re gonna need your energy for today.”

When I raised my eyebrows at him, he laughed.

“Not for that, but I’m more than ready if you want to skip this yummy breakfast I just brought you.”

Laughing I reached over and grabbed my shirt, and I slipped it over my head. Gunner sat down next to me and pulled out a bowl full of fresh fruit, a strawberry-banana yogurt, and an orange juice. This was my favorite breakfast as of late.


I was shocked at how fast I ate everything. I must have been starving.

“So, what’s the plan for today? I see you thought this through” I nodded my head toward the overnight bag he’d brought in and set down on the chair.

“I thought a trip out to Enchanted Rock sounded like fun. Are you up for some hiking and climbing today, babe?”

“Yes! Oh my gosh, I love Enchanted Rock.” I reached over and gave him a hug.

“I already called Jeff and Ari, and they’re down for it as well. At first, I thought it would just be you and me, but since that bastard brother of yours stole my idea, and they’re here as well, it might be fun having them go with us.”

“Sounds perfect. One thing though, can I ask Heather if she’d like to come? I feel so bad for her, Gunner. She’s been through so much, and I’d never seen her cry so much as she did last night. I hate that she keeps calling herself a whore. God, it just tears me up. I knew something was wrong. I just knew it.”

“Of course, ask her. My heart hurts for her. She deserved to have her first time with someone she truly loved.”

“Yeah...and she doesn’t even remember it, Gunner. That’s what makes me so sad. Then Josh came and found out the next day. He must have been so heartbroken. Do you think things will ever be the same between them?”

“I’m not sure, baby. He and Lynda seem to be getting closer and closer. Although, I don’t know how he puts up with her ass. She might be my cousin, but holy shit, she’s demanding and treats him like shit. I never thought Josh would end up with someone like that.”

I shook my head as I looked at Gunner. Shit, I’m so lucky he never gave up on me.

Reaching down into my purse, he pulled out my cell and handed it to me. “Call her, Ells. She needs her friends right now. Then, get dressed. Jeff and Ari are meeting us in the lobby in fifteen minutes.”

After ten minutes of convincing Heather that she needed this, she finally agreed. I hung up and smiled. Being around friends who loved her would be good for her. Hopefully, we can take her mind off of Josh and Jerry-the-asshole.


When we pulled into the state park, Gunner saw Jeff’s truck and parked next to it. Ari and Jeff were leaning up against it, and Ari looked so happy. I smiled, knowing that she was going to be a mom soon. June fifteenth was her due date, so it looked like we would be spending our one-year anniversary with our niece or nephew.

When Gunner opened the door, I jumped out of the truck, walked up to Ari and hugged her.

Just then, I heard another voice. Josh? Fuck a duck. Are you kidding me? I pulled away from Ari to see Jeff slapping Josh on the back. I glanced at Gunner to see him staring at me with a panicked look on his face.

Turning around, I grabbed Ari and walked her away from the group.

“What the fuck, Ells. What’s wrong?”

“Oh my god, what is Josh doing here?” I started to look around the parking lot.

Heather would be here any minute; she was only ten minutes behind us the last time I’d talked to her.

“Jeff invited him. Why?”

“I invited Heather to come along. She’s going to freak!”

“Oh Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Ellie, is she okay? I mean, I called her last night, and she told me everything. My heart is breaking for her. I can’t believe she had sex with Jerry-the-fuckwad.”

“Never mind that right now. Is Lynda here?”

“No, she couldn’t make it.”

Just then, I saw Heather pulling up. Ari and I stepped out of the way, so she could park.

“She’s gonna be so pissed at you!” Ari said as she raised her eyebrows up at me.

“Me? Why me? Why not you? Y’all invited Josh.”

“You invited her, and I’m sure she asked if he was going to be here.”

Oh my god. I wanted to kill my BFF so badly at this very moment. “I swear, Ari if you weren’t pregnant, I would.”

Ari let out a laugh. “Oh, come on, bitch, I can take you, pregnant or not!”

Heather got out of the car and smiled at both of us. Her smile quickly faded when she looked between the two of us.

“What’s wrong?”

I looked at Ari and she looked at me. Then, I heard Josh laugh, and Heather looked behind us.

“I’m pregnant!” Ari shouted out.

I just stared at her a what-the-hell look. She glanced at me and shrugged her shoulders.

“What? I panicked, okay?” Ari said with a smile.

Heather seemed confused for a moment.

“Wait…what? You’re pregnant, Ari? Oh my god!” She let out a scream and hugged her.

Ari looked at me over Heather’s shoulder and made a face that made me laugh out loud. Only Ari.

Just then, Josh, Jeff and Gunner walked up. Gunner looked like he was about to puke, Jeff was shocked that Ari had just screamed out to the world that she was pregnant, and Josh couldn’t tear his eyes from Heather.

Heather pulled back away from Ari and smiled at her. “How far along are you?”

“Oh. um, two months.”

“Wow…early on into it.”

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t going to say anything to anyone until after the wedding, but y’all are different. I just got too excited, and I couldn’t hold it in.” Ari shrugged her shoulders and looked at Jeff.

He had a huge smile on his face. My stomach did butterflies, thinking about my brother becoming a daddy. I smiled at him as he grinned and winked back at me.

Heather turned and saw Josh standing there, looking at her. I could tell she was somewhat shocked and mad as hell. She turned to glare at me. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

“So, who wants to hike up a giant ass granite rock?” Gunner said with a smile.

As we all started to head up the trail, Heather grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“What’s he doing here?” Heather said through gritted teeth.

“I didn’t know! Jeff and Ari invited him.”

“I don’t want to see him, Ellie.”

“Listen, Heather, I know it upsets you to see him just as I’m sure it upsets him to see you, but we’re all friends. You’re going to see him when we all get together sooner or later.”

Heather let out a sigh and looked down the trail. “Where is the bitch girlfriend of his?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Fine. I’m only doing this because I need the fresh air and exercise, but I have no intentions of talking to him.”

Heather pushed past me and started to walk up the trail. Gunner stopped and waited for me. By the time I caught up to him, I was fuming mad.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”