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“Yes, baby?”

“I know what you’re doing.”

I let out a small laugh. “What is it exactly I’m doing, Ells?”

Ellie pulled back and looked at me.

“You’re trying to protect me from something, but you don’t have to. I knew something was up a few days ago. I could see the difference in Ari, and when she asked me to drop her off at her mom’s for a few hours, I figured she was going to the doctor. Then, when I met her at the bridal store I could see how happy she was even though she tried so hard to hide it.”

I brought her in closer to me, tightening my hold on her. I kissed her on the head. “Ells, I love you so much.”

“I love you, too. It’s really okay, Gunner. I mean, maybe it’s just not meant to be right now. I think I’m just going to concentrate on finishing up my online classes and mastering Emma’s cooking and gardening skills.”

The song came to a stop, and Flo Rida’s “Club Can’t Handle Me” started. I saw Ari and Jeff on the dance floor.

I asked Ellie if she wanted to sit down and she said no. She was in the mood to dance and just have fun.

I loved to dance with this girl. The way she moved her body was enough to make me want to take her back to The Driskill Hotel and make love to her again, just like on our wedding night.

After dancing to a few more songs, Ellie and I headed back to the table.

Just as we got there, I saw Josh and Lynda walking up. He looked so fucking unhappy. Why he stayed with my cousin was beyond me. I’d told him she was high maintenance and a snob. He’d been drunk the other night and had told me that he’d only slept with her twice. That, had shocked the shit out of me.

Lynda came bouncing over and gave Ellie and me a hug. Then she told not asked, told Josh to go get her a drink. When he went turned around to head over to the bar, he ran right smack into Heather.

This should be good since neither one of them has seen each other since July. That douche-twat Jerry was standing behind Heather. I’d already told Ellie how I felt about him, and no matter how many times we all had tried to tell Heather he was cheating on her, she would not listen to us.

“Shit, I’m sorry, Heather. I didn’t see you there.” Josh looked Heather up and down, and then he noticed Jerry standing behind her.

I hadn’t seen Josh tense up like that since our football days when he was ready to kick someone’s ass. I started to slowly make my way over when Lynda piped in.

“Josh! Please! I’m dying here of thirst.”

Josh looked back at Heather and smiled. “You look really good, Heather.”

“Thank you Josh, so do you.”

Josh nodded and looked up at Jerry.

“Josh, so good to see you again.” Jerry held out his hand to shake Josh’s.

Josh just glared at him. He moved around Heather and made his way to the bar.

Well, hell, this should be an interesting night. I looked out at Jeff and Ari, and they were happily dancing with each other. As long as those two are happy and Ells is happy, I decided not to worry too much about Josh and Heather and their fucked-up feelings for each other.

As I watched the night go on, it seemed like the only person drinking was Josh. I was having another damn déjà vu.

Ellie, Ari and Heather were all on the dance floor dancing to Christina Aguilera’s “My Girls.” I was getting pissed as I watched the numerous guys trying to dance with them. Ellie looked over once and smiled at me. I was giving her thirty minutes, and then I was taking her to the hotel. I glanced over at Jeff. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from Ari.

He looked over at me, and I just smiled and winked at him.

Jeff’s smile faded.

“You fucking bastard. You made reservations at The Driskill didn’t you? You mother-fucking-son-of-a- bitchin’-romantic-ass-bastard.”

I started to laugh. “Holy hell, Jeff, you’ve been hanging around Ari way too long. Her cursing has worn off on you.”

“I’m taking to Ari to Paris.”

I sat up, narrowing my eyes at him. “You can’t do that! I was going to take Ellie.”

“I’m thinking Paris for a honeymoon. Sounds pretty romantic, don’t you think?”

“To think I called you my best friend and agreed to be your best man.”

Jeff threw his head back and laughed. Just then, Ari came walking up and straddled Jeff, giving him a long kiss.

“Oh god, that’s my brother, Ari. Yuck!” Ellie yelled.

While Lynda was out on the dance floor with Josh, I looked over at Heather. She was watching them and couldn’t seem to pull her eyes away from them.

When Pink’s “There You Go” started to play, Jerry nudged Heather. “Hey, do you want to dance?”

Never taking her eyes away from Josh and Lynda, Heather simply said. “No.”

That was when it happened. Heather looked over at me, and I could see the tears building in her eyes. I got up and took Ellie’s hand.

“Hey Jeff and Ari, I think we need to get Heather home.”

Jeff and Ari both looked over at Heather.

“Sure, that’s fine. I’m exhausted anyway,” Ari said as she gave Ellie and me a hug good-bye. “We have a long way back home.”

“No, we don’t, babe, I booked us a room at The Driskill Hotel.” Jeff said as he winked at me.

Bastard. I was still pissed about the whole Paris thing.

I smiled at him and shook my head. “I have taught you well, my friend.”

Ellie and Ari both looked at us, confused. I grabbed Ellie’s hand and walked over to Heather. I reached down and took Heather’s hand.

As we started to head toward the stairs, Jerry came after us, and I stopped the girls and looked at him.

“Listen, asshole. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen you slip your fucking phone number to random girls. We’re taking Heather home; she’s upset and ready to leave. I also suggest you don’t call her anymore.”

Jerry looked over at Heather, who was staring at me, stunned.

She turned back to face Jerry.

“Jerry, is that true?”

“You know what? Fuck this. We slept together once, Heather, and ever since then, you’ve been nothing but distant and pining over some jerk. So, yeah, I’ve been with other girls since we started dating. You certainly weren’t putting out so.”

“Shut the fuck up now, or I’ll shut you up,” I said as I took a step toward him.

Jerry took a few steps back, lifting both hands.

“Fine, I’m done here anyway. Enjoy your life as an elementary school teacher, Heather. It fits you perfectly.”

I turned to find Ellie holding Heather. Poor girl looked like she was about to throw up.

“Come on, sweetheart. We have a hotel room right down the street.”

Ellie snapped up her head and looked at me with a small smile. I just winked back at her. The thought was there even if we wouldn’t be able to use it tonight the way I’d wanted to.

After we got to the truck, Heather asked to just be taken home. Ellie was in the backseat with Heather. I turned on the music so they could have some privacy, but I could still hear Heather crying.

I was shocked as shit to hear that she had slept with that asshole. What the hell was she thinking? I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket because it kept going off. I had four text messages and two missed calls.

Fuck. Josh was one of them. I hit voice mail and listened to his message.

“Gunner, what the hell happened? I saw you walking off with Heather, and then I saw Jerry come back alone. Is she okay?”


We pulled up to Heather’s apartment, and Ellie asked me to give her a few minutes with Heather.

“Baby, take your time. I’m in no rush.” If I’d been standing, her smile would have dropped me to my knees. Damn the things this girl does to me.

I pulled up the text messages: two from Jeff and two from Josh.

Jeff: Hey, Ari is worried about why y’all took off with Heather and why Jerry-the-jackass came back alone and pissed off. Have Ells text Ari.