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I let out a laugh and nodded my head. Ari turned around. I could barely hold the zipper while I slowly unzipped her dress with trembling hands. She let out a sigh when I had it unzipped all the way.

Motherfucker. Her back was so soft and beautiful. I thought about the day at the ranch when I was trying to put her bikini top back on in the river. I ran my finger down her neck to the bottom of her back. Her whole body shivered, and I smiled, knowing that my touch affected her like this.

She turned around and had her hand clutching the top of the dress. Smiling, she let the dress fall.

If I died this very second, I would die a happy man. I let my eyes travel up and down her body. She was perfect. She wore a strapless white lace bra with a matching thong on her flawless hourglass figure. Her skin was glowing with just a slight tan.

My heart was beating a mile a minute.

She held out her hand for me to help her step out of the dress. She stood there, and just letting me look at her. I realized then that I’d never just stopped to really look at her. In the past, when I’d given her an orgasm, she’d only been totally nude a few times. Afterward, I’d always ended up waiting for her to fall asleep, and then I would take care of myself in the shower. She’d practically begged me the other night to let her give me a hand job. Now, I was about to see her nude, and I would be able to really take her all in.

She’s about to be totally mine.

“Do you like what you see?”

I couldn’t talk. I just started at her lips that she was now licking. I watched as her hands moved to her bra, and the next thing I knew, it was gone.

“Ari…I think I’m going to pass the fuck out.”

Ari threw her head back and laughed. “Good! I was hoping for a reaction like that.”

I just looked at her and smiled. Her smile faded as she glanced at the bed and then back at me.

“Can I undress you, Jeff?”

What did she just ask me? I looked her up and down again. “Huh?”

Ari laughed as she walked up to me. She slowly started to unbutton my shirt, and each time she undid a button, she kissed my chest.

“I don’t know if I hear your heart beating or mine!” Ari said with a giggle.

“Both maybe?”


She pushed off my shirt and then took her time staring at my chest. Her fingers started to trace my tattoo. My whole body shivered, making Ari smile. She reached down and unbuckled my belt. After she unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, she leaned over and began taking off my shoes. As she slowly stood back up, I slipped my pants off and then looked back at her.

The way Ari was looking at me caused me to say another silent prayer I would last at least five minutes. She looked down at my boxer briefs and then moved her eyes back up to mine. She placed her hands on my hips, and I swore my dick got so hard that I thought I was going to die. She slowly slipped them off, and then she stood back up and staring at my dick.

“Do you like what you see, baby?” I asked with a smirk.

Ari looked at me and smiled, but I could tell she was getting more nervous. Taking her hand, I guided her onto the bed. She sat down and slowly started to lay back. Her whole body was shaking. I kneeled on the bed next to her and started to take off her thong.

“Jesus, Ari…you’re so fucking beautiful. I could just stare at your body all day.”

I watched as a blush spread across Ari’s cheeks.

I leaned over her and kissed her with as much passion as I could. She moaned into my mouth, and I felt it travel throughout my body. I reached my hand down and ran it along her stomach to her thigh. I gently nudged her legs apart, and she practically jumped from my touch.


“I love you, Arianna.”

“I love you…so much Jeff.”

Moving my hand to caress between her legs, I placed one finger inside of her, and she just about came on the spot. She’s so fucking wet.

“Fuck, Ari. You’re so ready, baby.”

“Please, Jeff.”

I slowly added two more fingers while my thumb rubbed against her clit. Ari started pushing her hips into my hand, and I could tell she was close, so I stopped moving my hand.

“Jeff! Why did you stop?”

I softly kissed her neck, and then moved down to her chest where I started to suck on her nipple.

“Oh, Jeff.”

God, I just wanted to make her feel special and loved. As I continued kissing down her stomach, I felt her body shake. A small smile came across my mouth, knowing my touch was driving her crazy. Moving lower, I kissed her hip and then over to the other. When I started to kiss down her leg, I heard her moan.

“Oh god, Jeff…please.”

I slowly made my way over to her inner thighs. When I blew on her clit, her whole body jerked as she grabbed the bed-sheets with both of her hands. I looked up at her and almost lost it. Her eyes were closed, and she was chewing on her bottom lip.

I gently put my fingers back into her as I started to kiss her clit. Her moans were driving me fucking nuts. We had never done this before, and I was afraid that she would stop me.

It didn’t take long before she was calling out my name as she ran her hands through my hair. I had given plenty of girl’s oral sex before, but with Ari, it was so much more. Her taste and how she felt on my lips….was beyond perfect.

“Holy hell, do that again!” Ari said after she caught her breath.

I moved up her body, feeling her chest rising and falling with each deep breath, and I smiled at the sight of her flushed face.

“Baby, I want you to come again, but this time, with me inside you. I want to see you fall apart when we’re making love.”

I started to lean over to get a condom out of my pants, Ari grabbed my arm and shook her head.

Oh fuck. Why is she saying no?

“Ari, I have to wear a condom, baby. I’ve never had sex without one.”

“You don’t have to, Jeff. I’m on the pill. I started taking it right after Thanksgiving…you know, just in case. I don’t want anything to separate us, Jeff.”

I just stared at her. Oh shit, I’m not going to make it past two minutes.

I slowly parted her legs as I moved closer to her. She closed her eyes when she felt me against her opening. Putting my hands on the sides of her face, I leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Baby, keep your eyes open. I want to watch you.”

Her beautiful green eyes opened and captured mine. “Okay,” she whispered.

I gently started to move inside her. I felt her tense up, and I stopped.

“Are you okay, baby? Does it hurt?”

“S’Okay Jeff. Please don’t stop. Please just don’t stop!”

I pushed myself in a little more, and she winced. Shit! Do I go fast? Do I go slow? I just didn’t want to hurt her, so I inched into her only a little at a time.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Jeff, how much more?”

I had to laugh. Ari and her damn mouth.

With just one slight push, I would be all the way in. Holy shit, she feels like fucking heaven. I almost wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

“I’m in, baby all the way. Are you okay, Ari?”

Ari smiled and wrapped her legs around me. “I’m more than okay. I think I’m dreaming!”

I slowly started to move. I could tell at first it was not pleasant for her, but after a minute or two, her facial expression softened and she smiled.

“Oh god Jeff. That feels so damn good.”

“You feel like heaven, baby.” I could hardly catch my breath. I was trying so hard not to come before she did.

“Can you go faster?” she asked, pushing her hips into me.

Fuck yeah! I moved faster, and I could tell her climax was building. She arched her body into mine and closed her eyes for a second before she opened them again and looked into my eyes.

“Oh my god, Jeff….oh god.”