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And guess what? Rumor has it, he's been cheating on me for like the WHOLE time! And apparently, get this, he's HONEST with the other girls. He TELLS THEM he has a girlfriend. AND THEY'RE OK WITH THAT!!???!!!!

So evidently, he's been doing it with pretty much everyone BUT me. So here's my question. Why was he bugging me about it so much? I mean apparently he had a whole LEGION OF SKANKS to choose from. Why not let me, his sweet little girlfriend, who he professed to LOVE MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF, stay safely ensconced in my imaginary virginal bubble world? Why keep pressuring me?



I really should've skipped trying to make him jealous and went for Option One - walked straight up to him and punched him in the face. HARD!!! And I'm not talking a little slap across the face like girls in movies, who get mad and slap their lying, conniving, cheating boyfriend and yell, You bastard!

I'm talking, BOOM.

There's a fitting song on the American Pie 2 soundtrack. It goes, “She said, If I'm leavin' with a broken heart, you're leavin' with a bleeding nose.

That's what I'm talking about.

Sorry, I digress. I may still be slightly bitter.

However, it does make me feel better knowing that I'm going to Prom with one of the nicest and HOTTEST guys around. Danny will be, hands down, the best looking guy at the dance. Although I have to admit, Phillip will be a close second. I swear, he just keeps getting cuter.

It's probably for the best that Danny and I are going to dinner alone.

I'm not sure I could handle all the questions.

Like how are you doing? Are you and Danny serious? Is it true that Jake has been dating that girl for like 4 months?

I'd have to answer....Um. I don't know….., uh, I don't know……,and well, I don't know.

I'm a fountain of non-information.

Danny and I have a great time at dinner.

He teases me.

I feign irritation and tease him back.

He kisses me, and I melt.

He feeds me dessert.

I've decided I'm very glad we're alone. I've been able to forget about my life for a while, and it's been perfect. I mean when you're around Danny, it's really hard to think about anything but him. He's got this easy, seductive way about him. Like he's a warm, inviting swimming pool and you can't wait to jump him.

IN. I meant jump in…You know jump in the pool. The, uh, warm pool.

Crap. I've become one of those girls. Those girls who hang on his every word and think he can do no wrong and wouldn't care if he did.

Those are the girls I make fun of.

I do a great impersonation of a swooning, mute, hair flipping, eye lash batting, stomach holding in and boob sticking out girl. Phillip thinks I'm hilarious when I do this.

And somehow, I've become one. Well, not completely. Coherent words are still coming from my mouth, and I'm not flipping my hair.

Okay, so I can't flip it since it's up in pins.

My point is, I haven't been totally hypnotized by his charm.

I'm holding my own.

My dad used to call Danny a chick magnet. 80's slang for what would probably now be referred to as a player. Anyway, I've thought it was a good way to describe him. But I've always been like an opposing magnet. We tend to butt heads.

Tonight, I think I've become like, you know, a wimpy paper clip or something. I can't help but be drawn to him, and I'm totally incapable of resisting his pull.

That Boy _58.jpg

We finish dinner too early to go to the dance, so we retreat to the limo, and Danny tells the driver to just cruise around. We really aren't paying attention to where he is going because we are sitting in the back, drinking champagne and seriously making out.

You know, I never wanted to be cliché and do it on prom night, but let's just say that issue is currently under advisement.

What it really means is I haven't made up my mind yet.

I have determined though that if I wanted to, Danny could be the perfect guy for it. I mean, I love the guy. And why not do it with a friend? Someone you trust and are comfortable with. Not some stupid, loser, slut-loving boyfriend.

And didn't Phillip tell me I should think about doing it with a friend?

So why wouldn't I?

Well, cuz maybe you're afraid of ruining your relationship?

See. I really can't decide.

We go to the dance, and I have fun dancing with Danny. I especially enjoy how he holds me when we slow dance and how he keeps playing with the loose strands of hair that have fallen out of the back of my updo.

Memo to self: Updos and passionate limo kissing are not a good mix. Especially when date is enthralled with your hair and can't seem to leave it alone!

Which I am totally not complaining about, even though it is rather hypnotic.

I manage to get in a slow dance with Phillip, while his date is throwing up in the bathroom.

Too much champagne for her. Silly girl.

Speaking of champagne, Danny and I drank a whole bottle, but I feel fine. Although come to think of it, Danny had most of it, and occasionally, he's taking nips from a flask of vodka hidden in his tux pocket.

Hey, where's mine?

Why aren't we sharing?

Come on! Get me drunk and take advantage of me.


He seems sober enough, but sorta nervous. That's so not like him. Why in the world would he be nervous with me?

I may be a bit confused, but certainly not nervous. It's just Danny, for goodness sake.

Billy Prescott and Katie are named Prom King and Queen and at a little after eleven, Danny and I leave, get dropped off at the hotel and go to our room. A bunch of us went together and booked the whole floor of the hotel. We got the whole hotel thing past our parents by swearing we were all just going to crash in the rooms and that way they wouldn't have to worry about anyone drinking and driving. At least that was my explanation.

God, I miss them so much.

Anyway, there's kind of an awkward moment when we first get to the room. I know we're just supposed to crash here, but you can't exactly ignore the big bed in the center of the room and what it implies. I mean there might as well be a neon arrow pointing down to it, with the words, HAVE SEX HERE, flashing at us.

Okay, now I am nervous. I seriously need a drink. Thank goodness, Danny brought more champagne to the room.

As he opens the bottle, I sit on the bed. He seems much calmer now, back to his confident self, as he pours champagne into little plastic cups.

“Cheers,” he says. In one long drink, he drains his cup, then sets it on the nightstand. I barely get to take a sip before Danny grabs my cup. I'm about to protest, but he looks at me, runs a finger across my cheek and kisses me sweetly.

The kisses don't stay sweet though.

We're really kissing.

And when he starts kissing down my neck, my sensible mind goes completely fuzzy. Especially now that he's running his hands through my hair and tossing the bobby pins he finds onto the floor.


It's like he's undressing my hair!!!!

Pretty soon his kisses get, well, urgent, and his hands, well, they have been everywhere but in my hair.

Oh, I like this.


Decision time.

I start to panic, so I stop the kissing, grab my cup, and take another drink.

A BIG one.

Relax, JJ.

Danny pours himself another cupful of champagne. Which is good. It gives me a second to think without his kisses clouding my judgment. But I only get a second because he slams his champagne, sets his cup down, and starts unbuttoning his shirt. And I just sit there and watch.