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Страниц: 61
Символов: 379143
Прочитал: 1
Хочет прочитать: 1
ID: 254067
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2014
Создана 15 июня 2015 13:29
Опубликована 16 июня 2015 01:46


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Calvin Parish

They call me Hero.

I defend.

I protect.

I ask for nothing in return, and that makes me good.

Doesn’t it?

Cataline Ford

I work hard.

I play by the rules.

I’m content.

My scars are quiet and invisible, and that keeps me hidden.

Doesn’t it?

One fateful walk home, I’m taken by someone I didn’t know I should fear. Captive and afraid, nobody will tell me why I’m confined to this hauntingly beautiful mansion. I’m given everything; I have nothing. He takes what he needs from me, and for that I hate him. But I might have loved him once.

And just because you’re reading this doesn’t mean I survive him.

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