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I pulled his face down so that he was looking into my eyes. I wanted to see him when we discussed this. “I’m all safe. I’m on the pill. Went on when I started dating Marcus.”

A feral growl escaped his lips when I mentioned Marcus. Guess it was still a sore point. I loved that Ryder was so possessive and so . . . primal. The very things I'd hated about him before were now the things I loved about him. OK, maybe love was too strong a word. But it felt right. Yes, I was feeling more for Ryder than just lust; I was falling in love. Hard. To the point that I wanted nothing more than to be with Ryder 24/7. Talking, cuddling, doing everyday things . . . and, of course, wild passionate fucking, too. Lots of that.

“How many men have you . . . been with?” His breath hitched.

“If I answer that question, you have to be prepared to do the same. Are you?”

He stayed quiet for a long time. I waited for him to say something. Just as I was about to give up on him replying, he answered.

“Jade, I'm not going to lie to you. I’ve had plenty of bitches over the years. More than I care to count. But they were nothing to me. Bodies to satisfy my needs and urges. Faceless fucks.”

I drew in a sharp breath. I was so inexperienced compared to him. I was amazed he even wanted someone like me.

“Baby, it’s been pure hell trying to stay away from you. Since the other night, when you told me your story, I’ve done a lot of soul searching. I’ve been outside your house every evening, dying to come inside to be with you. But I had to give you time, too. And today you came to me. It means you can't stay away either, in spite of what you say.”

It was true. Even if the flame of desire burned me to death, I couldn’t stay away or stop myself wanting him.

He gripped my chin in his hand and gazed into my eyes, as if he were searching deep into my soul. He spoke softly, reverently. “I never knew someone like you existed. I never knew I could feel like this about another person. I can't name what I feel, because I’ve never felt it before.

“All I can do is to tell you how happy it makes me feel when I’m near you. And how fucking amazing it feels when I’m inside you. I think of you from the moment I open my eyes till the moment I close them. There’s not a minute of a day I'm not thinking of you, aching for you, wanting to be inside you. Only you, babe; nobody else. If you can name that, then you know how I feel about you.”

I sucked in a breath. He was describing exactly how I felt about him. I'd also never felt like this before. I didn't have a name for it, either. I let go of my bottom lip that I’d been biting down on. “I think we are more than in lust with one another,” I said, searching for the right words, “I think we are . . . we are obsessed . . . with one another,” I whispered.

He laughed softly. “Yeah, I sure am. I want you to be mine, and only mine.”

My finger traced his stubbled jaw. I smiled at him. “I want that too. To be only yours, Ryder.”

Both hands cupped my face as he kissed me hard, possessively, hungrily. I unashamedly rubbed my naked pussy against his leg till he groaned into my mouth. His cock, which had been half-mast, resting on his stomach, was nudging my hip. He pulled me on top of his chest and I slid down, taking him bare.

His eyes rolled back in his head. “Jesus. Christ. Fuck.”

“Like it, baby?” I whispered near his ear.

“Hell yeah. You feel so good, babe.”

My heart swelled at his words. I loved that I could do this to him. Yet I was getting deeper into trouble. For a moment, my thoughts drifted to my family. What the hell was I going to do about them and in particular about Harrison? The problem was getting bigger every time I let Ryder fuck me. He thrust into me again, and his action pulled me back into the present.

At this moment I wanted nothing more than to be right here, with Ryder, his cock deep inside me, stretching me, filling me to capacity, so that my mind and body was only his. I didn't want to think about anything else. Just us.

He kissed me, long and hard, taking my breath away before he rolled us over. This time I was underneath him, his arms on both sides of my face. He stared into my eyes. “Want to see your beautiful eyes when you come, baby,” he ground out as he thrust rhythmically into me. It was the first time he was slow and gentle.

“Want to fucking see into your heart and your soul.”

Sweet Lord. Since when was my badass biker so deep and caring?

He completely undid me.

Killing me with his words.

Chapter 16 ~ Ryder

Fuck. It was hard to keep my eyes off her ass. The way she leaned over the pool table was designed to make me so hard that I lost all concentration on the game. Whoever said that women didn't know what they were doing when they challenged men to a game of pool hadn’t seen Jade and Lexi work the room.

The two cousins had a talk in the bathroom; the place women always disappeared to in pairs or groups. Someday I wanted to be a fly on the fucking wall, and just see for myself what the hell chicks got up to in there. Anyway, they went in rather annoyed with one another and came out twenty-five minutes later, looking hot as hell and laughing as if nothing had happened before they’d disappeared into that mysterious place.

Jade and I had been in my room for well over an hour, and if I had my way, we’d never have left the bed. But it was Cobra’s homecoming barbeque, and I had to be respectful of my pres and be part of it. Besides, all that fucking made me hungry, and I knew the women would’ve gone all out to put on a good spread.

So after kissing the shit out of Jade, I eventually let her leave the room so we could go find food. Now that she’d agreed to be only mine, I was a happy man.

We decided to get out of the heat and play a few games of pool. It started as a joke— the cousins had challenged Razor and I to a game. We’d winked at one another, thinking we’d let them win the first few games before beating them. It turned out these girls were a formidable team. I could see the other guys were impressed as fuck.

“Are you boys a little afraid we’re going to clean up the table?” Lexi asked, quirking an eyebrow at Razor, who was so cunt-struck he was just the worst partner I’d ever had. I sighed. What a pathetic pair we made.

Ratbag answered before anyone else. “Never. Ain't no Sheilas ever beat Ryder and Razor.”

“Well, then, watch history being made tonight,” Jade said, with a sweet butter-won't-melt-in-my-mouth kind of smile, as she sank the next ball into the pocket. I whistled beneath my breath. Princess had mad skills. Looking at her, I’d assume she wouldn’t have a fucking clue how to even hold a cue, never mind play like a fucking pro. Her and Lexi were winning and not just because they were using their sexual charms, but because they actually really knew how to play the goddamn game.

Jade leaned over the table, and in those shorts, her legs seemed to go on forever. And fuck me, if every guy in the room wasn’t salivating as they gawked at her, probably fantasizing about being between those sexy pins. Note to self: Forbid Jade to wear shorts to the compound again. Fuck, Hammer and Ratbag were perving so hard on my woman, I wanted to fucking punch them. I gave them a warning glare to back off, which they understood and grinned sheepishly at being caught in the act.

Finally, it was my turn to play. The balls had been set up in such a way that I had to concentrate really hard to get the angle right, but I was determined to sink this number nine. Just as I was about to hit the ball, Jade leaned over to pick up the chalk she had ‘accidentally’ dropped, teasing me with her perfect tits. Her eyes locked with mine for a split second, and fuck, I missed.

Razor smirked. “Ryder. Fuck, man, you could do that move in your sleep. Stop staring at your bitch and play the fucking game.”