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"You have awoken the beast, now." He sat back on his heels, grabbed her ankle and bit it playfully.

She giggled but in the next second, he was between her thighs, spreading her legs. He stroked a thumb through her moisture, then hissed a curse.

Leaning his long body over hers, he guided his shaft into her, the sensation filling her with intensifying arousal. Aye, she wanted more. Lifting her hips to meet his first slow thrust, she moaned.

With dark, intense eyes, he observed her, gradually increasing the pace. His body completely bewitched her, filling her with magical sensations she'd never imagined possible. When they grew too powerful to bear, she closed her eyes and held her breath. The swirling pleasures crashed and exploded. She wanted to scream, but Torrin's mouth was devouring hers, muffling her cries.

Somehow, he drew the pleasure out, on and on, then he shoved hard against her and held himself there, deep within her, growling between clenched teeth against her ear.

"Saints, Jessie," he hissed. "Tha gràdh agam ort."

She froze. Did he say I love you? Maybe she'd misheard.

He collapsed beside her and drew her close against his side.

Mo chreach. He hadn't just told her he loved her, had he?

She listened as his harsh breathing calmed, hoping he wouldn't remember what he'd said. She knew not how she felt about his confession. Did it mean anything, or was he simply caught up in the heat of passion? MacBain had also told her he loved her, and 'twas obvious how that turned out. He'd lied.

She didn't think Torrin was lying, but mayhap those words didn't mean the same thing to men as they did to women.

"I missed you, Jessie," he said between a whisper and a mumble, sounding half asleep. He drew her close into his arms and his breathing evened out. She glanced up at him. Was he asleep already? He must have been exhausted from the long day of searching for Aiden, in addition to the battle.

Remembering how he'd said he loved her, she remained tense while he slept, her mind spinning over the possibilities, along with the problems. She had already feared she was falling in love with him. Regardless of how they felt about each other, she couldn't marry him if she was barren. A chief and laird couldn't have a barren wife. He would likely grow to resent her over the years if she couldn't provide an heir.

Her eyes burning with tears, she slipped from beneath his arm and slid from the bed. She dressed quietly in the firelight, then crept out the door.

A fiery tryst was all they could ever have.

Chapter Twelve

His long gray hair blowing in the strong wind, McMurdo rushed from the edge of the cliff toward Haldane. "A garrison of men is approaching from the south."

"How many and who are they?" Haldane threw down the rabbit bone he'd just cleaned off, breaking his fast.

"Have no inkling who yet, but there are about three dozen."

"God's teeth." Haldane followed McMurdo to the crest of a hill where Gil had been posted as lookout. They stayed low and out of sight. Indeed, a small army approached through the morning mist. Most on horseback. Some on foot. All heavily armed, from what he could see. "'Tis not Dirk's party." Nay, the plaids were unfamiliar and some were dressed in a Lowland style, wearing trews and knee breeches.

McMurdo shook his head.

"We're outnumbered, but we have no quarrel with them. We'll go down and see who they are… and what their mission is." Haldane instructed every man with a bow to guard their backs. "Come." Haldane scrambled down the grassy hillside, stumbling over loose rocks and heather, McMurdo behind him.

When the regiment drew nearer, he and McMurdo stepped out beside the trail, no weapons in their hands, but close at their sides if needed. The clan's dark-haired leader, riding a fine chestnut stallion, halted and held up his hand. All the men following him stopped.

Haldane recognized him immediately as Gregor MacBain, Chief of Clan MacBain, the man Jessie had entered into a trial marriage with two or three years ago. His daft sister had not pleased the man, and he'd sent her home.

"Chief MacBain, 'tis good to see you again," Haldane called out.

"Who are you?" the man demanded, frowning.

"Haldane MacKay. Lady Jessie is my sister. We met only once." Haldane slowly moved forward and held up his hand for the man to shake.

MacBain narrowed his devil-dark eyes. "My apologies. I didn't recognize you, lad." He dismounted, two of his brawny bodyguards following suit and moving to stand beside him.

MacBain shook Haldane's hand briefly.

"Coming to pay Jessie a visit?" Haldane smiled, trying to be his most congenial.

MacBain eyed him and McMurdo suspiciously. "Aye, indeed. I miss the lass. I was here a week ago, but I didn't see you."

"We hadn't yet arrived. Was Jessie not welcoming?"

MacBain's face reddened, and his gaze turned lethal. "Nay. I tried to convince her to marry me, but she showed little interest."

"Och. 'Haps because… of the MacLeod chief courting her." Haldane had almost blurted out that Torrin MacLeod was frolicking naked in the sea with her, but that might infuriate the man. He needed to keep MacBain as calm as possible in order to convince him they could help one another.

"Aye, MacLeod. The bastard," MacBain said between clenched teeth.

Haldane was thrilled to hear how much MacBain disliked Torrin MacLeod, but he hid his reaction. "We could help you defeat him, and then Lady Jessie would be yours. After I'm chief, she will have no choice but to do what I say."

MacBain's brows shot upward. "You're going to be chief of the MacKays?"

Haldane despised the surprise in the man's tone. "Aye, once this imposter who calls himself Dirk is dead. He claims to be my brother, but the real Dirk died thirteen years ago in an accident."

MacBain nodded. "That's what I'd heard."

"Aye, well, that's what we're doing here—awaiting the imposter's return so I can take my rightful place."

MacBain's expression eased, and he even looked a bit hopeful. "And you wouldn't be against my marrying Lady Jessie?"

"Of course not. You would have my blessing. I'll even increase her dowry once I'm chief."

MacBain's eyes lit up. "Indeed? What is your plan in defeating this Dirk then? I've never met him."

"He and a party of about two dozen will be returning sometime soon. We're not certain whether they're traveling by land or sea. I have lookouts in several places." Well, three places. His men were quickly dwindling but he didn't want MacBain to know that. "When Dirk's party arrives, we'll be attacking and killing as many men as possible. No one is to hurt the women, though. One of them will be my future wife."

"Of course, we would never harm the women."

Haldane hoped the man was being truthful, for he would kill any man who hurt Lady Seona. "Then, we'll need to get inside the castle."

MacBain nodded. "And you will help me get Torrin MacLeod out of my path so I can marry Jessie?"

"Indeed. He's an enemy. He killed one of my men." He didn't want MacBain to know that MacLeod was such a good fighter, he'd killed several more than that.

"We have an agreement then." MacBain held out his hand.

"We do." Smiling, Haldane shook it, unable to believe his good fortune—three dozen strong-looking warriors to add to his shrinking force. They would succeed now in defeating the MacKays and taking Dunnakeil.