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"I told him we could wait a few days," Jessie said.

"Of course, I'll be your best man anytime you wish."

"But you must not overdo it today, if you want to feel well tomorrow," Jessie said.

Torrin nodded and turned to walk back to the other side of the bed, a horrid scowl on his face the entire time.

"Can I tell everyone?" Iain asked.

"Aye. Tell the servants to prepare a feast and decorate the great hall. Tell the whole of the clan to be ready to witness me marrying this beautiful lady tomorrow." Torrin sat on the edge of the bed and threw his good leg onto the mattress. Jessie helped him lift his wounded leg, and then covered him with the blankets.

"I need to talk to Dirk," Torrin said. "I'll need his permission."

"I'll have him come to visit you after you rest a while," Jessie said.

"I don't need to rest. I've rested for a fortnight."

"I can go get him," Iain said.

"Aye, if you would please," Torrin said, relaxing back.

"You haven't even finished eating," Jessie said after Iain left. She wiped Torrin's sweaty face with a cool cloth, then handed him the porridge again. After he caught his breath, he ate a few more bites, then she set the bowl aside.

Five minutes later, Dirk entered the room, a curious look in his eyes. "How are you, Torrin?"

"Almost better." He took Jessie's hand. "I want to ask you once more for you lovely sister's hand in marriage."

"Oh." Dirk looked to Jessie.

She nodded and smiled, happiness misting her eyes.

His brows shot up. "Aye, well, if Jessie is agreeable to the marriage, I certainly give my permission and my blessing."

"I thank you," Torrin said, kissing Jessie's hand. "I want you to know, I love this woman more than life itself. I'll protect her and make her as happy as I'm able."

Jessie's heart melted with Torrin's confession.

"I know you will," Dirk said, smiling. "Would you like me to draw up a contract?"

"Indeed. You can use my official chamber if you wish. You'll find paper, ink and anything you might need on the desk. Iain can show you where it is. We've decided that tomorrow is the day."

"That soon?"

"Aye. I've waited long enough to make this lady my wife."

"I'll set to work right away on the marriage contract, then." Dirk grinned. "Congratulations to you both. I've been hoping Jessie would finally get past her stubborn streak and marry you." He left the room.

"I wasn't being stubborn," Jessie muttered when she was alone with Torrin again.

"Call it what you will." Torrin smirked. "I agree with Dirk; you were stubborn."

Much to Jessie's annoyance, Torrin walked around the bed twice more that day. He assured her each time 'twas a bit easier, but she could not tell this by his horrid grimaces, curses and groans.

That night, Jessie slept in the guest chamber the servants had prepared for her. Several women of the clan insisted 'twould be for the best, for they should not see each other before the wedding. Flora slept on the pallet in Torrin's room, should he need anything.

A knock sounded at the door, waking Jessie. Morning sunlight streamed through the narrow window. Had she overslept?

She leapt up and the nausea struck her. She quickly found the empty chamber pot and retched into it. Flora rushed in. "Och! M'lady, I'm so sorry."

"'Tis all right." She arose and rinsed her mouth with the watered down wine from the jug on her bedside table.

"Laird MacLeod is all dressed and ready."

"What? This early?"

"Aye. Woke me at the crack of dawn, he did, insisting on a bath in the tub. His manservant came in and helped him dress in his finest plaid and doublet. He's a right handsome sight." She grinned.

"'Twill take me a wee bit to get ready," Jessie said, the nausea still tormenting her, though not as bad as before.

"I'll tell him to be patient, and then I'll send in the maids. I brought you two bannocks to help settle your stomach." She set a plate on the bedside table.

"I thank you."

While she ate, a crew of servants brought in a tub and filled it with buckets of hot water. It had been a while since she'd had anything more than a sponge bath. 'Twould feel heavenly to sink into that warm water.

An hour later, she was squeaky clean from her head to her toes, and dressed in a fine royal-blue gown she'd brought. When she'd packed it, she'd had no inkling she would be using it as her wedding dress… or did she? Why else would she bring her best gown?

Dolina braided sections of her drying hair and created a lovely hairstyle where some of her wavy hair remained down on her shoulders. She thought Torrin would like it this way.

"Och!" Flora exclaimed upon entering the room. "How lovely you look, m'lady!"

Jessie smiled. "I thank you, Flora."

"Are you feeling better?"

"Aye. Where is Torrin?"

"He's in the great hall with the rest of the men. They're all dressed in their finest."

Jessie's mouth dropped open. "Did he walk down there?"

"Aye, with the help of Iain and a walking stick."

Jessie shook her head, unable to believe how eager he was, and how much improvement he'd shown since yesterday.

She was eager, too, for she would soon be Torrin's wife.


Sitting in the great hall, Torrin kept glancing at the doorway leading to the staircase, hoping each time to see Jessie.

'Twas unfortunate that it was too early in the day to drink whisky. He could use a dram to take the edge off the sharp ache in his leg. But more, he needed to be fully himself when Jessie walked down those steps, and when he said his vows. He could endure a bit more pain in order to see his dreams come true.

His clan was happy that he was finally marrying, and that he was recovering. Each of them had congratulated him that morn when he'd entered the great hall. Female servants had decorated the large room with flowers and greenery, but mostly with sweet-smelling heather, which he knew Jessie would love. Musicians were playing various ballads from the elevated alcove at the opposite end of the great hall. Dirk, Keegan, Conall, Iain, and several more men sat at the high table, talking and drinking ale.

Torrin and Dirk had already signed the marriage contract. He truly did not care about the land in her dowry—he would've been just as happy without it—but it would benefit the clan, for they could grow more crops.

Dirk had already decided that he, Keegan and several others would leave the next morn for Dunnakeil, but a half dozen of the MacKays would stay until Torrin was able to travel south in a few weeks to find Nolan's grave.

"Women are hellishly slow when getting ready for their weddings," Dirk said, giving Torrin a sympathetic look.

Torrin nodded. "I remember, last winter, when you were awaiting Isobel." Dirk had been fidgety, pacing back and forth. Torrin felt like pacing, but couldn't at the moment. He had to save his strength for the wedding itself, which would be held here in the great hall instead of the chapel. This room was bigger; the whole clan and several villagers could attend, and he wouldn't have to walk down more steps.

"The waiting was torture," Dirk admitted.

"Mayhap you could go hurry her along a bit," Torrin suggested hopefully.

Dirk grinned and stood. "I'll try." He headed up the stairs.

A few minutes later, Flora emerged from the stairwell and whispered in Iain's ear. He grinned and stood. "'Tis time," he said to Torrin, while Flora ran back toward the stairs.