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“Let me see what she said, this time,” I said, holding out my hand.

Tammy: I would’ve had the court forgive your restitution Kayden, but you let Sophia send in your last payment... She sealed your fate. I would’ve done everything I could to clear your name, but you hurt my feelings. I’ll make that bitch pay, you’re just a casualty.

“Kayden, you need to show everything she has sent you the last couple of months to Mr. Haas,” I said to him. She needed to finally feel some consequences of her actions. “Doesn’t hurt to try, you know? Maybe he’ll listen to you.”

“I don’t think it will make a difference, but I’m going to try,” he said to me as he took the phone back.

“Let’s print everything out. Maybe we can get this all straightened out before the end of your probation and your background check is completed,” I said, getting up to turn on the printer.

I grabbed my phone off the counter as I walked out of the kitchen. Switching the screen on I stopped, shock overcoming me… Kayden was no longer her only target

“I have a message, too. She just doesn’t fucking give up,” I said as I unlocked my phone.

Lisa: When Kayden is arrested, it’ll be because of you bitch. I’m going to send the cops to your house, your parents’ house, and any address I find that is connected to you until they find him. Remember, it’s because of you that he’ll be sitting in jail. I’ll wreck your life, Sophia. Kayden will be mine again… He will always love me. You’re just a financial means to his survival.

I swallowed hard with her words; I knew they weren’t true, but the sting no less painful. Had she just threatened me? Lisa was totally delusional if she thought that Kayden would come back to her. I’d make sure that wouldn’t happen.

“Do I even want to know what she wrote?” Kayden asked.

“Not really, but we’ll print it, too. Find that pink envelope she sent you in New Orleans. We’re going to leave tonight. I don’t want to wait two days to meet with him. It’s your only hope,” I said. I could feel my blood begin to boil every time I thought about that bitch. I wanted to knee her in the face and I’ve never been the violent type. Someone had to fucking stop her, and I was up for the challenge. I’d go with him, help him. I had a solid job and a college education, people always trusted a librarian.

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Walking through the front door of his mother’s the smell of freshly baked stuff peppers assaulted my sense. My stomach rumbled after a road trip filled with coffee and junk food. She ran to the door, wrapping us in her arms and kissing our cheeks.

“It’s so good to see you two. I’ve missed you. I made your favorite Kayden—stuffed red peppers and homemade mashed potatoes.” My mouth salivated as she spoke.

“The bitch sent me a message today,” his mother said as we sat down at the table.

I lost my appetite, bile rose in my throat. She invaded our lives and ruined even the simplest thing.

“What did she want?” Kayden asked.

“Here, read it for yourself,” she said as she handed Kayden her tablet.

Kayden didn’t say a word as he read the messages with furrowed brows. He passed the tablet to me and I was stunned by her acidic words.

Lisa: I’ll send the police everywhere to find your son. You can’t hide him, either can his girlfriend. It’ll be hard for him to run without a truck.

“That bitch, she had your truck towed,” I said handing the tablet back to his mother.

My stomach twisted as I excused myself from the table, leaving Kayden and his mother to talk.

He’d become a fixture in my life, part of my existence, and she was trying to tear us apart. Tears streamed down my face as Kayden walked into the bedroom. He wrapped me in his arms, comforting me. “Everything will be okay, don’t cry, baby,” he said, sorrow filling his eyes.

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I barely slept, nervous about meeting with my probation officer. Everything hinged on his course of action—my job and my future. I stared out the window regretting every moment I ever spent with Lisa. I couldn’t lie there anymore and make myself crazy. I peeled Sophia off slowly, covering her body with a blanket.

I rested my hands on the counter, patiently waiting for the coffee to brew. I filled my cup when the glass carafe had just enough to fill it. I’d never been much of a coffee drinker, but Sophia survived on the shit. The cold cement floor of the lanai made me move quickly across the space to an empty chair.

I couldn’t waste any more time or put off placing the phone call to Mr. Haas, my probation officer, I needed to get my life straightened out. He had my fate in his hands. I held my breath as the phone began to ring.

“Mr. Haas,” he said sounding annoyed.

“Good morning, Mr. Haas, it’s Kayden. I need to speak with you today, it can’t wait until tomorrow. Do you have an appointment available?” I asked, hoping that it would be early to avoid waiting around all day, worrying.

“Just come on in, my morning is pretty light. I’ll be here all day,” he said.

“I’ll be in shortly. See you soon, and Mr. Haas... thank you.” The phone disconnected.

“When are we leaving?” she asked startling me.

I didn’t hear her open the lanai door. “Let’s have some coffee and get ready. He said we can come anytime.”

“Good. The quicker we take care of her, the better.” She smiled at me while stretching as I walked toward her.

“I love you,” I said, kissing her forehead. What would Mr. Haas say about all of the messages? I wanted everything to be over with already. I wanted to move on with my life, the life I built with Sophia.

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My skin crawled as we walked through the door of the probation office—it reminded me of the shittiest time in my life. I squeezed my hands into tight fists trying to release the tension my entire body felt. I signed in with shaky fingers before sitting next to Sophia in the waiting room.

“What are those people here for?” she asked, looking at a separate line off to the side.

“They’re here to register, I had to do the same thing,” I said, glancing over at the line.

An old woman sat in the chair at the counter, and the woman behind the glass began questioning her. “Ma’am, what are you being placed on probation for?” the woman behind the glass asked.

“DUI,” the old woman stated. Sophia watched in fascination as the two women carried on a conversation.

“I can’t believe that. The poor woman, she looks harmless—how embarrassing,” Sophia said as she squeezed my arm.

The door opened next to the receptionist area, my blood turning icy as Mr. Haas stepped into the waiting area. He approached the clipboard, running his finger down the page before stopping. He turned around looking through the crowd.

“Mr. Michaels,” he stated.

“Here,” I said before standing.

“Follow me.” Mr. Haas turned around to head for the door.

“May I bring my girlfriend Sophia back to your office? I don’t want to leave her out here.”

“Yes,” he said before disappearing behind the door.

I held Sophia’s hand giving it a squeeze as I opened the door for us. I needed her with me; she was my strength and courage. Mr. Haas waited for us just inside, another man by his side. They turned in our direction as we approached.

“This is Mr. Michaels,” he said pointing at me “This is Mr. Ramirez—he’s the supervisor of this office,” Haas said.

“Good, are you here to pay your restitution? Ms. Jackson has been calling my office non-stop, complaining about you, and wanting you arrested immediately,” he said. Either one of them could issue an arrest warrant at any time; it had been months since I paid a restitution payment. I felt ill about the entire situation, sweat forming on my face. I balled my hand in a fist, squeezing to release my tension.