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“You embarrassed me down there.” My entire body tensed at the sound of his angry voice.

“I’m sorry, Master,” I whispered, low. I struggled desperately to stay perfectly still. I treated him as the sort of predator to only attack moving prey. I heard the distinct sound of a buckle being undone and the swish of a belt being pulled from its belt loops. I started to shake.

“You’re going to learn what is expected of you, Pet.”

Everything in my body screamed for me to run, but somewhere inside my head a small voice whispered there was no escape, only obedience. Only obedience will make him happy. I nodded absently.

He didn’t say anything further. He simply pressed my forehead to the ground and laid his belt down across my backside in quick succession.

At one, I clenched my jaw and forced my hands under my knees to keep from trying to take the belt.

At two and three, I was rocking as I wailed into the carpet.

Four, and I attempted to place my hands in the way of his belt by shielding my buttocks. My fingers brushed across raised welts.

Five, six, and seven, he held my hands tight against the small of my back.

Eight and nine left me screaming out loud and panting.

He stopped for a moment, long enough for me to tell him how sorry I was, that I would obey, that I would be good – I promised. A few more and he finally seemed satisfied.

He let my arms go, but I knew better than to follow my instincts to get up. I grabbed my wrists and held them at the small of my back, just as he had them. I heard his soft laugh over my sporadic whimpers and sobs, and for some reason, my body became slightly more at ease.

“Good girl, Kitten,” he said. I sighed deeply with relief.

He dropped to one knee at my side and pulled me back firmly by my hair. I continued crying and fighting the urge to rub my behind as the real pain of the whipping set in, scalding hot and prickly.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.

“Yes, Master.” I whimpered pitifully.

“Will you remember it?”

I managed to respond through my sobs again, “Yes, Master.”

He stood, dragging me up by my hair with the effort. I arched my back and succumbed to my urges and rubbed my behind forcefully with the palms of my hands. I only made it worse. He grabbed hold of my wrists and pinned them to the small of my back.

“Stay still!” he snapped. Instinctually, I pressed my forehead to the front of his shirt. I tried to straighten my legs. The feel of his firm chest pressed against my face did things to me I had come to expect. Why do you always smell so good? After a moment, the pain became secondary to thoughts of my naked body pressed against his clothes. I stood still, but I could not bring myself to pull away from him. He let my wrists go and I immediately wrapped them around his waist and pressed into him. He was hard, and soft, and strong, and he smelled like everything I wanted wrapped around me.

He tensed in my embrace and quickly placed his hands on my shoulders to urge me back. I looked up at him and saw the anger and confusion in his eyes, but I didn’t care. Rafiq was coming for me. Caleb would either protect me, or he wouldn’t. I couldn’t ask him without giving Felipe away, nor could I ignore the feelings stirring inside me. Perhaps it was my exhaustion, or the long night of sexual torture he’d subjected me to, or perhaps it was simply the undeniable power he had over me – but whatever it was; I desperately needed to kiss him. I rose on the balls of my feet and inclined my lips toward his, begging him with my eyes to make this easier for me. If he was shocked he didn’t show it, he simply stayed immobile as I finally touched my trembling mouth to his.

His hands gripped my shoulders tighter when I traced my tongue along his bottom lip, urging him to open to my kiss. He obliged me and I almost wept at the taste of him. He finally softened and inclined his head by the slightest of degrees. I delved deeper into his mouth, shaking in my need to be touched by him.

He lifted his hand to the back of my head and kissed me with all the passion of the previous morning.

I couldn’t stop the moan that broke past my lips. I had never felt anything like this. Never had I wanted to laugh, and weep, and fuck, and devour another human being until there was nothing left of him – until we were one person and I could feel peace. I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him all over. My loud panting was echoed by his softer sounds. I sought his mouth over and over. I wrapped my leg around him, trying to climb onto him as he straightened his body. Abruptly, he broke the kiss and pushed me to the floor. I stared up at him, my heart laid bare at his feet. His chest rose and fell with anxious breath, but his words were steady and calm.

“That’s the last time you’ll ever do something without being told. And it’s the last time I’ll ever kiss you. I hope you enjoyed it.” Through a mist of my tears, I thought I saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes. I dismissed it as my broken heart trying to reclaim some of its dignity.

“Please, Caleb!” I sobbed loudly. “Don’t do this. Take me and let’s go. Let’s leave!”

He slapped me. Not savagely, but it stung and the heat of my shock crept across my face and down my neck. I placed my hand on my cheek. It was hot to the touch. When the initial moment of shock wore off, I thought it strange I should feel the pain of his slap in my chest, but I did, and it hurt more than I ever thought possible.

Caleb’s eyes held a glimpse of shock I’d never seen in his eyes before. He turned his back on me and walked through one of the doors in the room.

I heard water running.

He walked back out, “Clean yourself up and wait for Celia,” he spat, and walked out of the room.

I cried openly once the door shut, but I did as he asked.


An hour and a half later, I sat sobbing on the edge of the tub while Celia gently brushed my hair and tried her best to soothe me.

“I’m sorry, Kitten,” she whispered. I sobbed harder. I nodded meekly to appease her. In all honesty my tears had little to do with her, or the fact she had painfully waxed all the hair on my body with the exception of a small ‘strip’ at the apex of my pussy. Though, the pain would not easily be forgotten. Mostly, I cried because I could not shake Caleb from my thoughts. He didn’t give a shit about me, and somehow, I had fallen in love with him. He’d never kiss me again – that’s what he’d said – never. I’d trusted him. I’d done everything he’d asked of me in the hopes he’d spare me. His loyalty had never rested with me and I’d been foolish to believe I could win him over.

I couldn’t help but replay the moment over and over in my mind. Even knowing the pain I felt was emotional, I physically hurt all over.

“Celia?” I finally managed to speak through my sobs.

Sí, mi amor?” she said.

I spoke to her in Spanish. “Why does he treat me so badly? One moment he smiles at me and the next…” A hard lump formed in my throat, making it difficult to swallow, let alone speak.

“Don’t cry, sweet girl,” she said. It reminded me of Felipe, but I didn’t mention it. She set the brush aside and held my head to her chest. I held on to her tightly, flooded with the need to be held. She stroked my hair with her hand and spoke, “I think there are things you don’t know about your master. Perhaps he seems unpredictable, but he is filled with passion for you. My master is always pleasant, even when he punishes me – yet, I know nothing of what he feels.” I could make out the pain in her voice. She was in love with Felipe and believed he didn’t love her back.

I thought about my interaction with him in the dungeon and I had to disagree. Felipe was head over heels for Celia. It seemed ridiculous she didn’t know. However, it wasn’t my place to tell her.