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I sat for a moment, my legs dangling off the table and my hands over my breasts. I hoped he wouldn’t remove the blindfold and I wouldn’t have to look into his eyes. He stood in front of me. Our bodies weren’t touching, but I felt him everywhere. Then the warmth of his fingers smoothed against my cheek, and something in my chest began to burn. Slowly, he pulled the blindfold away and I rubbed my puffy eyes as I adjusted to the soft light.

He looked gorgeous, as usual, though his customary smile was not present, only a look of seriousness. It occurred to me I must look like garbage, with my ratted hair, and puffy face. Meanwhile, Caleb stood in front of me – sexy as hell.

I couldn’t look him in the face. I rarely ever could. I focused on his lightweight button-up shirt, khaki pants, and casual shoes. I focused on his large hands as they reached up and rubbed my thighs. I let out a startled gasp he didn’t acknowledge.

“Are you hungry?” he asked ominously. I nodded, looking down into my lap. He slapped my thigh loudly and I had to fight every impulse to push him away. Heat crept up into my face, but I maintained my composure.

“Yes, Master,” I said, through clenched teeth. “I’m hungry.”

“Good,” he said, no humor in his voice. “You can get down on your knees and eat my cock.”

I stared at him incredulously for a moment, waiting for him to say something further – though what I expected him to say, I didn’t know. Strangely, the longer I looked at him, the more I became aware I was doing so without his permission. I also felt, as I often did, he could read my mind. I took a deep breath and looked away quickly, in the hopes he had not read too much. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his hands slowly reaching for his belt. A sense of impending doom spurred me into action and I reflexively placed my right hand over his.

“You aren’t going to whip me, are you?” I didn’t look up. My fingers trembled. If he wasn’t already, then I probably planted the idea in his mind. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

“Would you like me to?” he asked. I shook my head emphatically: No, I did not. “Then get your hands off of me. I didn’t give you permission to touch me.” I retracted my hands and waited for him to speak. “Good. Now get down on your knees and put your hands in your lap. You’re not allowed to touch me.”

I swallowed hard and fortified myself to do as I was told. Avoiding his gaze, I attempted to lower myself from the table onto my shaky legs. My legs gave out, but Caleb reached out to steady me. I almost grabbed hold of him to stop myself from falling, but I managed to prevent the reflex and hung in his arms like a rag doll as he lowered me onto my knees.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

He stood. “You know what, Kitten?” he said, “I think I will whip you. Ask me what for.”

My eyes were already misted over with fresh tears when I looked up at him. “Why?”

He smiled and shook his head, just before he grabbed the back of my head and pulled my hair hard enough to let me know I was in trouble. “How about for talking when you weren’t asked to speak, touching me as if you have the right, looking at me without being told, and most importantly, for consistently addressing me improperly.” He gripped my hair tight. I whined sharply behind my closed lips and my eyes reflexively shut. “Now, you tell me, Kitten, do you deserve to be punished?”

There could not possibly be any good answer to his question. Even silence would be thought of as another infraction. My mind raced to find a way out of the situation, but I knew the damage had been done.

I cried miserably, but I opened my mouth and replied, “If it’s what you want, Master, then, yes.” I kept my eyes closed, mindful not to look at him unbidden, and he released my hair.

“That’s a good answer, Kitten. Later, I’ll show you exactly what I want. In the meantime, show me how much you want to make me happy.”

Chapter Seventeen

He made me walk – with traces of his semen on my chin and neck, naked, sobbing, and on shaky legs, up the steps of the dungeon and out into the civilized surroundings of the mansion above. I hesitated strongly at the top of the steps when I heard the unmistakable murmur of people in conversation. Caleb pressed his hand firmly against the curve of my bottom and urged me forward, but I only leaned back and tried to step down. Propping me up with one hand, he delivered a powerful, ringing slap, across the delicate flesh of my ass and I couldn’t help but cry out loudly and lurch through the door. Six sets of eyes turned toward me at once. They were a mixture of surprise and amusement.

The strong desire to run surged through me, but Caleb held my hair cruelly in his grasp, forcing me to kneel at his feet, where I instantly grabbed hold of his pant leg and hid.

“Well, this entire day just became more interesting,” said an unfamiliar voice, with a southern drawl. His comment was met with resounding laughter.

“I apologize,” said Caleb. “She’s not quite house broken yet.”

I was too scared to be outraged. Above my head, sitting at a table, were a group of men and women. They didn’t seem to have a problem with a man dragging in a naked, and crying woman. I couldn’t imagine a more horrifying scenario.

When the laughter subsided, a familiar voice spoke. “Will you both be having breakfast with us?” It was Felipe – there was no mistaking the strong, assured inflection of his voice, and of course, there was the Spanish accent. My heart skipped a beat. What would happen if he told Caleb about last night? Had he told Caleb about last night? What if it was a test – and I was supposed to tell him?

“No, not this morning – but perhaps for dinner. I need time to make her suitable.” He finally let my hair loose. I made no attempt to move; cowered against his legs I felt oddly protected.

“Of course,” said Felipe, “Celia will help you.”

Caleb made me travel the rest of the way upstairs on my hands and knees, while the others looked on and remarked on how obvious it was I was new, and how fun it would be to get a hold of my sexy ass.

Heat crawled all across my body but I kept my head down and focused only on getting as far away from this emerging situation as possible. Somewhere in the back of my mind I also worried about what was going to happen to me next. I realized my deepest hope was for Caleb to take me upstairs, bathe me, feed me, and hold me as he filled my ears with reassurances. I wanted him to remind me he would never let anyone hurt me, but as he forced me past the door to my room, my hopes seemed more and more unlikely.

A little further down, we rounded a corner and my knees were finally given respite as they met with a small, carpeted alcove. Caleb stepped in front of me and opened the large wooden door. I hesitated for only a moment, not knowing why, but then crawled across the threshold. The room was not what I expected. If ever I imagined a room for Caleb to call his own, it would have been this one. It seemed inundated with his ominous taste.

The carpet was a deep burgundy. It was so dark I almost mistook it for black. The bed sat high, covered in the blackest of spreads, turned down to reveal crimson silk sheets and pillows. The headboard was black as well, a large, tall, square thing. It gave the bed an obviously masculine tone, and attached to its center, was two thick metal loops. The door shut behind me and the room was drenched in darkness. I swallowed hard.

A small clicking sound and the light of a bedside lamp scarcely lit the room. I dared not make a sound or movement, though the urge to turn and look at Caleb was intense. My eyes stared forward, catching sight of a leather-clad bench of sorts. There was no television, no stereo, and no phone, but there were books. I noticed them in a corner bookcase, their spines showing they’d been thoroughly read and enjoyed. I suddenly ached to know their titles. I wondered what he read, what made him happy. There was also an odd piece of furniture standing in front of the stark curtains. I knew from a glance I was best left unaware of its purpose. It formed the shape of a large X and at the top of each corner rest the same metal loops as the headboard. I shuddered in spite of myself.