“Okay, why did you miss the shot?”

“Why did I miss the shot?” he repeated. “Because I cared more about knowing you than I did about winning another game.”

This time I didn’t even try to conceal the dumbfounded look on my face.  He had just passed me the greatest compliment, even better than the one about kissing my lips. Fuhgettabouit. I didn’t even have a quip to deliver. I didn’t care if my wit had failed me.

On our way out we stopped to browse through the candy and toys for sale. As if the place wasn’t small enough, they had to cram it full of junk.

Caleb was studying something in the corner as I studied him.

“Look at this thing,” he beckoned me over.  I wedged myself between him and a row of sherbet colored Beanie Babies to get a look. It was a penny press, one of those souvenir coin makers in which you placed fifty cents and a penny. The machine would then press your penny and stamp a random message on it in its newly flattened form, keeping your fifty cents as payment.  Caleb was pulling change from his pockets like he was roped on too much sugar.

“You do it,” he said, dropping the coins into my palm.  I slid the change into the narrow slit on its front and pushed the start button. The press began to hum and vibrate in a polite vibrato. I was acutely aware of how close we were standing and I would have edged away if there was anywhere to go. I knocked a few of the Beanie Babies off the shelf. As we bent to pick them up, the machine made a small burping sound and the penny landed in the return slot with a tinkle. He rubbed his hands together and I giggled.

“Now there’s something you don’t see very often,” he said, tapping me lightly on the nose.

I swallowed my girlishness and resumed my dour face.  My nose was now tingling.

“It’s just a souvenir machine, calm down, Stokes.”

“Aaah, but this isn’t just any coin maker,” he said, pointing to advertisement on it that I, unfortunately, had failed to see.

“This is the romantic coin maker.”

 I paled.

The penny was still warm when my fingers found it. I handed it to Caleb without even bothering to see what the message was.

“Well, well.” His voice was smug. Curiosity got the best of me. I pulled his arm down until the coin was directly in front of my face and read:

              Good for one kiss

              Anywhere, anytime

The nerve! I backed out of the tight spot and started walking to the door.

“Good luck collecting that one.”

He didn’t say a word and he didn’t need to. His strut and the smile on his face were enough to

tell me what he was thinking.

I asked him about Laura on the way back to the dorms. He told me that he only dated her for a week their freshman year and that she was a nice girl. By the time he walked me to my dorm room, I was so preoccupied with thoughts of him kissing me, that I stumbled over my own feet.

“Careful, Duchess,” he said, grabbing me by the elbow, “if you sprain something, I’m going to have to carry you to your door.” He laughed at the look of horror on my face.

“Most girls would be excited by that prospect, you know?”

“I’m not most girls.”

“Yes, so I see.”

He took a step toward me and I shrank back against the door, trying to press myself into the thin plywood.  He was unbearably close. Placing both hands on either side of my head he was inches…inches from my face. I could feel his breath on my lips. I wanted to see his lips, watch what they were doing—but I kept my eyes locked on his. If I could just hold his eyes he might not notice that my chest was heaving from my labored breaths, and that my fingernails were curved into the door behind me. He moved his head closer his nose was practically touching mine. My lips parted. How long had we been standing there? It felt like five minutes, but I knew it was probably more like ten seconds. He moved a millimeter closer. There was nowhere for me to go. If I pressed myself further against the door, I’d melt into the wood. I was so afraid…but of what? I’d been kissed before. He spoke and he was so near to my face, I could feel his lips brush against the corner of my mouth.

“I’m not going to kiss you,” He said. I felt my heart lurch. Was it up or down? Up or down? I didn’t know if I was disappointed or relieved. He backed up. “Not today, Olivia. But, I am going to kiss you.”

I felt a swell of agitation swirl through my belly, it traveled up my chest and reached my mouth.


It sounded so silly; a child’s word of defiance. I don’t know why I said it, except to take back some of the control he had stolen from me.

Caleb had already turned to walk away, but my “no” stopped him. He turned. His hands were in his pockets. The hallway seemed to shrink around him, his presence swallowing it up. How did he do that? I expected him to say something else, maybe flirt with me some more. Instead he grinned, looked at the ground, looked back at me…and walked away.

He won again.  That little move had been stronger, left more of an impression than if he had actually pressed his lips to mine. Now, I had the impending feeling of being hunted. I barely had time to process what had just happened when the door was flung open and Cammie pulled me into our room by the waistband of my jeans.

“Tell me everything!” she demanded. She had rollers the size of Twinkies in her hair and her face was lathered in something that smelled strongly of lemon.

“There’s nothing to tell,” I said mysteriously, almost dreamily.

“I’ll let you keep the sweater I loaned you.” I considered this a moment, before nodding.

“He took me to Jaxson’s ice cream…” I began.

Chapter Five

The Present

I have to stop daydreaming. I’ve been spending too much time thinking about the past and reliving how we met. I am suddenly aware that I am seated behind my desk scribbling distractedly on a document I am supposed to be transcribing into type, and that hours had passed. I brought doughnuts into work and one of the lawyers from the firm is digging around in the box getting sugar all over his sleeve. He makes his selection and perches himself on the edge of my desk knocking over a cup of pens. I cringe, but keep my hands in my lap.

“So, how’s law school going?” he ignores the mess he made and bites into a jelly. I imagine the stack of law school applications on my dresser at home and sigh. Tonight. Tonight, I would be ambitious.

“Fine, thank you, Mr. Gould.” I can’t take it anymore. I scoop up the pens and reposition the cup.

“You know Olivia, a girl with your looks can get far in this world, if she plays her cards right.”

He is chewing with his mouth open.

“Well, I was hoping that my talent and hard work would get me far in the world, Mr. Gould, not my appearance.”