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She didn’t know if it made it easier or harder knowing that Jack wouldn’t be hearing everything she said. On the one hand, she would be able to speak more freely about their relationship, because she wouldn’t feel constrained by his memories. But at the same time, she might be more convincing if Jack was there to back her up.

“Lexi?” a voice called out to her.

She turned in a half-circle hoping to find Bekah finally seated at a booth. She just wanted to get this over with. But Bekah was nowhere to be found. She heard her name called again, and this time she recognized the direction of the voice. Turning slowly, she stopped and gawked at the person who had called out to her.

“Oh my God! Krista is that you?” Lexi asked rushing to hug the petite girl who had once been her gymnastics captain in college. “I hardly recognized you.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” she peeped standing to accept the embrace.

“Your hair…it’s all one color…brown,” Lexi exclaimed in awe. “And who would have guessed anyone would ever find you in a business suit!”

“Not in a million years,” she said adjusting her silky v-neck blouse to reveal a bit more cleavage.

“I thought you were in Vegas. When did you move back to Atlanta?” Lexi asked enthusiastically. Krista giggled. The girl actually giggled holding out her left hand to reveal a huge diamond surrounded by four others on a white gold band. “Oh wow, that’s beautiful.” Lexi stared transfixed at her ring. The rock was enormous. Lexi didn’t believe anyone actually wore diamonds that large out and about, but Krista always liked to catch people by surprise.

“I got married last winter. My husband’s company has an Atlanta branch. He knew how much I loved it out here so he relocated. I’m working with an interior design company. It’s kind of dull but the hours are flexible. If they weren’t, I’d quit that shit and go fulltime at the gym. We’ve got some amazingly talented girls. Last year, we had one make it almost all the way through the Olympic trials,” she explained.

“That’s amazing!” Lexi exclaimed truly happy for her friend.

“So, what are you doing here, missy? I’d heard through the grapevine that you were in fucking New York City,” Krista said her green eyes glimmering.

“Yeah, I am. I’m just here visiting a friend.” Lexi paused remembering that Krista and Jack knew each other. “Actually, I’m visiting Jack. Uh…Jack Howard.”

“Holy shit! Jack fucking Howard. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile. I thought you two would be married by now. Run off together or something,” Krista noted.

Lexi blushed. “Um…no.”

“Damn. You always seemed like a perfect pair to me,” Krista told her. She watched as Lexi’s complexion colored even further. “So where is he?” she asked her head swiveling hoping to catch a glimpse of him. “He’s so delicious. I’d love to see him again.”

Lexi laughed remembering why she had always liked Krista. She was so straight-forward and vulgar. It was refreshing. “He actually just dropped me off. I’m here with his…” Lexi trailed off realizing that she had been standing here for awhile and had completely lost Bekah.

“With his what?” Krista asked curiously.

“Uh…hold on.” Lexi pivoted trying to look through the crowd, but she was too short. She couldn’t see anyone.

“Who are we looking for?” Krista asked scanning the throng of people.

“There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Bekah stated calmly as she walked towards them from the opposite direction of where they had been searching.

“Yeah. Sorry,” Lexi stated awkwardly turning to face her. “I just ran into a friend.”

“What a coincidence,” Bekah said turning to face Krista. “Bekah Bridges.” She extended her hand formally.

Krista took it, but glanced at Lexi conspiratorially. “Krista Hammond.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Bekah replied properly. “Wait. Hammond?” she asked eyeing her appearance. Krista nodded, one eyebrow arched perfectly. “Any connection to Hammond, Stern, & Birch?”

Krista’s eyes narrowed. “That depends,” she muttered. Krista, always blunt, asked her, “Who the hell are you?”

“Beg your pardon?”

Lexi stepped in. “Krista, this is Jack’s girlfriend. That’s what I was going to tell you. I’m here with his girlfriend.”

Krista stared blankly from Lexi to Bekah and back. “You’re dating Jack?” she asked Bekah. “Jack Howard?”

“That’s right.”

“Not Lexi?” Krista demanded.

Lexi wanted to cover her face with her hands. This was not going to help anything.

“Well, no,” Bekah said confusion crossing her face.

“I already told you Jack and I aren’t together,” she reminded Krista.

“I’m sorry. How do you know a Hammond?” Bekah snootily asked Lexi before turning to Krista, “And how do you know Jack?”

“I used to fuck one of Jack’s friends,” Krista said nonchalantly at the same time as Lexi announced, “We were on the gymnastics team together.”

The look Bekah shot Krista was a mixture of disdain and confusion. Lexi figured she wasn’t used to being around such crudeness especially not from someone who had a name she recognized. This just reminded Lexi why she couldn’t stand being around Country Club types.

Bekah shook her head letting her golden blonde hair swish around her face. A bright smile appeared out of nowhere. “Well, it is so nice to meet another one of Jack’s friends,” Bekah said adapting to the situation. “Perhaps we could get together sometime,” she offered. “You know coffee or lunch. Whatever works best for you.”

Krista glanced at Lexi. “Yeah, maybe.” Lexi could read her expression clear as day. No chance in hell.

“So, just out of curiosity, are you in any way related to Matt Hammond?” Bekah nosily asked.

“Yeah, we got married last winter,” Krista told her showing off her massive ring.

“Ahh,” she said admiring the crystal clear cut. “Well, this is a small world, isn’t it? I’ve known Matt since childhood. He actually used to be a pretty good friend of my brother’s even though he spent the majority of his time in Las Vegas. I’d heard he had just gotten married and was in town running his daddy’s company. My apologies that I couldn’t attend the wedding.” Bekah smiled sweetly. “Will you tell him that I said hello and that he needs to visit.”

Krista had one eyebrow arched. “Sure thing,” Krista said diplomatically. “Hey, Lexi, I’ve really got to be going. It was great seeing you. If you can, you should stop by the gym,” Krista said wrapping her in a hug. Just as she got close, she whispered in her ear, “How is Jack with her?” Lexi giggled finding it hard to believe herself. Krista slipped her a business card, grabbed her brown paper cup, and made her way towards the door.

“Well, that was interesting,” Bekah said rubbing her finger around her pearl earring.

“Yeah, I guess,” Lexi said standing awkwardly now that the comfort of Krista’s presence had dissipated.

Bekah turned to face her. “I heard what she said you know.”

Lexi stared at her uncomfortably. She wasn’t sure which part Bekah was referring to, but with her luck it had to be the part about her and Jack. “Uh...what?”

“That she figured you and Jack would be married,” she stated simply.

“Uh huh.” Lexi wasn’t sure what Bekah wanted her to say. She hadn’t seen Krista in years, and after all, Jack was the reason that she knew Krista in the first place.

“I just want you to know that I don’t think any less of you.”

Lexi gawked at her. “Um, what?”

“I mean, that girl was so vulgar. I have no idea how Matt... you know what? Just never mind. Let’s not go down that road,” she said running her French manicured finger nails through her pin-straight hair. “I just want us to be open and honest with each other. I heard what she said about you and Jack and it made me a little uncomfortable.”

Lexi could tell Bekah was waiting for her to say something, but she didn’t know what she was supposed to say. So Bekah had eavesdropped on their conversation? Lexi didn’t give a shit. She had told Krista that they weren’t together. She and Jack had never been together together, in fact.