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K.A. Linde is an independent author and publisher enjoys writing novels that keep you guessing to the very end. She wrote Avoiding Commitment in 2009. She studied political science and philosophy at the University of Georgia and received her Masters in 2012. She currently resides in North Carolina. She enjoys dancing in her spare time. She has written a sequel to this novel and plans to have it released as an ebook in the near future along with her future endeavors.

Avoiding Series:

Avoiding Commitment

Avoiding Responsibility

The Affiliate

You can contact K.A. Linde at:

[email protected]


Thank you so much everyone who helped me get to where I am right now. I never thought that I would publish this book, and I am grateful every day to the people who encouraged me to keep writing and to take the next step in the process. Here is just a short list of amazing people who have helped me get where I am today:

S. C. Stephens is one of the most incredible and brilliant people I know. I’m very glad to call you a friend, and I look forward to that Seattle trip we have planned. Who knows, maybe we can get a black Chevelle to drive us around? My editing goddesses: Jenny Aspinall, Rebecca Kimmerling, Lori Francis! You three are a freaking ridiculous bunch, and I can’t wait for that drink in Bali. I’ll bring the vodka gummies! I am glad to have become friends with a number of book bloggers including Maryse at Maryse.net, Jenny and Gitte at TotallyBooked, Alyssa and Taryn at My Secret Romance, Autumn at Autumn Reviews, Chrystle at The Indie Bookshelf, and Laura at Novel Magic. Thank you for publicizing my work before I’d even thought about putting it out for publication.

Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations did a fantastic job on the cover design for this book. Thanks for putting up with my ever changing thoughts about the cover. I appreciate Mat Kinsey so much for the portrait on the back cover. You have such a talent! Additionally, Colleen Hoover might be one of the coolest people on the planet. Thank you for giving me the push to do this!

Finally, I wouldn’t be in this position at all if it weren’t for all of my fans at FictionPress. You guys kept me writing throughout it all with your encouragement and reviews. Whether I know you on a first name basis or not…you got me here! Cheers to you!