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“I…I don’t believe you,” Lexi croaked her stomach dropping completely out of her body.

“Of course you don’t,” Bekah said throwing one hand in the air. “You can’t see past your stupid little fantasy that Jack is one day going to be yours. You can’t see past the history you guys once had. You can’t get over the charade you two put on for every other person you have ever been with or ever known. Even your own best friend can’t understand that you will never get over Jack.

“And I understand because Jack is amazing, but he is not yours. He is all mine. You know if you could have realized that Jack will never be yours earlier, you would have seen what was happening all along.” Bekah smirked and fluffed her blonde hair over her shoulder with her left hand letting the giant diamond glitter in the afternoon sun light filtering in through the windows.

“You are completely demented,” Lexi cried. “And it is not a fantasy, because you know damn well that Jack has been mine for nearly six years now.”

“Wow. You really are dumber than I thought,” Bekah said chuckling to herself. “Why can’t you get it through your head that Jack has never nor will he ever be yours? You are the mistress, the other woman, the second choice. That’s all you are or ever will be to him. He could never see you as anything more. That’s why he never left anyone else for you. That’s why he cheated on you at the first opportunity and then left. That’s why he is choosing me…not you.”

Lexi’s mouth dropped open. She hated the fact that what she was saying actually made sense. She had thought about those facts many times before, but she had never been able to come to that conclusion. She had never been able to believe it was over. How could it ever be over?

Today was the first time she had ever realized that she would lose him. She had thought for a long time that things were not the way they should be between them, but she never lost hope for them to be together. Bekah was right. She was stupid for believing they would work it out after everything they had been through.

“Oh look, I think you might have finally realized it,” Bekah cooed as if she were speaking with a toddler.

“What the fuck ever,” Lexi said brushing past Bekah and stomping towards the exit. She didn’t need this…not from Bekah…not from anyone. She needed to move on with her life and that meant doing just as Bekah ordered: exiting the premises. It was time to leave Atlanta and get back home where things were less drama filled and a bit more reliable.

Bekah chuckled one more time. She turned as Lexi brushed past her and just as Lexi put her hand on the door she said maliciously, “Not to mention my brother played his part perfectly.”

Lexi stopped with her hand on the door ready to pull it open. She took a deep breath and willed herself to leave. She knew Bekah was antagonizing her now, and she needed to get out before she got suckered in. She twisted the handle attempting to keep her curiosity at bay. But she couldn’t keep it at bay. “What does Ramsey have to do with this?”

Bekah smirked knowing she had caught her interest. “Oh, you know Ramsey,” she said shrugging.

Lexi looked at her as if she had no idea what she was talking about. “Bekah,” she said warningly, “I’m tired of this bullshit. Just tell me what you obviously want me to know.”

“Honestly, I never would have imagined Ramsey to be such a good actor.”

“What was he acting about?” Lexi asked afraid to get the answer. There were so many things that could go wrong with this conversation. She wasn’t sure what had happened over the past week, but she had begun to trust him. It was a scary feeling for her to allow someone else into her life, but Ramsey was beginning to grow on her. She couldn’t imagine what it would mean if Bekah told her something that would shatter yet another relationship. Lexi wasn’t sure if she could handle that at this moment in time.

“Really, Lexi, can’t you answer that question? The way you were putty in his hands really worked in my favor to be honest.”

“Ramsey?” Lexi asked doubtfully.

“Yes, Ramsey. What? Did you think he liked you? He is my brother. Who do you think he would choose if it came down to it? Oh, come on, that’s a stupid question, he would choose me over you. It was really easy to convince him to fuck around with you.”

No, Lexi couldn’t believe it. Ramsey wasn’t a pawn in his sister’s game. He would never play her like a fool. What did he have to gain from Bekah’s game?

Bekah continued, “Then planting Jack in the perfect location to witness everything that was going on. Of course I had to leave you and Jack alone some so that he could get pissed off at you. Just enough for you to have a rift and then let the trust issues, which you already have, blossom into true anger.”

Lexi didn’t know Ramsey all that well. They had only been hanging out this week and if he had been under Bekah’s influence the entire time, then it was all a lie. Both of their public kisses had been in front of Jack. Only a day after her date with Ramsey, he had gone straight to Jack and told him that they had been together. No wonder Jack had thought there was something going on. Bekah and Ramsey had set them up.

“It was almost too easy how it worked out.”

Lexi’s heart was racing as she turned to face Bekah. She knew that something had changed between her and Ramsey in the past week. She hadn’t even really been aware of it herself. She had started to like him. Even with everything going on with Jack, she had somehow found her heart could still beat. And it didn’t feel manufactured. Was it wishful thinking to believe that he had really had true affections for her?

“Oh, do you care about him?” Bekah asked sounding demented.

“I can’t believe you,” Lexi finally decided. Her voice lacked the conviction that she wanted to feel. Ramsey, at least, she thought she could count on. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe because something about him seemed so sincere. Maybe because they had seemed genuinely interested in each other when they spent time together. Maybe because she had some means of self-control around him and still found that she was attracted to him. But could all of that been from acting?

What did she really know about him? He didn’t work for Bridges Enterprise, and she didn’t know where he did work. She didn’t know where he had gone to school or if he had gone to college at all. She knew he had a trust fund and was around during much of the day. He had a nice ass.

Yeah, that was about it.


“Again with the not believing me. I have no reason to lie to you. And I can tell you care about him,” Bekah said reading her reaction carefully. “You don’t even know my brother. You have no idea what he is like. He has shown you one side of him and you fall all over yourself about him. Everyone always does, which is why I was certain if you gave into him even a teensy little bit that you would be lost. And look,” she said pointing at Lexi, “you are so very lost.”

“You have every reason to lie to me. You’re pissed because Jack wanted me. So you had to attempt to sabotage our relationship. I don’t think Ramsey is involved. You’re just trying to ruin every part of my life so you can have some part of yours,” Lexi spat at her. She had been right the first time she met Bekah. She would never ever like this backstabbing bitch.

“Well, I’m not lying to you. Jack didn’t want you. He had this crazy idea of you from six years ago. Neither of you are the same people, and you’re just stupid to think you could make it through everything that you have been through.”

“Just because you are jealous of what Jack and I had doesn’t mean you have to be such a bitch.”

“It’s not being a bitch when you are telling the truth. For instance, Jack has no interest in you. My brother has no interest in you whatsoever. Well, except maybe to fuck you. I told him that was fine,” she announced nonchalantly.