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Effie blew out a doubtful breath. "I ken you're wanting to keep it a secret but 'tis clear to me."

She almost told Effie she was betrothed to a MacLeod, but she should probably keep that information to herself. The fewer people who knew the better.

"I only want to return to my brother's home as soon as the weather permits," Isobel said.

"Dirk will keep you safe in the meantime. Once they inaugurate him as chief, he'll be needing a wife."

Heavens, would the woman not stop with her matchmaking talk? Certainly the ruse of being married to Dirk had been a pleasant diversion, but it was not true. It could never be true. Her brother would have to negotiate again with the MacLeods and determine if and how he could remove her from the contract. If he couldn't, she'd run away to her aunt's home further south.

But she couldn't marry Dirk, the neighboring clan chief. Surely that would cause a feud between the MacLeods and the MacKays. To imagine violence and bloodshed, perhaps even loss of life, because of her was unthinkable. Besides that, the MacKays would have a dim view of both her and Dirk if they made him chief and then he started a war over her.

"It near broke my heart years ago when he had to leave us. We've all missed him sorely."

"Why did he have to leave?" Isobel asked, hoping Effie would give her more information than Dirk had.

"He didn't tell you? Someone came mighty close to murdering him."

A shock went through Isobel. "Who would do such a thing?" Dirk was so likable and respectful that she couldn't imagine anyone hating him enough to murder him.

"Well, who do you think?" Aunt Effie raised a brow as if Isobel should know good and well who'd want him dead.

"I have no inkling."

"His stepmother, of course."

"But Maighread Gordon is his stepmother." And she had been Isobel's mother's best friend for many years.

"Aye. You have the right of it," Effie assured her.

Though Isobel didn't know Maighread well, she had always seemed decent and friendly. "Why would she do such a thing?"

"So one of her sons could inherit."

"I see." Isobel didn't know whether to believe this news or not. But what reason would Effie have to lie? Mayhap they had it all wrong. "How did she try to kill him?"

"She hired someone to knock him off a cliff at the headland that juts out into the North Sea. The cliffs out there are a fright, around three-hundred feet high. Dirk fell several feet down the side of it and landed on a small outcropping. Conall rescued him. One of Conall's other nephews was killed that day by the same man."

"Dear heavens!" Isobel gasped. How could the Maighread she knew instigate such a tragic and violent event? Why would her mother befriend such a woman? She couldn't have known about her murderous side, surely. And it was no wonder Dirk was always on edge and vigilant for danger.

"Some people will go to great lengths in the service of greed," Effie said.

A horrid thought occurred to Isobel, sending icy fear through her veins. "Since he's come back, do you think she will try to kill him again?"

"'Tis what I've lost sleep over." Effie nodded. "I only pray Dirk is careful this time. Of course, he would never admit to fearing a gray-haired woman now that he's such a fearsome warrior, but she is sneaky. A lot of the clan members are loyal to her. She could hire anyone to do her dirty work."

Isobel had to do something. Of course, she wasn't strong enough to protect Dirk from an assassin, but she could watch his back. She would keep her eyes and ears open and learn if there was a plot against him.

"Where is his stepmother now? I wonder if she knows he's back."

"'Tis unlikely as of yet. She lives in a manor house at Tongue most of the time."

"And she is in good health?"

"Aye. She was a few years younger than Laird Griff when he married her."

Even if Maighread didn't travel to Dunnakeil herself, she might send an assassin.

"Please don't tell Dirk I told you any of this," Effie said. "He and Conall like to keep it quiet, considering who Maighread is. She's the sister of an earl and her family is powerful."

Isobel nodded, remembering who Maighread's family was. Although some from powerful families had gotten away with murder, Isobel had to make sure Maighread didn't.

"But I wanted you to know of the danger," Effie added.

"I thank you for telling me."

Although Isobel felt completely inadequate for the task, she had to help Dirk stay safe. Having done nothing like this before, she was unsure what she should do. Stay with Dirk every moment? Slip around and eavesdrop on the servants to see what intrigues they were gossiping about? If Maighread showed up, she'd cozy up to her to see what secrets she might reveal.

Conall MacKay opened the cottage door and held it for Dirk and Rebbie, who both ducked beneath the top of the door frame and entered, bringing the smell of fresh winter air with them.

Isobel's heartbeat raced at the sight of Dirk with his windblown copper hair.

"A good morn, one and all," Conall said in a jovial tone.

Isobel stood and curtseyed.

Dirk gave a brief bow. "M'lady." When his bright blue eyes met hers, she realized how much she'd missed him last night.

"Come, warm yourselves." Effie ushered the men toward the hearth.

"Don't get up on our account, I beg of you." Rebbie waved Isobel back to her stool.

"I've sat too long." And besides, she was feeling overwarm of a sudden. She paced to the other side of the small room, away from the hearth.

"How did the meeting go?" Effie inquired.

"Very well," Conall said. "The elders recognized Dirk, as did Aiden. Haldane was too young to remember him well. Claims Dirk is an imposter."

"Mmph," Effie grunted. "'Tis as I expected. Anyway, you're all just in time for midday meal." She waved them into the small kitchen and dining room.

While they ate oatcakes and leek soup, they continued the conversation about Aiden and Haldane.

"Aiden has agreed to let us stay at the castle," Dirk said. "Plenty of room there. We wouldn't want to crowd you out of your cottage, Aunt."

"You're welcome to stay as long as you wish. But Aiden is a generous lad. I'm glad his mother and his brother have not managed to turn him yet."

"Nay, he is as I remember him," Dirk said. "He has a good heart."

"The way he plays music, I believe he is an angel sent from the Almighty," Effie said.

"Och, you'd think he is Saint Andrew himself, the way the two of you go on," Conall proclaimed.

Isobel bit her lip to keep from grinning.

"Oh hush, you old goat," Effie scolded while giving her husband an affectionate pat on his bearded jaw.

"A good-hearted lad he may be, but he is not suited to be chief," Conall went on. "His da knew it, as does most of the clan."

Dirk knew Aiden didn't wish to be chief either, contrary to what his mother wanted. The reason she'd gone to great lengths to murder Dirk as a lad was so her son could inherit. Now, all her plotting and manipulation were coming to naught. She would be furious. If the elders would vote him in and Aiden would step down as chief before his mother could start her scheming again, Dirk would have a better chance. His stepmother certainly held less sway over the clan than she used to since she was now dowager.