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Cyrus chuckled. "Very well. Today is for happiness only."


Once they'd descended the turnpike stair, single-file, she took his elbow again and they proceeded into the great hall. Aiden played a lovely ballad on his flute while they walked down an aisle in the middle of the dozens in attendance from all three clans.

Where he waited before the massive fireplace with the reverend, Dirk smiled, looking so handsome in his blue and black belted plaid, a fancy black doublet and all the finishing touches. Seeing how happy he looked, she wanted to run to him and fling herself into his arms. Instead, she marched sedately beside her brother, her smile so broad her cheeks ached. Tears of joy threatened but she kept them under control.

Rebbie, standing beside Dirk, briefly elbowed him in the ribs, but she was glad to see that Dirk wouldn't take his eyes off her. Instead, he smiled wider.

Once Cyrus handed her off to Dirk, he grasped her hand and kissed it.

Dirk distracted her so much, 'twas difficult to pay attention to the reverend's words. She only knew she wanted to be his wife and cherish him always. Once they finished their vows and Reverend MacMahon announced they were man and wife, Dirk drew her to him and kissed her in a lingering and delicious way that enslaved her senses. Could she drag him to his bed now?

She wrapped her arms around his neck and, between kisses, whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too, lass," he murmured against her ear, lifted her and swung her around, making her even dizzier. She laughed.

A boisterous cheer went up, along with several bawdy whistles from the crowd. Aiden played a lively, joyful tune on his violin. Everyone congratulated them, shaking hands and embracing them.

A short time later, Jessie pointed them toward the decorated high table. The rest of the tables in the hall were assembled and moved into place so the feast could begin.

Reverend MacMahon said grace and then the first course of food was served. Aiden began playing The Laird o' Logie. She grasped Dirk's hand, tears coming to her eyes.

He leaned to whisper in her ear. "Shh, lass. Don't cry."

"You are my dream come true," she whispered back.

He kissed her, but that only made her cry harder because she was so happy.


A little over three weeks later, the weather in Durness had calmed a bit, though it was still cold out. The MacKenzies and MacLeods left just before dawn, heading for their homes many miles to the south. Dirk, Isobel and several in the MacKay clan had seen them off after breaking their fast.

Dirk climbed the turnpike stairs behind Isobel, knowing she was sad to see her brothers leave. He disliked the tears in her eyes and had tried to comfort her with an arm around her shoulders as they watched her brothers ride out through the gates. Dirk was glad to have gotten to know her family better. They were good men, the lot of them.

"We'll visit them in the summer," Dirk said at the top of the stairs as he tucked her arm around his elbow.

"I would like that. Or 'haps in the spring and then again in the fall." She gave a hopeful grin.

"'Haps. I'm sure Torrin would allow us to spend a night at Munrick along our journey if we go partway overland."

She shivered. "Munrick Castle gives me the creeps, but if you're by my side every minute, I wouldn't mind so much."

"I'll never leave your side, lass. Ever. And certainly not around the MacLeods."

"Good." She smiled.

Dirk had forgiven Torrin MacLeod for not being present at Munrick in order to protect Isobel, but he couldn't see himself becoming best friends with the man. Torrin was a bit too cocky and devil-may-care about many things. His brother, Nolan, had not shown himself again. Chances were he'd returned to Munrick.

Haldane and McMurdo also had not shown their thieving faces. Dirk had sent out search parties to arrest them and the remaining outlaws, but they must have left the area. They would no doubt return in spring. He couldn't imagine McMurdo relinquishing his expensive tomb in the church, nor Haldane giving up on being chief of Clan MacKay.

"You wouldn't believe what Torrin asked me last night," Dirk said, closing their bedchamber door once they were inside.

"What?" Isobel asked, her eyes wide and curious.

"If I would consider a trial marriage between him and Jessie."

"What? Nay!" Isobel gasped with a shocked grin. "'Twas obvious he was smitten with her, but Jessie only wanted to avoid him. Have you told her?"

"Not yet. I told Torrin I would think on it and give him an answer in the summer. In truth, I'm not certain I trust him."

"Jessie was already in one handfast trial marriage for a year and a day." Isobel grimaced. "It did not go well."

"In truth? I didn't know that." How could he have missed such an important bit of information about his sister?

"Aye, you'll have to ask her about it."

"I will, but right now I intend to take my wife back to bed." Dirk unclasped the brooch holding her arisaid together. "My very naked, beautiful and delectable wife." He kissed her neck, relishing her soft skin.

"Oh," she breathed, tugging at his clothing until he wanted to rip them from his body. Soon enough they were both naked. He lifted her and lay back on his huge bed. He loved the sensation of her light weight upon him, her silken skin brushing across his. Framing his face with her hands, she kissed him deeply and thoroughly, her tongue toying with his. He was the luckiest man on earth to have a wife that he treasured beyond all things, even beyond his own comprehension.

He flipped her over so that he was on top. He gazed down at her in the candlelight, hardly able to believe she was here with him and that they were married.

"I always knew you were special, from the first moment I saw you twelve years ago," he said. "We were too young then, but your dark eyes bewitched me just as they do now."

She smiled. "I didn't ken you were such a sweet-talker, my gorgeous and brave warrior husband."

"You inspire me."

"I confess that I couldn't forget our first meeting either. Your piercing blue eyes haunted me. Have I told you today that I love you?" she whispered.

"Aye, but I must hear it again, as many times as you're willing to say it." He grinned.

"I love you."

Every time she said that, a hot, potent mixture of desire and emotion slammed into his chest. "And I love you, my lady, my wife," he murmured against her lips, then kissed her.


Please look for other books in my Highland Adventure series. My Fierce Highlander and My Wild Highlander are the first two. I will be adding more stories to this series in the future, including stories about Torrin & Jessie, Rebbie, and others.

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About The Author

Vonda Sinclair's favorite indulgent pastime is exploring Scotland, from Edinburgh to the untamed and windblown north coast. She also enjoys creating hot, Highland heroes and spirited lasses to drive them mad. She is a past Golden Heart finalist and Laurie award winner. She lives with her amazing and supportive husband in the mountains of North Carolina where she is no doubt creating another Scottish story. Please visit her website to learn more. www.vondasinclair.com